To download the issue 1/2014
as an e-paper in PDF format 2.3 MB Note: Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the document and not the PDF viewer preset in Firefox (from version 19.0).
Development of a label-free biosensor for the detection of
Diclofenac in wastewater polluted surface waters
S. Rau et al. Determination of priority organic substances in surface water containing suspended matter using solid phase extraction disks and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
C. Erger
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 20th year 2014 No. 1, pp. 2 - 8
Published by the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology of the German Chemical Society
ISSN: 1618-3258
Editorial staff:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Fischer
Analytical and Ecological Chemistry FB VI - Spatial and Environmental Sciences?
University of Trier Campus II, Behringstr. 21, D-54296 Trier
Tel. And Fax: 0651 / 201-3617 Secretariat: 0651 / 201-2243
Abbreviation: Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox
Design / technical implementation:
Dr. Matthias Kudra, University of Leipzig
E-Mail: Cover picture Building blocks of ionic liquids using the example of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate.
Source: J. Neumann et al. in this issue
To download the issue 2/2014
as e-paper in PDF format 3.0 MB Note: Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the document and not the PDF viewer preset in Firefox (from version 19.0).
Human drug residues in sewage sludge - prioritization concept for the classification of the environmental hazard potential for the soil
S. Konradi et al. Degradability of ionic liquids
J. Neumann
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 20th year 2014 No. 2, pp. 26 - 34
Published by the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology of the German Chemical Society
ISSN: 1618-3258
Editorial staff:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Fischer
Analytical and Ecological Chemistry FB VI - Spatial and Environmental Sciences?
University of Trier Campus II, Behringstr. 21, D-54296 Trier
Tel. And Fax: 0651 / 201-3617 Secretariat: 0651 / 201-2243
Abbreviation: Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox
Design / technical implementation:
Dr. Matthias Kudra, University of Leipzig
Email: Cover picture Head group, side chain and anion (square, circle, triangle) - The
three building blocks of ionic liquids using the example of 1- (3-
hydroxypropyl) pyridinium tricyanomethanide (source: J. Neumann and
S. Stolte, see article in this issue)
To download the issue 3/2014
as an e-paper in PDF format 5.8 MB Note: Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the document and not the PDF viewer preset in Firefox (from version 19.0).
Use of an LC-MS screening method to identify historical
and current trace substances in the ground and surface water of a former sewage field
F. Wode et al. Behavior of selected pesticides in the system of water- soil plants in
the lysimeters at the Wagna research station
A. Fuhrmann et al.
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 20th year 2014 No. 3, pp. 60 - 67
Published by the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology of the German Chemical Society
ISSN: 1618-3258
Editorial staff:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Fischer
Analytical and Ecological Chemistry FB VI - Spatial and Environmental Sciences?
University of Trier Campus II, Behringstr. 21, D-54296 Trier
Tel. And Fax: 0651 / 201-3617 Secretariat: 0651 / 201-2243
Abbreviation: Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox
Design / technical implementation:
Dr. Matthias Kudra, University of Leipzig
Email: Cover picture physics lecture hall of the Justus Liebig University in Gießen, venue of this year's joint SETAC-GLB and GDCh environmental conference
To download the issue 4/2014
as an e-paper in PDF format 5.8 MB Note: Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the document and not the PDF viewer preset in Firefox (from version 19.0).
Investigations into the chemical load of side structures on the Elbe
S. Heise What can modern mass spectrometric in-situ analysis achieve in environmental and food research?
S. Schulz et al. Planar SPE and Microliter Flow Injection Analysis-TOFMS - a rapid pesticide screening for fruits and vegetables
C. Oellig and W. Schwack
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 20th year 2014 No. 4, pp. 92-103
Published by the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology of the German Chemical Society
ISSN: 1618-3258
Editorial staff:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Fischer
Analytical and Ecological Chemistry FB VI - Spatial and Environmental Sciences?
University of Trier Campus II, Behringstr. 21, D-54296 Trier
Tel. And Fax: 0651 / 201-3617 Secretariat: 0651 / 201-2243
Abbreviation: Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox
Design / technical implementation:
Dr. Matthias Kudra, University of Leipzig
Email: Cover picture Presentation of the Paul Crutzen Prize to Thorsten Hüffer by Prof. Andreas Schäffer during the annual conference in Giessen
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last modified: 06.07.2021 18:59 H from M.Kudra