Original contributions | |
Assessment of persistent, bioaccumulating and toxic properties of ionic and ionizable substances | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/16 |
Long-distance transport potential of chemicals - How can this worrying property be taken into account in the PBT assessment under REACH? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/13 |
Contact: Section IV 2.3 ?Chemicals?, Federal Environment Agency, Wörlitzer Platz 1
06844 Dessau-Rosslau Email
Editorial | |
Welcome to Münster, welcome to "Environment 2018" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/18 |
Annual review of the section board | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/17 |
Amendment of the Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance (BBodSchV): Invitation to relaunch the "soil" working group | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/17 |
From dependent and independent experts | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/16 |
Invitation to Tübingen | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/16 |
Doctoral day and forum for young environmental scientists - offers by the Division for young scientists | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/15 |
New Division Board - outlook on the main areas of work for the next few years | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/11 |
Original contributions | |
Analysis of high molecular weight, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (6-8 ring PAHs) in various environmental matrices using liquid chromatography - atmospheric pressure laser ionization - mass spectrometry (LC-APLI-MS) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/17 |
From the Division | |
Report from the Forum for Young Environmental Scientists 2017 in Münster | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Annual conference Tübingen 2016 and now? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/17 |
Forum for Young Environmental Scientists, June 19-21, 2017, Münster, with the participation of the JCF (JungesChemieForum) in Münster | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/17 |
Second Forum for Young Environmental Scientists 2015 in Blomberg | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/15 |
First Young Environmental Scientists Forum 2013 in Blomberg | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/13 |
Position paper of the section board: Aims and tasks of the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology today | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/13 |
New specialist group event: Young Environmental Scientists Forum 2013 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/13 |
Briefly introduced | |
working group on organic environmental pollutants at the Department of Environmental Geosciences at the University of Vienna | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
information | |
News about the old: 23rd International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds in Münster, September 2011 (conference report) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/11 |
Contact: Institute for Geology and Paleontology - Applied
Geology, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/21 |
Contact: Dresden University of Applied Sciences, Friedrich-List-Platz 1, 01069 Dresden, email
Original contributions | |
Sewage treatment plants as a source of polyfluorinated compounds in the atmosphere | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/11 |
Reconstruction of the pollution of the German Bight with polyfluorinated organic substances using seal tissue samples | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/09 |
Contact: GKSS Research Center Geesthacht GmbH, Institute for Coastal Research Department of environmental chemistry, Max-Planck-Str. 1, D-21502 Geesthacht, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Chair of Aquatic Systems Biology, Technical University of Munich, Mühlenweg 22, 85354 Freising, email
Briefly introduced | |
Meeting the changing requirements - environmental analysis at Bayer AG Leverkusen | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/03 |
Contact: Bayer AG Leverkusen, email
information | |
Report on the UFIPOLNET Conference on Ultrafine Particles in Urban Air October 23-24, 2007 in Dresden | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
Contact: Saxon State Office for Environment and Geology (LfUG), email
Original contributions | |
Effect-oriented identification of toxic compounds | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/02 |
pH-dependent algae toxicity of phenol derivatives | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/02 |
Contact: UFZ - Environmental Research Center Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Permoserstraße 15, D-04318 Leipzig
Original contributions | |
TED-GC / MS: Fast determination of microplastic mass content in different samples |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 Berlin, email
Original contributions | |
Quaternary ammonium compounds in soil - implications for the development of antibiotic resistance | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/19 |
Contact: Institute for Crop Science and Resource Conservation, University of Bonn, 52115 Bonn, email
Original contributions | |
Goodbye 16 EPA-PAH? Time to consider 40 years of PAH research | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/17 |
Contact: Institute for Inorganic and analytical chemistry, University of Münster, Corrensstrasse 30, 48149 Münster, email
Original contributions | |
Occurrence and distribution of organic UV stabilizers and UV filters in sediments of European estuaries | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/16 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center Geesthacht, Institute for Coastal Research, Department of environmental chemistry, Max-Planck-Straße 1, 21502 Geesthacht and University of Hamburg, Institute for Inorganic and Angewandte Chemie, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 6, 20146 Hamburg, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/ 22 |
Contact: TZW: DVGW Water Technology Center (Karlsruhe), Karlsruher Strasse 84, 76139 Karlsruhe
Original contributions | |
Ecotoxicological effects of mixtures of substances in wastewater treatment | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/15 |
"RISK-IDENT" project - assessment of so far unidentified anthropogenic trace substances in the aquatic system | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/13 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment - LfU
Section 77: Biotest procedures, microbial ecology
Mayor-Ulrich-Strasse 160
86179 Augsburg, email
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
Ring testing of the AnBUSDiC test; a new screening method for the anaerobic degradability of surfactants |
Contact: Shell Health, Shell Technology Center - Thornton, PO Box 1, Chester CH1 3SH, Cheshire, UK
original contributions | |
Short-Term Test for Toxicogenomic Analysis of Ecotoxic Modes of Action in Lemna minor | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME, Schmallenberg, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Composition of soil organic matter and its effect on the hydrophobicity of three forest soil samples | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
Contact: University of Hanover, Institute for Soil Science, Herrenhäuser Strasse 2, 30419 Hanover, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: TU Munich, School of Life Sciences, Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2, 85354 Freising-Weihenstephan, email
Original contributions | |
In-depth chemical analysis and assessment of a broad range of liquid waste from in-vitro diagnostic instruments | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/16 |
Contact: F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Grenzacherstr 124, 4070 Basel, Switzerland, email
Original contributions | |
Data mining of LC-HRMS data to evaluate water treatment processes | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 |
Contact: Zweckverband Landeswasserversorgung operating and research laboratory Am Spitzigen Berg 1 89129 Langenau, email
Original contributions | |
Investigation of drinking water production processes using non-target analysis |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/20 |
Amidosulfonic acid - quantification of a small, highly polar molecule using reversed-phase LC-MS-MS | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 |
Contact: IWW Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wasser Beratungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH Mühlheim ad Ruhr, email
Original contributions | |
"Risk Profiler" in action - a comparison of the environmental risk profiles of insecticides |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/19 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency Dessau-Rosslau, Section IV 1.3 Plant Protection Products, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/21 | |
Contact: Institute for Energy and Environmental Technology e. V. (IUTA), Bliersheimer Str. 58 - 60, 47229 Duisburg, email
Editorial | |
Start new - continue what has been tried and tested; The "Mitteilungen" under new editorship | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
Speaking of ... | |
APROPOS ... announcements, what's next? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/05 |
Original contributions | |
Global environmental protection - is it feasible? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/07 |
Synthesis and behavior of polychlorinated terphenyls (PCT) under thermal stress | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/03 |
Briefly introduced | |
Environment International, A Journal of Environmental Science, Risk & Health Incorporating Progress in Environmental Science | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/06 |
Elsevier Book Series: Developments in Environmental Science | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/06 |
WEED - World Economy, Ecology & Development eV | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/05 |
Institute for Ecological Chemistry and Waste Analysis at the TU Braunschweig | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/05 |
Chemosphere | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/03 |
MESAEP - Mediterian Scientific Association of Environmental Protection | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/03 |
Reports from the Division | |
UNESCO award for GDCh project | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/06 |
AK research and teaching | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/04 |
Surveys: Environmental chemistry and ecotoxicological courses in Germany | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/04 |
Report on the information meeting between the DFG and the FG UC & ÖT of the GDCh on June 27, 2003 in Bonn | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/03 |
New Division Board constituted | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/03 |
AK research and teaching | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
information | |
7th Conference of the Parties (COP-7) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/04 |
Ecological chemistry - yesterday, today, tomorrow ?, Festive Colloquium on the 80th birthday of Prof. Dr. Dr. mult. hc Friedhelm Korte | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/04 |
Reviews | |
B. Kamm, PR Gruber, M. Kamm (Eds.); with foreword by H. Hopf and PT Anastas: Biorefineries - Industrial Processes and Products, Status Quo and Future Directions | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/06 |
S. Fränzle, B. Markert, S. Wünschmann: Technical environmental chemistry - Innovative Methods of Cleaning VerscInstitute for Environmental Systems Research Department of Mathematics / computer science University of Osnabrück Barbarastr. 12, building 66hiedener environmental compartments | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/06 |
H.-J. Jördening and J. Winter (Eds.): Environmental Biotechnology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/05 |
Personnel | |
Friedhelm Korte (1923 - 2013) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/13 |
Contact: Technical University of Braunschweig, Institute for Ecological Chemistry and Waste Analysis, Hagenring 30, D-38106 Braunschweig, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/22 |
Contact: Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Multiphase Chemistry Dept., Mainz, Germany, email
Original contributions | |
TED-GC / MS: Fast determination of microplastic mass content in different samples |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, Corrensplatz 1, 14195 Berlin, email
Original contributions | |
S tand the acquisition and renovation of PFC contamination in Dusseldorf | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/19 |
Contact: Environment Agency State Capital Düsseldorf Brinckmannstr. 7, 40225 Düsseldorf, email
Original contributions | |
Rain drainage of a plastics processing industrial company as a source for microplastics |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/20 |
Contact: IWAR Institute, Technical University Darmstadt, Franziska-Braun-Straße 7, 64287 Darmstadt, email
Original posts | |
BayÖkotox project network – “Ecotoxicological assessment of substances in the environment” |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/23 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment Mayor-Ulrich-Str.160, 86179 Augsburg, email
Conference reports | |
Report from the workshop on national bird egg monitoring on September 22nd in Trier | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/09 |
Contact: University of Trier
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/21 |
Contact: Department of Chemistry and ILOC Institute, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, Frankenring 20, 47798 Krefeld, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: State Office for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Department 3: Geology, Water and soil, Goldberger Straße 12b
18273 Güstrow, email
original posts | |
Enz4Water - enzymatic filtration for the 4th purification stage |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: Hochschule Niederrhein, Department of Chemistry and Institute for Coatings and Surface Chemistry, Adlerstr. 32, 47798 Krefeld, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Chair of Aquatic Systems Biology, Technical University of Munich, Mühlenweg 22, 85354 Freising, email
Editorial | |
Greetings from the board of directors | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology - sub-areas of inter- and transdisciplinary environmental science | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 |
Reports from the Division | |
Annual report 2011/2012 of the chemical assessment Assessment Working Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
The chemical assessment Assessment working group Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology introduces itself | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/08 |
Contact: EBRC Consulting GmbH, Zeppelinstrasse 8, D-30175 Hanover
original contributions | |
Aquatic fungi in the risk assessment of plant protection products - unimportant or just ignored? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 |
Contact: Leibniz Institute German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures (DSMZ), Dept. Bioeconomy and Health Research,
Inhoffenstr. 7B, 38124 Braunschweig, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/22 | |
Contact: Lake Constance Water Supply, Quality Assurance and Research Laboratory, Süßenmühle 1, 78354 Sipplingen, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/21 |
Contact: Dresden University of Applied Sciences, Friedrich-List-Platz 1, 01069 Dresden, email
Original articles | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/24 |
Contact: Aalen University, Beethovenstraße 1, 73430 Aalen, E-Mail
Original contributions
On the special position of antibiotics in the case of water pollution by drugs | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/16 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment, email
Original contributions | |
Water management effects of maize cultivation (pesticides and nutrients) - Monitoring in Bavaria | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/15 |
Ecotoxicological effects of mixtures of substances in wastewater treatment | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/15 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment - LfU, Division 76: Substance and chemical assessment Assessment, 86179 Augsburg, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Flame retardants under discussion | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
Contact: Clariant GmbH, Industriestraße, D-50354 Hürth-Knapsack, email
Original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/23 |
Contact: GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research, Department of Marine Biogeochemistry, Chemical Oceanography, Wischhofstr. 1-3, 24148 Kiel, email
Original contributions | |
Application of passive collectors for the monitoring of hydrophobic organic pollutants in rivers | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/15 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Hydrology (BfG), Am Mainzer Tor 1, 56068 Koblenz, email
Original contributions | |
Sampling of LHKW in groundwater: comparison of active and passive sampling | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/09 |
Contact: BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Richard-Willstätter-Str. 11, D-12489 Berlin
Original contributions | |
TED-GC / MS: Fast determination of microplastic mass content in different samples |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, Corrensplatz 1, 14195 Berlin, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/23 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, Federal Trace Substance Center, Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Chair of Aquatic Systems Biology, Technical University of Munich, Mühlenweg 22, 85354 Freising, email
information | |
Werner H. Hauthal - First editor of the newsletter has passed away | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/04 |
Funeral service in honor of Wilhelm Fresenius | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/03 |
Report on the General Assembly of the Division (07.10.02) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/02 |
Ernst Bayer 1927 - 2002 (obituary) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
From the Division | |
From the board meeting of the Division | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/03 |
Election of the specialist group board | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
Contact: German Chemical Society, Postfach 90 04 40, D-60444 Frankfurt M., email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/20 |
Contact: Laboratory for Organic Geochemical Analysis, Institute for Geology and geochemistry of Petroleum and Coal, RWTH Aachen University, Lochnerstr. 4-20, 52056 Aachen, email
information | |
Report from the workshop of the GDCh working group "sustainable chemistry" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/07 |
Contact: Leibniz Institute for Catalysis eV, University of Rostock, Albert-Einstein-Str. 29a, D-18059 Rostock, email
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
A new method to determine the anaerobic degradability of surfactants: the AnBUSDiC test | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
From the Division | |
The year of chemistry - participation is encouraged | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/02 |
Contact: German Chemical Society, Postfach 90 04 40, D-60444 Frankfurt M., email
Original contributions | |
Determination of frequently prescribed antibiotics in various stages and media in the urban sewage system using ultrasonic extraction (USE) and SPE as well as LC-MS / MS | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/15 |
Contact: Dresden University of Technology, Institute for Urban and Industrial Water Management, email
Briefly introduced | |
Fraunhofer Institute for toxicology and Experimental medicine ITEM |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for toxicology and Experimental medicine
ITEM, Department: Bio and Environmental Analysis
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
Suitable test substances for proof of concept regarding infochemical effects in surface waters | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/13 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, Marienfelde test field, Schichauweg 58,
Berlin D-12307, Germany
Original contributions | |
Persistent chlorinated hydrocarbons | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/04 |
Contact: GSF - Research Center for Environment and Health, Postfach 1129, D-85758 Neuherberg, email
Original contributions | |
Investigations to evaluate and avoid toxic oxidation by-products in the oxidative wastewater treatment of fluoroquinolones | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/12 |
Contact: Aarhus University, National Environmental Research Institute, Roskilde, Denmark, email
Original contributions | |
Entry paths of hexavalent chromium in raw water from drinking water suppliers | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/19 |
Contact: bnNETZE GmbH, Tullastrasse 61, 79108 Freiburg, email
Original contributions | |
Mesocosms as aquatic model ecosystems for the risk assessment of pesticides | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/17 |
Contact: Institute for Water Protection Mesocosm GmbH, Neu-Ulrichstein 5, 35315 Homberg (Ohm), email
Editorial | |
REACH - "SPORT" literally | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/05 |
REACH and QSAR - a joint task for industry and science | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/05 |
New EU chemicals legislation in preparation | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/01 |
Briefly introduced | |
Committed to the environment | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/03 |
Contact: BASF Product Safety & Regulatory Affairs, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/18 | |
Supercritical fluid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (SFC-MS): Simultaneous investigation method for polar and non-polar organic molecules in water samples | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/15 |
Contact: Analytical Research Institute for Non-Target Screening (AFIN-TS) GmbH, Am Mittleren Moos 48, 86167 Augsburg, email
Original contributions | |
ECHO: Fast determination of the relevance of trace substances in the aquatic environment |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/21 |
Contact: State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection North Rhine-Westphalia, D-47051 Duisburg, Wuhanstrasse 6, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/22 | |
Contact: Institute for Modeling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems (IWS), University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 61, 70569 Stuttgart, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/ 22 |
Contact: Mesocosm GmbH - Institute for Water Protection, Homberg (Ohm), email
Original contributions | |
In vitro biotransformation tests to predict the bioaccumulation of chemicals in fish | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/15 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME, Schmallenberg, email
Original contributions | |
Quaternary ammonium compounds in soil - implications for the development of antibiotic resistance | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/19 |
Contact: Institute for Soil Science and Soil Conservation, iFZ, Justus Liebig University Gießen, 35239 Gießen
Briefly introduced | |
RISK-IDENT project - assessment of so far unidentified anthropogenic trace substances as well as action strategies for risk management in the aquatic system | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/13 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment (LfU) Munich, email
Original posts | |
Safe and sustainable recycling needs controls and more transparency – a case study on PVC flooring | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 |
Contact: Service de l'air, du noise et des rayonnements non ionisants (SABRA), 1205 Geneva, Switzerland, email
original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 |
Contact: Analytical Chemistry, Department of Plant and Environmental Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, email
Briefly introduced | |
INTERSEROH AG | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/05 |
Contact: INTERSEROH AG for the recovery of secondary raw materials, Stollwerckstrasse 9a, D-51149 Cologne, email
Briefly introduced | |
Ecotoxicology and toxicology in Faculty VI of the University of Trier | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/06 |
Contact: FB VI Ecotoxicology and toxicology, University of Trier, Am Wissenschaftspark 25-27, D-54296 Trier, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/20 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for toxicology and Experimental medicine (ITEM), Nikolai-Fuchs-Straße 1, 30625 Hanover, email
original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/25 |
Contact: Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change, Adenauerallee 127, 53113 Bonn, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Magnetic particle-based immunoassays as a versatile tool for environmental analysis | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/21 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Richard-Willstätter-Str. 11, 12489 Berlin, email
Original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 | |
Solid phase microextraction (SPME) for the determination of hydrophobic organic chemicals in bioconcentration studies | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
Do Pd nanoparticles as recyclates help to break down persistent organic pollutants? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/13 |
Contact: Institute for Soil Science and Soil Conservation Interdisciplinary Research Center for Bioscientific Basics of Environmental Protection (IFZ) Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26, 35392 Gießen, email
Original contributions | |
Mixture nanomaterials and chemicals | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/16 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ), Department of Bioanalytical Ecotoxicology
Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig, email
Original contributions | |
Modeling of the spread of pollutants during extreme floods in the Bitterfeld area | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/07 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ, Brückstrasse 3a, D-39114 Magdeburg, email
Original contributions | |
Investigations to evaluate and avoid toxic oxidation by-products in the oxidative wastewater treatment of fluoroquinolones | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/12 |
Contact: Institute for Energy and Environmental Technology e. V. (IUTA), Duisburg, email
Original contributions | |
Characterization of the sorption of organic bases from aqueous solutions: Current results and limitations in the prognosis of environmental behavior | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/16 |
Contact: Institute for water chemistry, Technical University Dresden, 01062 Dresden, email
original posts | |
PFAS in drinking water - legal regulation, toxicology and overview of findings | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/23 |
Contact: IWW Zentrum Wasser, Moritzstraße 26, 45476 Mülheim an der Ruhr, email
Original contributions | |
In-depth chemical analysis and assessment of a broad range of liquid waste from in-vitro diagnostic instruments | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/16 |
Contact: Intertek (Schweiz) AG, TechCenter Reinach, Kägenstrasse 18, 4153 Reinach, Switzerland
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
Ring testing of the AnBUSDiC test; a new screening method for the anaerobic degradability of surfactants |
Contact: European Chemical Industry Council, avenue E van Nieuwenhuyse 4, Brussels 1160, Belgium
Original contributions | |
Effect-oriented identification of toxic compounds | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/02 |
Contact: UFZ - Environmental Research Center Leipzig-Halle GmbH
Permoserstraße 15, D-04318 Leipzig, email
Original contributions | |
The role of agriculture in (micro) plastic pollution in soils and surface waters | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/20 |
Contact: Thünen Institute for Rural Areas Bundesallee 64, 38116 Braunschweig, email
Original contributions | |
Influence of aging processes on the sorption behavior of micropollutants on microplastics | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/18 |
Contact: Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry (CEEC Jena), Institute for technical chemistry and environmental chemistry, Philosophenweg 7A, 07743 Jena, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 | |
Effect-related analysis based on luminescent bacteria, coupled with flow injection analysis and ion chromatography | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/17 |
Online sensor system for monitoring the water quality for organic compounds | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 |
Contact: DVGW - Technologiezentrum Wasser (TZW), email
Original contributions | |
Entry paths of hexavalent chromium in raw water from drinking water suppliers | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/19 |
Contact: DVGW Water Technology Center, Karlsruhe Strasse 84, 76139 Karlsruhe, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/22 | |
Contact: Institute for Modeling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems (IWS), University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 61, 70569 Stuttgart, email
Original contributions | |
TED-GC / MS: Fast determination of microplastic mass content in different samples |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 Berlin, email
Briefly introduced | |
The Hamburg Environmental Institute as a center for social and ecological technology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/04 |
Contact: Founder and Scientific Director, HUI Hamburger Umweltinstitut eV
Feldstrasse 36, D-20357 Hamburg, email
Original contributions | |
ECHO: Fast determination of the relevance of trace substances in the aquatic environment |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/21 |
Contact: State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection North Rhine-Westphalia, D-47051 Duisburg, Wuhanstrasse 6, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/22 | |
Contact: Kykeon Analytics Ltd., C. Jaume I Conqueridor 18 bx, 08500 Vic (Barcelona), Spain, email
Original contributions | |
Assessment of persistent, bioaccumulating and toxic properties of ionic and ionizable substances | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/16 |
Contact: Section IV 2.3 ?Chemicals?, Federal Environment Agency, Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Rosslau E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Which processes are responsible for the environmental behavior of PFAS in the soil ? |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/21 |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Agricultural Technology Center Augustenberg (LTZ), Neßlerstrasse 25, 76227 Karlsruhe, email
Briefly introduced | |
The use of (P450-transgenic) plant cell suspension cultures as model systems to investigate the metabolisability of environmental pollutants | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/09 |
Contact: RWTH Aachen, Institute for Environmental Research - biology V LS. f. environmental biology and chemodynamics, Worringerweg 1, D-52074 Aachen, email
Original contributions | |
New antibiotics in the environment - first results on ecotoxic effects in the water cycle | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
Contact: Institute for Urban Water Management, RWTH Aachen University, email
Original contributions | |
Industrial Ecology - the upcoming field of activity for environmental scientists ?! | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/04 |
Briefly introduced | |
Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy GmbH | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/04 |
Contact: Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy GmbH, Döppersberg 19, D-42103 Wuppertal E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Rodenticide residues in fish - root cause research and risk reduction measures | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Hydrology, Department of biochemistry, Ecotoxicology, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
The umu genotoxicity test - application potential and automation | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/06 |
Contact: Institute for Hygiene and Environmental Medicine, Medical Faculty of the RWTH Aachen, Pauwelsstrasse 30, D-52074 Aachen , email
Original contributions | |
Floodsearch: floods on a laboratory scale | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
Contact: Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen , email
original posts | |
Development of the 'pollution fingerprint' in the North Sea over the last century |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/22 |
Contact: Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, Department of Marine Chemistry, Wüstland 2, 22589 Hamburg, email
Original contributions | |
The inner-city "nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) problem": What influence do direct traffic emissions have? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/08 |
Contact: State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection (LANUV) North Rhine-Westphalia, Wallneyer Straße 6, D-45023 Essen, email
Original contributions | |
MUTReWa - Measures for a more sustainable use of pesticides and their transformation products in regional water management | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/17 |
Contact: Municipality of Eichstetten (Mayor), email
Original contributions | |
Human drug residues in sewage sludge - prioritization concept for the classification of the environmental hazard potential for the soil | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/14 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau, email
Original contributions | |
ECHO: Fast determination of the relevance of trace substances in the aquatic environment |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/21 |
Contact: State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection North Rhine-Westphalia, D-47051 Duisburg, Wuhanstrasse 6,email
Original contributions | |
Prevention - what does society want? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/01 |
Speaking of ... | |
Partial orders, only for mathematicians? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/04 |
Contact: Institute of Freshwater and Fish Ecology, Müggelseedamm 310, D-12587 Berlin-Friedrichshagen, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/20 |
Contact: iES Landau, Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Koblenz-Landau, Fortstr. 7, 76829 Landau, email
Original contributions | |
New antibiotics in the environment - first results on ecotoxic effects in the water cycle | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
Contact: University Hospital Aachen (RWTH Aachen), Institute for Hygiene and Environmental Medicine, Pauwelsstrasse 30, D-52074 Aachen, email
Original contributions | |
Pollutant monitoring in fish and mussels in Schleswig-Holstein waters | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
Contact: State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburger Chaussee 25, 24220 Flintbek, email
Original contributions | |
Anthropogenic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the environment - a ?never-ending story?? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Contact: Landesbetrieb Hessisches Landeslabor (LHL), Schubertstr. 60, 35392 Giessen, email
Briefly introduced | |
Meeting the changing requirements - environmental analysis at Bayer AG Leverkusen | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/03 |
Contact: Bayer AG Leverkusen, email l
information | |
Report on the symposium "Pollutant Monitoring with Fish and Mussels: Methods and Results", 1st - 2nd July 2014, Augsburg | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/15 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment, Wielenbach, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: Center for Applied Geosciences, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, email
Original contributions | |
Which processes are responsible for the environmental behavior of PFAS in the soil ? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/21 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME, Auf dem Aberg 1, 57392 Schmallenberg, email
obituary | |
Paul J. Crutzen - brilliant scientist, admonisher and thought leader | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/21 |
Contact: Institute for Environmental Physics, University of Bremen, Otto-Hahn-Allee 1, D-28359 Bremen, Germany
Original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 |
Contact: Department of Geosciences, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Schnarrenbergstraße 94-96, 72076 Tübingen, email
Briefly introduced | |
working group ?Functional Aquatic Ecotoxicology? at the iES Landau, Institute for Environmental Sciences in Faculty 7: Natural and Environmental Sciences at the University of Koblenz-Landau | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 |
Contact: University of Koblenz-Landau, Landau Campus, Faculty 7: Natural and Environmental Sciences, iES Landau, Functional Aquatic Ecotoxicology, Fortstrasse 7, 76829 Landau, email
Briefly introduced | |
Öko-Institut eV, Institute for Applied Ecology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/03 |
Contact: Öko-Institut eV, Postfach 50 02 40, D-79028 Freiburg
Original contributions | |
Modeling of the spread of pollutants during extreme floods in the Bitterfeld area | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/07 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ, Brückstrasse 3a, D-39114 Magdeburg, email
Original contributions | |
Development of monoclonal antibodies against diclofenac | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/15 |
Contact: Technical University Berlin, Institute for biotechnology, 10623 Berlin / Germany E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Biocides in Berlin's rainwater runoff | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Contact: Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH, Cicerostr. 24, 10709 Berlin, email
original contributions | |
Aquatic fungi in the risk assessment of plant protection products - unimportant or just ignored? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, Department IV 2.5 Trace Analysis, Flowing and Still Water Simulation, Schichauweg 58, 12307 Berlin, E-Mail
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
Ring testing of the AnBUSDiC test; a new screening method for the anaerobic degradability of surfactants |
Contact: Sasol Italy S. p A, Stabilimento di Augusta (SR), C da Marcellino sn CP 119, Augusta, SR 96011, Italy
Briefly introduced | |
The Journal of Sustainable Product Design | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/05 |
Original posts | |
Safe and sustainable recycling needs controls and more transparency – a case study on PVC flooring | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 |
Contact: Institute for Ecopreneurship, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), 4132 Muttenz, Switzerland, email
original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 | |
Expanding the scope of wastewater monitoring by SFC-HRMS analysis |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/23 |
Contact: Analytical Chemistry, Department of Plant and Environmental Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, email
Original contributions | |
Assessment of persistent, bioaccumulating and toxic properties of ionic and ionizable substances | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/16 |
Contact: Section IV 2.3 ?Chemicals? Federal Environment Agency, Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Rosslau, email
Original contributions | |
Application of passive collectors for the monitoring of hydrophobic organic pollutants in rivers | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/15 |
Trend monitoring of pollutants in sediments and suspended matter in the Inner Elbe | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/10 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Hydrology, Am Mainzer Tor 1, 56068 Koblenz, email
Original contributions | |
Floodsearch: floods on a laboratory scale | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
Contact: Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Management, RWTH Aachen University , email
Original contributions | |
Risk assessment of pesticide mixtures - from standardized individual species tests to model ecosystems | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/16 |
Contact: School of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Cell Biology, University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA, email
original contributions | |
Aquatic fungi in the risk assessment of plant protection products - unimportant or just ignored? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, Department IV 2.5 Trace Analysis, Flowing and Still Water Simulation, Schichauweg 58, 12307 Berlin, E-Mail
original posts | |
Enz4Water - enzymatic filtration for the 4th purification stage |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: ASA Spezialenzyme GmbH, Am Exer 19 C, 38302 Wolfenbüttel email
Original contributions | |
Online sensor system for monitoring the water quality for organic compounds | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 |
Contact: UNISENSOR Sensorsysteme AG, Karlsruhe, email
Original contributions | |
Consumer exposure to PFOS and PFOA | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
Contact: Department of Applied Environmental Sciences (ITM), Stockholm University, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden, email
Original contributions | |
Determination of benzotriazole in water with plasmonic onsite analysis |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: Photonic Sensor Technology, Institute for Nanophotonics Göttingen e. V., Hans-Adolf-Krebs-Weg 1, 37077 Göttingen E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Do cemeteries emit drugs? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/14 |
Contact: FTC Munich GmbH
Forensic Toxicological Center
Bayerstr. 53, 80333 Munich
Original contributions | |
Photochemical degradation of benzotriazole under environmentally relevant conditions | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/15 |
Contact: ETH-Zurich, Environmental Chemistry, Universitätstrasse 16, 8092 Zurich / CH, email
Briefly introduced | |
Institute for Environmental Studies - Vrije University Amsterdam | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/06 |
Contact: Vrije University Institute for Environmental Studies Chair of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology, email
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
Ring testing of the AnBUSDiC test; a new screening method for the anaerobic degradability of surfactants |
Contact: Cepsa Quimica SA, Fabrica de Ouneta Mayorga Apdo Correos 40, San Roque, Cádiz 11360, Spain
Original contributions | |
POP cycling in India - influenced by the monsoon | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
Contact: Masaryk University, Research Center for Toxic Compounds in the Environment, Kamenice 5, 62500 Brno, Czech Republic,
original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 |
Contact: Analytical Chemistry, Department of Plant and Environmental Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, email
Original contributions | |
Atmospheric entry of mercury and accumulation in alpine ecosystems | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/21 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment, Division 76 - Substance and chemical assessment, Bürgermeister-Ulrich-Str. 160, 86179 Augsburg, email
Original contributions | |
Sampling of LHKW in groundwater: comparison of active and passive sampling | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/09 |
Contact: BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, email
original posts | |
Imaging MALDI-MS and nanodispensing as tools for effect-related HPTLC analysis - an interim report |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/22 |
Contact: Faculty of Chemistry, Aalen University, Beethovenstraße 1 / 73430 Aalen
Original contributions | |
Biotest battery ... ... full broadside in the proof of toxicological effects |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/18 |
Investigations to evaluate and avoid toxic oxidation by-products in the oxidative wastewater treatment of fluoroquinolones | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/12 |
Contact: toxicology Business Unit, IWW Water Center Moritzstrasse 26, 45234 Mülheim ad Ruhr E-Mail
Original contributions | |
New antibiotics in the environment - first results on ecotoxic effects in the water cycle | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
Contact: University Hospital Aachen (RWTH Aachen), Institute for Hygiene and Environmental Medicine, Pauwelsstrasse 30, D-52074 Aachen, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/18 | |
Sequential biofiltration to remove anthropogenic trace substances from municipal sewage treatment plants | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Briefly introduced | |
Chair and research institute for urban water management of the Technical University of Munich |
Contact: Chair of Urban Water Management, Technical University of Munich
Am Coulombwall 8, D 85748 Garching, email
Original articles | |
30 years of moss monitoring in Germany: New developments and long-term trends |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/24 |
Volatile polyfluorinated compounds in indoor air | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/10 |
Contact: ANECO Institute for Environmental Protection GmbH & Co, Hamburg, E-Mail
original posts | |
Imaging MALDI-MS and nanodispensing as tools for effect-related HPTLC analysis - an interim report |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/22 |
Contact: Faculty of Chemistry, Aalen University, Beethovenstraße 1 / 73430 Aalen
Briefly introduced | |
ESSENCE - an essential player in European Higher Education Environmental Programs | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/02 |
Original contributions | |
Application of passive collectors for the monitoring of hydrophobic organic pollutants in rivers | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/15 |
information | |
Report from the workshop "Consideration of the bioavailability of metals in water monitoring" on October 7, 2014 at the Federal Environment Agency | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/15 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, Bismarckplatz 1, 14193 Berlin, email
Original contributions | |
Biocides in Berlin's rainwater runoff | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Application of an LC-MS screening method to identify historical and current trace substances in groundwater and surface water of a former sewage field | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/14 |
Occurrence of selected psychotropic drugs in groundwater influenced by trickle fields in Berlin | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/12 |
Contact: Berliner Wasserbetriebe, Labor / FE, Motardstrasse 35, 13629 Berlin, email
Original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 | |
Solid phase microextraction (SPME) for the determination of hydrophobic organic chemicals in bioconcentration studies | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
Do Pd nanoparticles as recyclates help to break down persistent organic pollutants? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/13 |
Briefly introduced | |
Düring working group at the Institute for Soil Science and Soil Conservation at the Justus Liebig University in Gießen | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
Contact: Institute for Soil Science and Soil Conservation Interdisciplinary Research Center for Bioscientific Basics of Environmental Protection (IFZ) Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26, 35392 Gießen, email
Briefly introduced | |
Research Center for Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Brno | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
Contact: Research Center for Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
Ring testing of the AnBUSDiC test; a new screening method for the anaerobic degradability of surfactants |
Contact: Shell Health, Shell Technology Center - Thornton, PO Box 1, Chester CH1 3SH, Cheshire, UK
original posts | |
Development of the 'pollution fingerprint' in the North Sea over the last century |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/22 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center Hereon, Institute for environmental chemistry of Coastal Areas, Max-Planck Str. 1, 21502 Geesthacht, email
Original contributions | |
High concentrations of Hexamethoxymethylmelamine (HMMM) in selected surface waters in southern Hesse | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/15 |
Contact: JW Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Institute for Atmosphere and Environment, AG Umweltanalytik (Prof. Wilhelm Püttmann), Altenhöferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt / Main, email
Speaking of ... | |
Phenols | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/03 |
Original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/23 | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/20 | |
Occurrence and distribution of organic UV stabilizers and UV filters in sediments of European estuaries | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/16 |
Occurrence and distribution of perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in European and Chinese river-estuary systems | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/15 |
Sewage treatment plants as a source of polyfluorinated compounds in the atmosphere | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/11 |
Volatile polyfluorinated compounds in indoor air | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/10 |
Reconstruction of the contamination of the German Bight with polyfluorinated organic substances using seal tissue samples | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/09 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center Hereon, Institute for environmental chemistry of Coastal Regions, Department of Organic environmental chemistry, Max-Planck-Str. 1, 21502 Geesthacht, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/22 | |
Mesocosms as aquatic model ecosystems for the risk assessment of pesticides | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/17 |
Contact: Institute for Water Protection Mesocosm GmbH, Neu-Ulrichstein 5, 35315 Homberg (Ohm), email
Original contributions | |
Magnetic particle-based immunoassays as a versatile tool for environmental analysis | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/21 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Richard-Willstätter-Str. 11, 12489 Berlin, email
Original contributions | |
Aging of synthetic polymers in the marine environment using the example of HDPE, LDPE, PP and PLA | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Contact: University of Göttingen, Tammannstr. 6, D-37077 Göttingen, email
Briefly introduced | |
ISEM - International Society of Environmental Medicine | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/03 |
Contact: Institute for Hygiene and Environmental Medicine at the Justus Liebig University, email
Original articles | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/24 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME, Schmallenberg, E-Mail
original contributions | |
Short-Term Test for Toxicogenomic Analysis of Ecotoxic Modes of Action in Lemna minor | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME, Schmallenberg, E-Mail
Briefly introduced | |
Company portrait Isodetect GmbH | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/16 |
Contact: Isodetect GmbH, Ingolstädter Landstr. 1, 85764 Neuherberggeist@wzw.tum.de
original posts |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/23 | |
The umu genotoxicity test - potential applications and automation | |
from the Division | |
News from the Working Group Chemical Assessment of the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/17 |
The Working Group Chemical Assessment of the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology - main activities in 2013 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/13 |
Annual report 2011 / 2012 of the chemical assessment working group of the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
Contact: Institute for Hygiene and Environmental Medicine, University Hospital Aachen, AÖR, Medical Faculty of RWTH Aachen University, email
Original contributions | |
Composition of soil organic matter and its effect on the hydrophobicity of three forest soil samples | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
Contact: Leibniz Center for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Chair of Aquatic Systems Biology, Technical University of Munich, Mühlenweg 22, 85354 Freising, email
Original contributions | |
MUTReWa - Measures for a more sustainable use of pesticides and their transformation products in regional water management | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/17 |
Contact: WWL Umweltplanung und Geoinformatik GbR, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: State Office for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Department 3: Geology, Water and soil, Goldberger Straße 12b
18273 Güstrow, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: State Office for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Department 3: Geology, Water and soil, Goldberger Straße 12b
18273 Güstrow, email
Original contributions | |
Determination of priority organic substances in surface water containing suspended matter using solid phase extraction disks and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/14 |
Contact: IWW Water Center, Mülheim an der Ruhr and Instrumental analytical chemistry, University of Duisburg-Essen, email
Original contributions | |
Detection of aircraft and operating area de-icing agents in the surface runoff at Hannover-Langenhagen Airport by means of solid-phase micro-extraction |
Contact: ERFTVERBAND corporation under public law, email
Original contributions | |
Assessment of the availability of non-extractable PAH residues in the soil | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/10 |
Contact: University of Hamburg, Institute for Soil Science, email
Original contributions | |
Optimized dosing of chemicals in high throughput in vitro test systems |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/21 |
Contact: UFZ, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research, Permoserstr. 15, 04318 Leipzig email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: State Office for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Department 3: Geology, Water and soil, Goldberger Straße 12b
18273 Güstrow, email
Original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 |
Contact: Department of Geosciences, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Schnarrenbergstraße 94-96, 72076 Tübingen, email
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
Does spatial auto-correlation call for a revision of the latest heavy metal and nitrogen deposition maps? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 |
Contact: Meteorological Synthesizing Center-West of EMEP, Norwegian Meteorological Institute, PO Box 43-Bl binders, N-0313 Oslo, Norway, email l
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/21 |
Contact: Dresden University of Applied Sciences, Friedrich-List-Platz 1, 01069 Dresden, email
Brief introduction | |
Environmental Toxicology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/04 |
Original contributions | |
Anthropogenic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the environment - a ?never-ending story?? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Contact: Landesbetrieb Hessisches Landeslabor (LHL), Glarusstr. 6, 65203 Wiesbaden, email
Original contributions | |
Determination of frequently prescribed antibiotics in various stages and media in the urban sewage system using ultrasonic extraction (USE) and SPE as well as LC-MS / MS | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/15 |
Contact: Research Association Public Health Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt and Technical University Dresden, Institute for Clinical Pharmacology, email
Original posts | |
Safe and sustainable recycling needs controls and more transparency – a case study on PVC flooring | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 |
Contact: Service de l'air, du noise et des rayonnements non ionisants (SABRA), 1205 Geneva, Switzerland, email
Briefly introduced | |
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/05 |
Contact: TU Dresden, Faculty of Forest, Geo and Hydro Sciences, email
Briefly introduced | |
ROBIN WOOD EV | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/05 |
Contact: Robin Wood eV, email
Briefly introduced | |
RLP AgroScience GmbH - Institute for Agroecology Department of environmental chemistry | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
Contact: RLP AgroScience GmbH - Institute for Agroecology, environmental chemistry Department, email
original posts | |
Risk assessment of microplastics in Bavarian rivers and lakes |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment Demollstr. 31 82407 Wielenbach, email
Original contributions | |
Online sensor system for monitoring the water quality for organic compounds | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 |
Contact: UNISENSOR Sensorsysteme AG, Karlsruhe, email
Briefly introduced | |
UNEP Chemicals Branch, DTIE, in Geneva, Switzerland | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/06 |
Contact: Scientific Affairs Officer UNEP Chemicals Branch, DTIE International Environment House, email
Original contributions | |
Do cemeteries emit drugs? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/14 |
Contact: Geographical Institute Soil Science
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 21
D - 55099 Mainz
Briefly introduced | |
Center for Environmental Research and Sustainable Technologies (UFT) at the University of Bremen | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/10 |
Contact: University of Bremen, Center for Environmental Research and Sustainable Technologies (UFT), email
Original contributions | |
Compostability and ecotoxicological evaluation of bio-based plastics | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/20 |
Contact: Faculty of Agriculture, Environment, Chemistry, Dresden University of Technology and Economics, Friedrich-List-Platz 1, 01069 Dresden, email
Original contributions | |
Optimized dosing of chemicals in high throughput in vitro test systems |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/21 |
Contact: National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Health and Environmental Risk Division, Onogawa 16-2, 305-8506 Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, email
Editorial | |||
Mille viae ducunt hominem per Augustam Treverorum | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/09 | ||
Editorial: Change in the Editorial staff of "Mitteilungen" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/06 | ||
From the Division | |||
Annual meeting of SETAC GLB and the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology new ground in Giessen | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/14 | ||
Joint annual meeting of the SETAC-GLB and the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology at the environmental research center in Leipzig, 10.-13. September 2012 - a short report | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 | ||
Award of the Divisions Publication Prize 2011 to Dr. Karolina Nowak and Dr. Andreas Kretschmann | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/11 | ||
Notes on using the Divisions annual quota of free publications in "Environmental Science Europe - ESEU" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/11 | ||
Hello ESEU - Good bye "messages"? On the future of the specialist group magazine | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/11 | ||
Impressions from the annual specialist group conference in Trier | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/09 | ||
Measurement of the development trend in the field of environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology in Germany on the basis of publication productivity | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/09 | ||
Short report from the meeting of the section board on April 19 in Frankfurt / Main | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/07 | ||
Annual meeting of the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology October 4th - 6th in Halle (Saale) - a look back | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/06 | ||
information | |||
Notes from the annual meeting of the Society of Water Chemistry | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/11 | ||
Notes from the "Environment 2010"Conference in Dessau, September 6-9, 2010 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/10 | ||
Supplementary information to the press release of the European Commission "EU Commission bans 22 hair dyes" from 07/20/2006 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 | ||
Personnel | |||
Congratulations from the Division to Prof. Dr. Otto Hutzinger on the occasion of his 75th birthday | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 | ||
Prof. Dr. Schlottmann, former chairman of our Division, left the BMU after reaching the age limit | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/06 | ||
Reviews | |||
Chemists in the "Third Reich" - a reappraisal of the darkest chapter in the history of the GDCh predecessor organizations | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/16 | ||
Walter Klöpffer: Behavior and degradation of environmental chemicals. 2nd edition 2012. Wiley-VCH | |||
Walter Klöpffer, Birgit Grahl: Life cycle assessment (LCA) - A guideline for training and work 1st ed. 2009, 426 + XIV pages, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, ISBN 3-527-32043-1 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/09 | ||
Thorsten Reemtsma, Martin Jekel [Eds.]: Organic Pollutants in the Water Cycle, ISBN 3-527-31297-9 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/07 | ||
John Emsley: Murderous Elements, Prominent Deaths, ISBN 3-527-31500-4 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 | ||
Georg Schwedt: What is really inside? Products from the supermarket, ISBN: 3-527-31437-7 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/06 |
Contact: University of Trier, Analytical and Ecological Chemistry, FB VI Geography / Geosciences, email
Original contributions | |
Detection of aircraft and operating area de-icing agents in the surface runoff at Hannover-Langenhagen Airport by means of solid-phase micro-extraction | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/10 |
Contact: Flughafen Hannover Langenhagen GmbH, email
Original articles | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/24 |
Contact: State Water Supply Association, Operational and Research Laboratory, Am Spitzigen Berg 1, 89129 Langenau, E-Mail
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/23 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, Federal Trace Substance Center, Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/19 | |
Contact: Wageningen Environmental Research, Droevendaalsesteg 3a, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands, email
Briefly introduced | |
DECHEMA eV and "Sustainability with Chemistry" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
Contact: DECHEMA e. V
Original contributions | |
MUTReWa - Measures for a more sustainable use of pesticides and their transformation products in regional water management | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/17 |
Contact: Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, email
Original contributions | |
Medicines in water - balancing the pollution using the example of the pain reliever diclofenac | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment (LfU), email
Original contributions | |
High concentrations of Hexamethoxymethylmelamine (HMMM) in selected surface waters in southern Hesse | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/15 |
Contact: JW Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Institute for Atmosphere and Environment, AG Umweltanalytik (Prof. Wilhelm Püttmann), Altenhöferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt / Main, email
Editorial | |||
Editorial - Everything flows | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/06 | ||
Why ecotoxicology? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/04 | ||
Chemistry, toxicology and the environment | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/02 | ||
Pro and Con | |||
Con - Ecotoxicology, Pro Universitas | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/06 | ||
Speaking of ... | |||
Partial orders, only for mathematicians? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/04 | ||
Original contributions | |||
Decline in river pearl mussels - analysis of possible ecotoxicological causes | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/06 | ||
Briefly introduced | |||
environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology in Bayreuth geoecology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/02 | ||
environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology in Bayreuth geoecology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/02 | ||
information | |||
Conference report, symposium of the FG at the 47th annual conference of the German Society for Pharmacology and toxicology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/06 | ||
Workshop "Ecotoxicology" (University of Bayreuth, July 10-11, 2003) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/03 |
Contact: University of Bayreuth, Chair of environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology, email
original contributions | |
Transport Behavior of PFAS from Paper Sludge in Large Lysimeters |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/25 |
Atmospheric input of mercury and accumulation in alpine ecosystems |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/21 |
Reduction in PFC contamination in municipal sewage sludge in Bavaria | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/16 |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/16 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment, Department for Substance and chemical assessment, Demollstraße 31, 82407 Wielenbach, E-Mail
Personnel | |
Friedhelm Korte (1923 - 2013) |
Original contributions | |
Emission inventories as the basis for determining the causes and recording air pollution | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/09 |
Contact: Institute for Energy Economics and Rational Energy Use, University of Stuttgart, email
original posts | |
Development of the 'pollution fingerprint' in the North Sea over the last century |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/22 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center Hereon, Institute for Carbon Cycles, Max-Planck Str. 1, 21502 Geesthacht, email
Editorial | |
New Division Board - outlook on the main areas of work for the next few years | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/11 |
Original contributions | |
Detection of aircraft and operating area de-icing agents in the surface runoff at Hannover-Langenhagen Airport by means of solid-phase micro-extraction | |
Corrosion inhibitors in the aquatic environment: Benzotriazoles in Main, Hengstbach and Hegbach | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/09 |
From the Division | |
Position paper of the section board: Aims and tasks of the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology today | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/13 |
Briefly introduced | |
Junior professorship "Applied Systems Analysis", University of Osnabrück | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/11 |
Contact: Institute for Environmental Systems Research (USF), University of Osnabrück, email
Original contributions | |
Rodenticide residues in fish - root cause research and risk reduction measures | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency. Section IV 1.2-1 - Biocides, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
"Risk Profiler" in action - a comparison of the environmental risk profiles of insecticides |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/19 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency Dessau-Rosslau, Section IV 1.3 Plant Protection Products, email
Briefly introduced | |
Inventions for explorers - Analytik Jena AG | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/04 |
Briefly introduced | |
Consumer Association Federal Association - The political power of consumers | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/03 |
Contact: Federation of German Consumer Organizations
From the Division
Report from the doctoral day of the GDCh Division environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology at the Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology (Fraunhofer IME) October 20, 2016 |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/16 |
Contact: RWTH Aachen
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/18 |
Contact: Institute for Water and Water Development, Department of Urban Water Management and Water Quality Management, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Gotthard-Franz-Straße 3, 76131 Karlsruhe, email
Original contributions | |
Behavior of selected pesticides in the water- soil plants system in the lysimeters of the Wagna research station | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/14 |
Contact: Organic analyzes, Federal Environment Agency, Spittelauer Lände 5 1090 Vienna Austria, email
Original contributions | |
Investigation of the sorption on carbon nanomaterials by means of inverse liquid chromatography | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/18 |
Contact: Instrumental analytical chemistry, University of Duisburg-Essen, Universitätsstrasse 5, 45141 Essen and Institute for Energy and Environmental Technology e. V. (IUTA), Bliersheimer Strasse 59 - 60, 47229 Duisburg, email
Briefly introduced | |
Virtual Journal of Environmental Sustainability | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/04 |
Original contributions | |
Amidosulfonic acid - quantification of a small, highly polar molecule using reversed-phase LC-MS-MS | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 |
Contact: IWW Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wasser Beratungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH Mühlheim ad Ruhr, email
Original contributions | |
ECHO: Fast determination of the relevance of trace substances in the aquatic environment |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/21 |
Contact: State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection North Rhine-Westphalia, D-47051 Duisburg, Wuhanstrasse 6, email
Original contributions | |
To record the long-term effects of PBT and vPvB substances in the context of the socio-economic analyzes in REACH | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/16 |
Contact: Wageningen University, Institute for Social Sciences, Department of Environmental Economics and Resource Use, Hollandseweg 1, 6706 KN Wageningen, The Netherlands, email
Original contributions | |
Can photocatalysis help to improve urban air quality? Results from the LIFE + project PhotoPAQ |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/15 |
Contact: Physical and theoretical chemistry, FB C,
University of Wuppertal (BUW), Gaußstr. 20, 42119 Wuppertal
Original contributions | |
Behavior of selected pesticides in the water- soil plants system in the lysimeters of the Wagna research station | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/14 |
Contact: Organic analyzes, Federal Environment Agency, Spittelauer Lände 5 1090 Vienna Austria, email
Original contributions | |
Development of monoclonal antibodies against diclofenac | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/15 |
Contact: Technical University Berlin, Institute for biotechnology, 10623 Berlin / Germany E-Mail
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/ 22 |
Contact: Institute for environmental chemistry of Coastal Areas, Inorganic environmental chemistry, Helmholtz Center Hereon, Max-Planck-Str. 1, 21502 Geesthacht, email
Briefly introduced | |
Hydrotox GmbH | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/05 |
Contact: Hydrotox Laboratory for Ecotoxicology and Water Protection GmbH, email
Original contributions | |
Which processes are responsible for the environmental behavior of PFAS in the soil ? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/21 |
Contact: Department of Hydrology and Material Balance, University of Kassel, Kurt-Wolters-Str. 3, 34125 Kassel, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/19 | |
Contact: Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), Plant Protection Products Department, Messeweg 11/12, D-38104 Braunschweig, email
Original contributions | |
Development of a label-free biosensor for the detection of diclofenac in wastewater polluted surface waters | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/14 |
Contact: Institute for Physical and theoretical chemistry, University of Tübingen, email
Original contributions | |
Emission inventories as the basis for determining the causes and recording air pollution | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/09 |
Contact: Institute for Energy Economics and Rational Energy Use, University of Stuttgart, email
Original contributions | |
Non-extractable residues formed during biodegradation of 2,4-D in soil are biogenic |
Contact: UFZ - Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research, Department of Isotope Biogeochemistry, email
original posts | |
Fast and easy extraction of PFAS from soil samples: Optimized EOF determination using HR-CS-GFMAS | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/ 22 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Department 1.1 - Inorganic Trace Analysis, Richard-Willstätter-Strasse 11, 12489 Berlin, email
Original contributions | |
Composition of soil organic matter and its effect on the hydrophobicity of three forest soil samples | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
Contact: Leibniz Center for Agricultural Landscape and Land Use Research (ZALF) eV, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/19 |
Contact: Institute for Energy and Environmental Technology e. V. (IUTA), Bliersheimer Str. 58-60, 47229 Duisburg, email
original posts | |
Risk assessment of microplastics in Bavarian rivers and lakes |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment Demollstr. 31 82407 Wielenbach, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 | |
Risk assessment of pesticide mixtures - from standardized individual species tests to model ecosystems | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/16 |
Briefly introduced | |
Chair for Aquatic Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/16 |
Contact: Aquatic Systems Biology Unit, Technical University of Munich, Mühlenweg 22, D-85354 Freising, email
Briefly introduced | |
Department of Environmental Process Engineering, Institute for Technical Environmental Protection, TU Berlin | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/07 |
information | |
Conference report: Anthropogenic trace substances in water | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 |
Contact: TU Berlin, Environmental Process Engineering, email
Briefly introduced | |
Öko-Institut eV, Institute for Applied Ecology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/03 |
Contact: Öko-Institut eV, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/22 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research Leipzig ? UFZ, Permoserstrasse 15, 04318 Leipzig, email
Original contributions | |
What can modern mass spectrometric in-situ analysis achieve in environmental and food research? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/14 |
Contact: Justus Liebig University, Institute for Inorganic and analytical chemistry, Giessen, email
Original contributions | |
Aging of synthetic polymers in the marine environment using the example of HDPE, LDPE, PP and PLA | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Contact: Alfred Wegener Institute, Kurpromenade 201, D-27498 Helgoland, email
Original contributions | |
Decline in river pearl mussels - analysis of possible ecotoxicological causes | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/06 |
Original contributions | |
Behavior of selected pesticides in the water- soil plants system in the lysimeters of the Wagna research station | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/14 |
Contact: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Institute for Soil Research, Vienna, email
Original contributions | |
Decrease in PFC pollution in municipal sewage sludge in Bavaria | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/16 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment Department for Substance and chemical assessment Assessment, Demollstrasse 31, 82407 Wielenbach, email
Original contributions | |
Quaternary ammonium compounds in soil - implications for the development of antibiotic resistance | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/19 |
Contact: Institute for Applied Microbiology, iFZ, Justus Liebig University Giessen, 35239 Giessen, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Chair of Aquatic Systems Biology, Technical University of Munich, Mühlenweg 22, 85354 Freising, email
original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/25 |
Contact: Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change, Adenauerallee 127, 53113 Bonn, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Application of an LC-MS screening method to identify historical and current trace substances in groundwater and surface water of a former sewage field | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/14 |
Contact: Berliner Wasserbetriebe, Labor / FE, Motardstrasse 35, 13629 Berlin, email
Original contributions | |
Application of an LC-MS screening method to identify historical and current trace substances in groundwater and surface water of a former sewage field | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/14 |
Contact: Berliner Wasserbetriebe, Labor / FE, Motardstrasse 35, 13629 Berlin, email
Original contributions |
Composition of soil organic matter and its effect on the hydrophobicity of three forest soil samples | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
Contact: University of Hanover, Institute for Soil Science
original contributions | ||
Which processes are responsible for the environmental behavior of PFAS in soil ? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/ 21 | |
Short-Term Test for Toxicogenomic Analysis of Ecotoxic Modes of Action in Lemna minor | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/ 24 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME, Auf dem Aberg 1, 57392 Schmallenberg, E-Mail
Original contributions
Biomonitoring of PCB and PCDD / F in Bavaria: Results from 18 years of continuous observation | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/17 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment; Steinenhausen Castle, D-95326 Kulmbach, email
Original contributions | |
UFZ-LSER database - a useful tool for many physical-chemical problems in analysis | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/18 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ, Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/19 | |
Contact: Hydrogeochemistry, Center for Applied Geosciences, Eberhard-Karls University Tübingen, Hölderlinstr. 12, 72074 Tübingen, email
Original contributions | |
Do cemeteries emit drugs? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/14 |
Contact: Institute for Forensic Medicine, LMU Munich, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: State Office for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Department 3: Geology, Water and soil, Goldberger Straße 12b
18273 Güstrow, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: State Office for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Department 3: Geology, Water and soil, Goldberger Straße 12b
18273 Güstrow, email
original posts | |
Release of pesticides on agricultural land - comparison of methods for the leaching potential | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/22 |
Contact: Geo and Environmental Research Center University of Tübingen, Schnarrenbergstr. 94-96, 72074 Tuebingen, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/22 | |
Contact: Institute for Hydrobiology, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Technical University of Dresden, 01062 Dresden, email
Original contributions |
Peer review of ICCA substances in BUA | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/03 |
Contact: Senate Commission of the DFG for the examination of harmful substances and advisory committee for existing substances of the GDCh
Original contributions | |
Compostability and ecotoxicological evaluation of bio-based plastics | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/20 |
Contact: Faculty of Agriculture, Environment, Chemistry, Dresden University of Technology and Economics, Friedrich-List-Platz 1, 01069 Dresden, email
Briefly introduced |
Öko-Institut eV, Institute for Applied Ecology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/03 |
Contact: Öko-Institut eV
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/21 | |
Briefly introduced | |
Department of Water Management in the Faculty of Civil Engineering / Architecture at the Dresden University of Technology and Economics | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/14 |
Contact: Dresden University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Civil Engineering / Architecture, Friedrich-List-Platz 1, 01069 Dresden E-Mail
Original contributions |
The transport of the antibiotic sulfadiazine in the soil: what is the effect of the liquid manure? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 |
Contact: Institute for Chemistry and Dynamics of the Geosphere ICG-4 Research Center Jülich
Original posts |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 |
Contact: Email
information |
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Fresenius turns 90 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/03 |
Original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 |
Contact: Email
Original contributions | |
Antibiotic transfer from the soil into crops | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/10 |
Briefly introduced | |
"Analytics in consumer health protection", working group Prof. Dr. Manfred Grote: analytical chemistry Department of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Paderborn University | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/09 |
Contact: Univ. Paderborn, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Inorganic and analytical chemistry , email
Original posts | |
BayÖkotox project network – “Ecotoxicological assessment of substances in the environment” |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/23 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment Mayor-Ulrich-Str.160, 86179 Augsburg, email
Original contributions | |
Mixture toxicity in the Erft - toxicity drivers and non-detects | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Use of modeled data when applying substance prioritization procedures | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/17 |
Contact: State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection North Rhine-Westphalia, Leibnizstrasse 10, 45659 Recklinghausen, email
Original contributions | |
Toxicogenomics: The use of gene expression analysis for the risk assessment of chemicals | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/03 |
information | |
IPCS Workshop Toxicogenomics and Risk Assessment | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/04 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Risk Assessment
Original contributions | |
POP cycling in India - influenced by the monsoon | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
Contact: Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Division, Chennai 600036, India
original posts | |
Enz4Water - enzymatic filtration for the 4th purification stage |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: German Textile Research Center North-West gGmbH (DTNW), Adlerstr. 1, 47798 Krefeld, email
Original contributions | |
Effects of synthetic and natural microparticles on blue mussels ( Mytilus edulis ) and rock shrimp ( Palaemon varians ) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Contact: Alfred Wegener Institute, Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven, email
Briefly introduced | |
ROHA Diox Consult - Dr. Roland Haag | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Contact: ROHA Diox Consult - Dr. Roland Haag, Panoramastr. 17, D - 73072 Donzdorf Email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: Center for Applied Geosciences, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, email
Original contributions | |
HPLC method development for the detection of H 2 O 2 and organic hydroperoxides in the troposphere | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/15 |
Contact: Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, atmospheric chemistry Chemistry Dept., Hahn - Meitner Weg 1, 55128 Mainz Email
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
Ring testing of the AnBUSDiC test; a new screening method for the anaerobic degradability of surfactants |
Contact: Sasol Germany GmbH, Building 1033 / PB02, Paul-Baumann-Str. 1, Marl 45772, Germany
Editorial | |
Editorials for the issues 1/ 2020, 2/2020, 3/2020, 4/2020, 1/2021, 2/2021, 3/2021, 4/2021, 1/2022, 2/2022, 3/2022, 1/ 2023, 2/2023, 3/2023 |
original posts | |
Results of an exposure analysis for the health risk assessment of the sediment load in the Rummelsburger See | |
from the Division | |
Virtual members/internal meeting of the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology 2020 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/20 |
News from the Working Group Chemical Assessment of the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/17 |
The Working Group Chemical Assessment of the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology - main activities in 2013 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/13 |
Annual report 2011 / 2012 of the chemical assessment working group of the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
Editorial | |
Editorials for issues 1/2020, 2/2020, 3/2020, 4/2020, 1/2021, 2/2021, 3/2021, 4/2021, 1/2022, 2/2022 and 3/2022 |
( Micro)plastics in the environment – a persistent topic in science? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/19 |
Mitt UMweltchem Ökotox 2/19 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for toxicology and Experimental medicine (ITEM), chemical assessment, Nikolai-Fuchs-Str. 1, 30625 Hanover, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/23 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, Federal Trace Substance Center, Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau, email
original contributions | |
Short-Term Test for Toxicogenomic Analysis of Ecotoxic Modes of Action in Lemna minor |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 |
Briefly introduced | |
Residue Analysis working group at the Institute of food chemistry and Food Biotechnology at the Justus Liebig University Gießen |
Contact: Institute of food chemistry and Food Biotechnology, Justus Liebig University Gießen, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 58, 35392 Gießen, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Development of monoclonal antibodies against diclofenac | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/15 |
Contact: Technical University Berlin, Institute for biotechnology, 10623 Berlin / Germany E-Mail
information | |
Student initiative "Biogenic Fuels" at the TU Braunschweig | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/06 |
Contact: Institute for Ecological Chemistry and Waste Analysis at the TU Braunschweig
Briefly introduced | |
Climate Alliance / Alianza del Clima eV Climate protection in partnership | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/04 |
Original contributions | |
Do cemeteries emit drugs? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/14 |
Contact: Geographical Institute Soil Science
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 21
D - 55099 Mainz
Original contributions | |
Effect-related analysis based on luminescent bacteria, coupled to flow injection analysis and ion chromatography |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/17 |
Online sensor system for monitoring the water quality for organic compounds | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 |
Oxidation of the tolylfluanide metabolite N, N-dimethylsulfamide (DMS) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/11 |
Contact: DVGW - Technologiezentrum Wasser (TZW), email
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
Does spatial auto-correlation call for a revision of the latest heavy metal and nitrogen deposition maps? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 |
Contact: Center for Ecology & Hydrology, Environment Center Wales, Deiniol Road,
Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2UW, UK, E-May l
Original contributions | |
Compostability and ecotoxicological evaluation of bio-based plastics | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/20 |
Contact: Faculty of Agriculture, Environment, Chemistry, Dresden University of Technology and Economics, Friedrich-List-Platz 1, 01069 Dresden, email
Original contributions |
Effective reduction of the antibacterial activity of the fluoroquinolone danofloxacin through biotransformation with the ascomycete Xylaria longipes | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/16 |
Contact: Institute for food chemistry and Food Biotechnology, Justus Liebig University Gießen, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 17, 35392 Gießen E-Mail
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/22 | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 |
Contact: TZW: DVGW Water Technology Center, Karlsruher Strasse 84 / 76139 Karlsruhe, email
Original contributions | |
Sewage treatment plants as a source of polyfluorinated compounds in the atmosphere |
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/21 |
Contact: Dresden University of Applied Sciences, Friedrich-List-Platz 1, 01069 Dresden, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/21 |
Contact: Dresden University of Applied Sciences, Friedrich-List-Platz 1, 01069 Dresden, email
Original contributions | |
Risk assessment of pesticide mixtures - from standardized individual species tests to model ecosystems | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/16 |
Contact: Aquatic Systems Biology Unit, Technical University of Munich, Mühlenweg 22, D-85354 Freising, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/22 | |
Contact: Institute for Modeling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems (IWS), University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 61, 70569 Stuttgart, email
Original contributions | |
Occurrence of selected psychotropic drugs in groundwater influenced by trickle fields in Berlin | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/12 |
Contact: Free University of Berlin, Institute for Geological Sciences, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/21 |
Contact: State Institute for Agriculture and Horticulture Saxony-Anhalt, Schiepziger Strasse 29, 06120 Halle (Saale), email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: Institute for Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, University of Ulm, Albert-Einstein-Allee 11, 89081 Ulm, email
information | |
10th BUA Colloquium Mass Transport and Transformation in the Atmosphere | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/04 |
8th meeting of the AK RUSP - minutes | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/02 |
Annual conference 2002 environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/02 |
Main annual meeting of the GDCH Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology 2001 in Würzburg | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/01 |
DECHEMA Special Colloquium: CO 2 - Rise in the atmosphere: causes for global warming? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/01 |
ECO-Informa 2001 (conference report) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/01 |
From the Division | |
AK Research and Teaching and AK RUSP | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/02 |
Reviews | |
JP Lay, R. Marutzky: "Kompendium der Holzschutzmittelanalytik" (ISBN 3-935065-11-6) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/03 |
P. Ihle (Ed.): Atmospheric deposition in the Federal Republic of Germany (ISBN 3-519-00324-4) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/01 |
T. Salthammer (Ed.): Organic Indoor Pollutants. ... (ISBN 3-527-29622-0) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/01 |
Measuring Dioxin Emissions. Experiences using EN 1948 in European Countries (ISBN 3-18-091585-4) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/01 |
Original articles | |
Entry of antibiotics into the environment and new veterinary measures to minimize them | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/24 |
Contact: Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, 13347 Berlin, Gerichtsstr. 49 , E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Application of an LC-MS screening method to identify historical and current trace substances in groundwater and surface water of a former sewage field | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/14 |
Contact: Free University of Berlin, Hydrogeology, Malteserstraße 74-100, 12249 Berlin, email
Original contributions | |
Floodsearch: floods on a laboratory scale | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
Contact: School of the Environment and Sustainability & Toxicology Center, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada , email
Briefly introduced |
Institute Alpha, water and environmental analysis |
Contact: Institut Alpha GmbH & Co. KG, Dornstadter Weg 15, 89081 Jungingen, email
Original contributions | |
Trend monitoring of pollutants in sediments and suspended matter in the Inner Elbe | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/10 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Hydrology, email
Original contributions | |
Persistent chlorinated hydrocarbons | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/04 |
original posts | |
Imaging MALDI-MS and nanodispensing as tools for effect-related HPTLC analysis - an interim report |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/22 |
Contact: Faculty of Chemistry, Aalen University, Beethovenstraße 1 / 73430 Aalen, email
Brief introduction | |
UWSF (ESPR) - environmental sciences and pollutant research | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
Original contributions | |
Biocides in Berlin's rainwater runoff | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Contact: Berliner Wasserbetriebe, Neue Jüdenstrasse 1, 10179 Berlin, email
Original contributions | |
The slurry project - elaboration of a method catalog for the investigation of the residue behavior of veterinary drugs in slurry and manure-fertilized soils | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/06 |
Contact: Institute for Ecological Chemistry and Waste Analysis at the TU Braunschweig
Original contributions | |
Investigations into the chemical load of side structures on the Elbe | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/14 |
Contact: Faculty of Life Sciences working group Applied Aquatic toxicology
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW-Hamburg), Ulmenliet 20, 21033 Hamburg Tel .: 040 42875 6217, email
Briefly introduced | |
Junior professorship for atmospheric chemistry at the University of Bayreuth |
Contact: University of Bayreuth, Junior Professorship for Atmospheric Chemistry, email
original contributions | |
Transport Behavior of PFAS from Paper Sludge in Large Lysimeters | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/25 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment, Dst. Wielenbach, Demollstr. 31, 82407 Wielenbach, E-Mail
Original posts | |
Safe and sustainable recycling needs controls and more transparency – a case study on PVC flooring | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 |
Contact: Chair of Ecological System Design, ETH Zurich, HIF D 16.2, Laura-Hezner-Weg 7, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland, email
Briefly introduced | |
analytical chemistry and instrumental analysis in the applied natural sciences department of the Lübeck University of Applied Sciences | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/10 |
Contact: Lübeck University of Applied Sciences, Department of Applied Natural Sciences, email
Speaking of ... | |
APROPOS ... biorefinery | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/05 |
information | |
Comprehensive Report from the Biorefinica 2006 - An International Symposium on Biobased Products and Biorefineries | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/07 |
Contact: German Federal Environment Foundation
Original contributions | |
Urban air pollution using the example of a large African city | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/09 |
Contact: Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Teaching Unit Physical Geography, email
original posts | |
Polyvinyl chloride microplastics are a long-term source of phthalate release in aqueous media | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/ 22 |
Contact: Environmental Geosciences (EDGE), Center for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science (CMESS), University of Vienna, email
Amendment of the Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance (BBodSchV): Invitation to relaunch the "soil" working group |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/17 |
Contact: Fraunhofer IME, Auf dem Aberg 1, 57392 Schmallenberg, phone +49 2972 302209, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/21 |
Contact: Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg, email
Original contributions | |
Bioaccumulation in organisms at a transfer point for dredged material in the German Bight (North Sea) |
Contact: Federal Institute for Hydrology (BfG), email
Original contributions | |
Two perspectives: plastics - the everyday helpers or microplastics - the environmental problem? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/17 |
Contact: Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Koblenz-Landau, Fortstr. 7, 76829 Landau, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/ 22 |
Contact: Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Department of Aquatic Ecotoxicology, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/ 22 |
Contact: Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Department of Aquatic Ecotoxicology, email
Original contributions
Biomonitoring of PCB and PCDD / F in Bavaria: Results from 18 years of continuous observation | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/17 |
Contact: POPs Environmental Consulting; Lindenfirststr. 23, D-73527 Schwäbisch Gmünd, email
Original contributions | |
TED-GC / MS: Fast determination of microplastic mass content in different samples |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: GKD - Gebr. Kufferath AG, Metallweberstrasse 46, 52353 Düren, email
Original contributions | |
Can photocatalysis help to improve urban air quality? Results from the LIFE + project PhotoPAQ | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/15 |
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
Primary NO 2 emissions and their impact on air quality in traffic environments in Germany | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
From the Division | |
Report from the Working Group on atmospheric chemistry | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/13 |
information | |
European Aerosol Conference (EAC) 2001 in Leipzig | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/01 |
Contact: Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research eV (TROPOS) Leipzig, email
Original contributions | |
Floodsearch: floods on a laboratory scale | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
Contact: Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen , email
Original contributions | |
The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/05 |
Briefly introduced | |
Specialist colloquium - QSAR in BMU, Bonn | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/04 |
Contact: UMWELTBUNDESAMT, National and International Chemical Safety
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/ 22 |
Contact: Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, River Ecosystem Management Section, Gelnhausen, email
original posts | |
Enz4Water - enzymatic filtration for the 4th purification stage |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: HST Systemtechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Heinrichsthaler Strasse 8, 59872 Meschede
Briefly introduced | |
Weihenstephan Science Center for Nutrition and Environment | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/03 |
Original contributions | |
Quaternary ammonium compounds in soil - implications for the development of antibiotic resistance | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/19 |
Contact: Institute for Soil Science and Soil Conservation, iFZ, Justus Liebig University Gießen, 35239 Gießen, email
Original contributions | |
Occurrence and distribution of perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in European and Chinese river-estuary systems | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/15 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center Geesthacht, Institute for Coastal Research, Department of environmental chemistry, Max-Planck-Straße 1, 21502 Geesthacht E-Mail
information | |
Letter to the editor on the pros and cons of Mitt 2/2002 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/03 |
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/19 | |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment, Department for Substance and chemical assessment Garmisch-Partenkirchen, email
Original contributions | |
Development of a label-free biosensor for the detection of diclofenac in wastewater polluted surface waters | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/14 |
Contact: Institute for Physical and theoretical chemistry, University of Tübingen, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/ 22 |
Contact: Institute for environmental chemistry of Coastal Areas, Inorganic environmental chemistry, Helmholtz Center Hereon, Max-Planck-Str. 1, 21502 Geesthacht, email
Original contributions | |
Investigation of drinking water production processes using non-target analysis |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/20 |
Contact: IWW Water Center, Moritzstrasse 26, 45476 Mülheim an der Ruhr, email
Briefly introduced | |
Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/05 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT, email
Original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 |
Contact: FG Plant Protection Products, Federal Environment Agency Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau, email
Pro and Con | |
Con: to suggest that a "controversy" exists greatly overstates the discussion | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/02 |
Contact: Green Chemistry Institute Washington DC
original posts | |
Environmental epidemiological studies on PFAS | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/23 |
Contact: Ruhr University Bochum, Department of Hygiene, Social and Environmental Medicine, Building A North, Level 1, Universitätsstraße 150, 44801 Bochum, Tel.: 0234 32 27365,
Fax: 0234 32 06994, email
Original contributions | |
"Risk Profiler" in action - a comparison of the environmental risk profiles of insecticides |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/19 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency Dessau-Rosslau, Section IV 2.1 Information systems for chemical safety,email
Briefly introduced | |
Ecossa | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/14 |
Contact: Ecossa, Giselastr. 6, 82319 Starnberg email
Original contributions | |
Effect-related analysis based on luminescent bacteria, coupled to flow injection analysis and ion chromatography |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/17 |
Contact: Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Institute for Applied Research IAF, Moltkestrasse. 30, 76133 Karlsruhe, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/ 22 |
Contact: Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Department of Aquatic Ecotoxicology, email
Briefly introduced | |
Working group ?Epidemiology of the Environmental Impact on Aging Processes? of the IUF Leibniz Institute for Environmental Medicine Research gGmbH, Düsseldorf |
Contact: IUF - Leibniz Institute for Environmental Medicine Research gGmbH, Auf'm Hennekamp 50, D-40225 Düsseldorf,
Tel. 0211 3389 313, fax 0211 3389 283, email
Original contributions | |
Development of monoclonal antibodies against diclofenac | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/15 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Department 1: analytical chemistry; Reference materials; Department of Environmental Analysis, Richard-Willstätterstraße 11, 12489 Berlin-Adlershof / Germany E-Mail
Original contributions | |
A brief insight into the chemistry of secondary organic aerosols | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/09 |
Contact: Institute for Inorganic and analytical chemistry at the University of Mainz, email
original posts | |
Enz4Water - enzymatic filtration for the 4th purification stage |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: Hochschule Niederrhein, Department of Chemistry and Institute for Coating and Surface Chemistry, Adlerstr. 32, 47798 Krefeld, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/22 |
Contact: Masaryk University, Research Center for Toxic Compounds in the Environment, Brno, Czech Republic, email
original posts | |
Polyvinyl chloride microplastics are a long-term source of phthalate release in aqueous media | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/ 22 |
Contact: Environmental Geosciences (EDGE), Center for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science (CMESS), University of Vienna, email
original posts | |
Polyvinyl chloride microplastics are a long-term source of phthalate release in aqueous media | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/ 22 |
Contact: Environmental Geosciences (EDGE), Center for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science (CMESS), University of Vienna, email
Original contributions | |
Bioaccumulation and metabolism studies in fish - current issues in guideline development |
Contact: Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety Braunschweig, email
Original articles | |
Potentials and Challenges of Data Processing Strategies in Non-Target Analysis of Water Samples | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/24 |
Contact: Institute for sustainable chemistry, Faculty of Sustainability Leuphana University Lüneburg.Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg, E-Mail
Briefly introduced | |
environmental chemistry Department of the Water Research Institute of the ETH Domain in Switzerland (Eawag) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 |
From the Division | |
Finding boundaries, overcoming boundaries, molecular mechanisms and ecosystem processes | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/04 |
Contact: environmental chemistry Eawag, Dübendorf, Switzerland, email
Original contributions | |
Floodsearch: floods on a laboratory scale | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
New antibiotics in the environment - first results on ecotoxic effects in the water cycle | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
From the Division | |
How can the Berlin Declaration on Ecotoxicology be implemented? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/04 |
Contact: Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University, email
Original contributions | |
The slurry project - elaboration of a method catalog for the investigation of the residue behavior of veterinary drugs in slurry and manure-fertilized soils | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/06 |
Reviews | |
Veronika R. Meyer: Pitfalls and sources of error in HPLC in pictures | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/06 |
Contact: Institute for Ecological Chemistry and Waste Analysis at the TU Braunschweig
Original contributions | |
Risk assessment of PBT substances | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/06 |
Speaking of ... | |
APROPOS ... POPs in Czech Republic | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/05 |
Contact: RECETOX - TOCOEN Kamenice, Czech Republic
Briefly introduced | |
Master's degree in environmental protection in the Angewandte Chemie Faculty at Reutlingen University | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/10 |
Contact: Reutlingen University, email
From the Division | |
Chemistry professors on fact finding mission in Indonesia | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/06 |
Contact: TU Braunschweig, Institute for organic chemistry E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Consumer exposure to PFOS and PFOA | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
Contact: Safety and Environmental Technology Group, Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering, ETH Zurich
Original contributions | |
Detection of polyfluorinated alkyl phosphate esters (PAP) and Perfluorooctanesulfonamidoethanol-based phosphate esters (SAmPAP) in soils |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/18 |
Contact: State Institute for the Environment Baden-Württemberg (LUBW), email
Original contributions | |
Environmental analysis of biological matrices | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/04 |
Contact: Department of Chemical Ecotoxicology, UFZ Environmental Research Center Leipzig
information | |
Chemistry - what's "Green" got to do with it? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/05 |
Contact: University of Rostock
Original contributions | |
Sequential biofiltration to remove anthropogenic trace substances from municipal sewage treatment plants | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Contact: Chair of Urban Water Management, Technical University of Munich
Am Coulombwall 8, D 85748 Garching, email
original posts | |
Polyvinyl chloride microplastics are a long-term source of phthalate release in aqueous media | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/ 22 |
Contact: Environmental Geosciences (EDGE), Center for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science (CMESS), University of Vienna, email
Original contributions | |
Floodsearch: floods on a laboratory scale | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
Contact: Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen , email
Briefly introduced | |
UFZ - The German competence center for environmental research | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/02 |
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/19 | |
Contact: Institute for Physical and theoretical chemistry Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 18, 72076 Tübingen, email
Original contributions | |
Consumer exposure to PFOS and PFOA | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
Data problems and data needs in the environmental risk assessment of chemicals | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
Consumer Exposure to Phthalates in Europe: Identification of Major Sources | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/06 |
Contact: ETH-Hönggerberg, Institute for Chemical / Bioengineering, Switzerland, email
Original contributions | |
Beyond Oil and Gas: Proposals for a Future Energy Industry | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/06 |
Contact: Institutes for Forest Boranics, University of Göttingen, email
Briefly introduced | |
Sensatec GmbH - Sensoriuk and special system construction | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/16 |
Contact: Sensatec GmbH, Friedrichsorter Str. 32, 24159 Kiel, email
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
Does spatial auto-correlation call for a revision of the latest heavy metal and nitrogen deposition maps? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 |
Contact: Meteorological Synthesizing Center-East of EMEP, Krasina pereulok, 16/1,
123056 Moscow, Russia, email l
original posts | |
Risk assessment of microplastics in Bavarian rivers and lakes |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: Chair of Animal Ecology, University of Bayreuth, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Chair of Aquatic Systems Biology, Technical University of Munich, Mühlenweg 22, 85354 Freising, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/21 | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/19 |
Contact: Institute for Energy and Environmental Technology e. V. (IUTA), Bliersheimer Str. 58-60, 47229 Duisburg, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Chair of Aquatic Systems Biology, Technical University of Munich, Mühlenweg 22, 85354 Freising, email
Original contributions | |
QSAR approaches for the toxicological assessment of industrial chemicals | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/08 |
Contact: Dept. Product Safety, Chemicals Law, toxicology and Ecology Ludwigshafen / Rhein, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/19 | |
Contact: Institute for Physical and theoretical chemistry Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 18, 72076 Tübingen, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/21 | |
Introduced briefly | |
Professorship for instrumental analytics, chemistry department, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 |
Contact: Instrumental Analysis, Department of Chemistry, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, Frankenring 20, 47798 Krefeld, email
Editorial | |
Welcome to Münster, welcome to "Environment 2018" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/18 |
Annual review of the section board | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/17 |
It's that time again. Our annual doctoral day is coming up again soon. | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
From dependent and independent experts | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/16 |
Invitation to Tübingen | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/16 |
Doctoral day and forum for young environmental scientists - offers by the Division for young scientists | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/15 |
From the Division | |
Annual conference Tübingen 2016 and now? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/17 |
First doctoral day of the Division of Environmental Chemistry & Ecotoxicology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/15 |
Position paper of the section board: Aims and tasks of the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology today | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/13 |
Joint annual meeting of the SETAC-GLB and the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology at the environmental research center in Leipzig, 10.-13. September 2012 - a short report | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
Minutes of the general meeting of the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology on September 12, 2012 as part of the annual conference in Leipzig | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
Minutes of the board meeting of the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology on September 10, 2012 during the annual conference in Leipzig | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
Conference report | |
UBA / NORMAN workshop "Environmental Monitoring of Biocides in Europe - From Prioritization to Measurements" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Occupational safety and Health, Friedrich-Henkel-Weg 1-25, 44149 Dortmund, email
Original contributions | |
Arsenic species and plant transfer Arsenite exchange through plant roots: Comparison of plants grown in hydroponics and in the soil | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/09 |
Contact: Martin Luther University Halle, Institute for Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences, email
Original contributions | |
New review boards in the DFG - changes in the review system | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/04 |
Contact: DFG Head office Bonn
Original contributions | |
Pollutant monitoring in fish and mussels in Schleswig-Holstein waters | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
Contact: State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburger Chaussee 25, 24220 Flintbek, email
Speaking of ... | |
Ionic liquids | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/04 |
Briefly introduced | |
UFT - an interdisciplinary environmental research center | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/02 |
Contact: University of Bremen
Original contributions | |
Atmospheric entry of mercury and accumulation in alpine ecosystems | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/21 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment, Division 76 - Substance and chemical assessment, Bürgermeister-Ulrich-Str. 160, 86179 Augsburg, email
Original contributions | |
Quaternary ammonium compounds in soil - implications for the development of antibiotic resistance | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/19 |
Contact: Institute for Epidemiology and Pathogen Diagnosis, Julius Kühn Institute, 38104 Braunschweig, email
Original contributions | |
Application of an LC-MS screening method to identify historical and current trace substances in groundwater and surface water of a former sewage field | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/14 |
Contact: Technische Universität Berlin, Institute for Technical Environmental Protection, Strasse des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/19 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Hydrology, Am Mainzer Tor 1, 56068 Koblenz, email
Original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/23 | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/20 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center Hereon, Institute for environmental chemistry of Coastal Regions, Department of Organic environmental chemistry, Max-Planck-Str. 1, 21502 Geesthacht, email
Original contributions | |
Detection and purification of amines in drinking water and complex aqueous matrices | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/18 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP, Holzkirchen location, Fraunhoferstr. 10, 83626 Valley, email
original posts | |
Expanding the scope of wastewater monitoring by SFC-HRMS analysis |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/23 |
Contact: email
Original contributions | |
Retrospective monitoring of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in archived herring gull eggs | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/10 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology
Original contributions | |
Effect-related analysis based on luminescent bacteria, coupled to flow injection analysis and ion chromatography |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/17 |
Contact: DVGW Water Technology Center, Analytics and Water Quality Department, Karlsruher Straße 84, 76139 Karlsruhe, email
original posts | |
Imaging MALDI-MS and nanodispensing as tools for effect-related HPTLC analysis - an interim report |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/22 |
Contact: Faculty of Chemistry, Aalen University, Beethovenstraße 1 / 73430 Aalen,email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/22 | |
Contact: Institute for Hydrobiology, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Technical University of Dresden, 01062 Dresden, email
Original contributions | |
Which processes are responsible for the environmental behavior of PFAS in the soil ? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/21 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Max-Dohrn-Str. 8-10, 10589 Berlin, email
From the Division | |
Conference report: Successful third joint annual conference of SETAC-GLB and GDCh Division ' environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology' under the motto 'New problematic substances in the environment - recording, effects, solutions' from 23.? 26. September 2008 in Frankfurt am Main | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 |
Contact: Institute for Ecology, Evolution and Diversity, Department of Aquatic Ecotoxicology, Goethe University Frankfurt / Main, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/18 |
Contact: Institute for Water and Water Development, Department of Urban Water Management and Water Quality Management, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Gotthard-Franz-Straße 3, 76131 Karlsruhe, email
Original contributions | |
Determination of frequently prescribed antibiotics in various stages and media in the urban sewage system using ultrasonic extraction (USE) and SPE as well as LC-MS / MS | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/15 |
Contact: Dresden University of Technology, Institute for Clinical Pharmacology, email
Original contributions | |
Non-extractable residues formed during biodegradation of 2,4-D in soil are biogenic | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/11 |
Contact: UFZ - Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research, Department of Environmental Biotechnology Leipzig, email
original posts | |
Development of PFAS sum parameters using Combustion Ion Chromatography (CIC) |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Department 4.3 - Pollutant Transfer and Environmental Technologies, Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 Berlin, email
Original contributions | |
The Arctic: Environmental chemistry field laboratory of global importance | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/07 |
information | |
Report on European environmental chemistry Conference (European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, EMEC 08) in Inverness, Scotland | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
Contact: Environmental Technology, University Center in Svalbard (UNIS) Longyearbyen (Norway), email
Speaking of ... | |
APROPOS ... biorefinery | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/05 |
Original contributions | |
Biorefinery principles | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/03 |
information | |
Report from the German Biorefinery Congress 2007 in Berlin: Bio-based products and biorefineries | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/07 |
Comprehensive Report from the Biorefinica 2006 - An International Symposium on Biobased Products and Biorefineries | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/07 |
Innovation forum "Biorefineries and bio-based industrial products" supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/06 |
Contact: FI Biopos eV Teltow
Speaking of ... | |
APROPOS ... biorefinery | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/05 |
Original contributions | |
Biorefinery principles | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/03 |
information | |
Comprehensive Report from the Biorefinica 2006 - An International Symposium on Biobased Products and Biorefineries | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/07 |
Innovation forum "Biorefineries and bio-based industrial products" supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/06 |
Contact: biorefinery.de GmbH Potsdam
original contributions | |
Contamination by dumped ammunition: TNT metabolites in fish from the North and Baltic Seas | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/25 |
Floodsearch: Floods on a laboratory scale | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
Contact: Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology, Herwigstraße 31 27572 Bremerhaven , E-Mail
information | |
Conference report: International workshop "Aquatic Nanoscience & Nanotechnology" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 |
Contact: Department of Environmental Geosciences Vienna, email
Original contributions | |
Bioaccumulation in organisms at a transfer point for dredged material in the German Bight (North Sea) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/12 |
Contact: Hamburg Port Authority (HPA), email
Original contributions | |
The transport of the antibiotic sulfadiazine in the soil: what is the effect of the liquid manure? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 |
Contact: Institute for Chemistry and Dynamics of the Geosphere ICG-4 Forschungszentrum Jülich, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 |
Contact: Water Innovation and Research Center (WIRC), University of Bath, BA2 7AY, UK, email
Original contributions | |
Determination of the urban background concentrations of brominated flame retardants in outside air | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/1 5 |
Contact: Water Management Office Weilheim Pütrichstr. 15, 82362 Weilheim, email
Original contributions | |
Medicines in water - balancing the pollution using the example of the pain reliever diclofenac | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment (LfU) Munich, email
Original contributions | |
Effective reduction of the antibacterial activity of the fluoroquinolone danofloxacin through biotransformation with the ascomycete Xylaria longipes | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/16 |
Contact: Institute for food chemistry and Food Biotechnology, Justus Liebig University Gießen, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 17, 35392 Gießen, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Chair of Aquatic Systems Biology, Technical University of Munich, Mühlenweg 22, 85354 Freising, email
Briefly introduced | |
Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ISOE), Frankfurt am Main | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/08 |
Contact: Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ISOE) Frankfurt am Main, email
Original contributions | |
Rain drainage of a plastics processing industrial company as a source for microplastics |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/20 |
Contact: Institute for Environmental and Process Engineering, RheinMain University, Am Brückweg 26, 65428 Rüsselsheim, email
Original contributions | |
Persistent chlorinated hydrocarbons | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/04 |
Contact: Ecological chemistry and environmental analysis, TU Munich-Weihenstephan, email
Original contributions | |
The eco-efficiency analysis according to BASF | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/04 |
Contact: BASF-AG Ludwigshafen
original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 |
Contact: Eurofins Environment Denmark, Vejen, Denmark, 12307 Berlin, email
Briefly introduced | |
Chemistry & Biodiversity - Chemistry Probing Nature | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/04 |
Contact: Editor Chemistry & Biodiversity Zurich
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/22 | |
Contact: Institute for Modeling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems (IWS), University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 61, 70569 Stuttgart, email
original posts | |
Ten years of PFAS contamination in Mittelbaden: A "field experiment" with an unknown outcome? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/22 |
Contact: Patricia Klatt, graduate biologist & science journalist, 77815 Bühl, email
Original contributions | |
Total dissolution and digestion methods for engineered metal nanoparticles | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/12 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology
Schmallenberg, email
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
Naturally toxic: natural substances used in personal care products | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/15 |
Suitable test substances for proof of concept regarding infochemical effects in surface waters | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/13 |
Contact: University of Applied Sciences Ulm, Prittwitzstraße 10,
Ulm D-89075, Germany, email
Original contributions | |
Detection of aircraft and operating area de-icing agents in the surface runoff at Hannover-Langenhagen Airport by means of solid-phase micro-extraction | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/10 |
Multimedia modeling for the identification of persistent substances with long-distance transport potential | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/08 |
Geo-referenced exposure estimation | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/05 |
Contact: Institute for Environmental Systems Research, Osnabrück University
Original contributions | |
Can photocatalysis help to improve urban air quality? Results from the LIFE + project PhotoPAQ |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/15 |
The inner-city "nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) problem": What influence do direct traffic emissions have? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/08 |
The photolysis of nitrous acid (HONO) - an important source of OH radicals in the atmosphere | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 |
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
Primary NO 2 emissions and their impact on air quality in traffic environments in Germany | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 |
Contact: physical chemistry / FB C of the Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Gaußstr. 20, 42119 Wuppertal, phone .: +49 (0) 202 439 3534, fax .: +49 (0) 202 439 2505 , email
Original contributions | |
Evaluation of chemicals relevant to drinking water within the framework of the REACH regulation | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/09 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/20 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME, Auf dem Aberg, 57392 Schmallenberg, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/21 | |
Contact: Institute for Energy and Environmental Technology e. V. (IUTA), Bliersheimer Str. 58 - 60, 47229 Duisburg, email
Original contributions | |
Ecological chemistry - another 1968 movement | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/02 |
Prevention and standards: scientific point of view | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/01 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Inst. For environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology
information | |
Report from the workshop on national bird egg monitoring on September 22nd in Trier | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/09 |
information | |
Ad-hoc working group of the "chemical assessment Assessment" working group discusses the environmental behavior of metals | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 |
Contact: EBRC Consulting GmbH Hanover, email
Original contributions | |
Exposure analysis and choice of substances | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/01 |
From the Division | |
Impressions from the third joint annual conference of the GDCh- FG environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology and the SETAC Europe- German Language Branch (GLB) from 23.-26. September 2008 in Frankfurt am Main | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 |
Personnel | |
In memoriam. Ian Meerkamp van Embden (1929-2007) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/07 |
Contact: Society for Consulting and Analytics in the Environmental Sector - CAU GmbH
Dreieich, email
Editorial | |
New Division Board - outlook on the main areas of work for the next few years | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/11 |
Greetings from the board of directors | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
Original contributions | |
TED-GC / MS: Fast determination of microplastic mass content in different samples |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: GKD - Gebr. Kufferath AG, Metallweberstrasse 46, 52353 Düren, email
information | |
Report on the 1st International Workshop "Fluorinated surfactants: new developments" June 26-28, 2008 in Idstein | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 |
Contact: Europa Fachhochschule Fresenius, email
Original contributions | |
Optical analysis system for drinking water control of microplastics in real time |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: Hanover Center for Optical Technologies, Leibniz University Hanover, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/19 | |
Contact: Institute for Physical and theoretical chemistry Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 18, 72076 Tübingen, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Chair of Aquatic Systems Biology, Technical University of Munich, Mühlenweg 22, 85354 Freising, email
Original contributions | |
Total dissolution and digestion methods for engineered metal nanoparticles | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/12 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology
Schmallenberg, email
Original contributions | |
Medicines in water - balancing the pollution using the example of the pain reliever diclofenac | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 |
Contact: Technical University of Munich, Faculty of Chemistry, email
Original contributions | |
Determination of frequently prescribed antibiotics in various stages and media in the urban sewage system using ultrasonic extraction (USE) and SPE as well as LC-MS / MS | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/15 |
Contact: Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital Dresden, Clinic Pharmacy, email
Original contributions | |
HBCD's environmental behavior and the resulting legal consequences | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/15 |
Contact: Aquatic Ecology and Center for Water and Environmental Research (ZWU), University of Duisburg-Essen. Universitätsstrasse 2 email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: Philipps University of Marburg, Department of physics, Hans-Meerwein-Straße 6, MZG 03 D24, 35032 Marburg, email
From the Division | |
Basic research report of the GDCh | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/02 |
Original contributions
Biomonitoring of PCB and PCDD / F in Bavaria: Results from 18 years of continuous observation | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/17 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment; Steinenhausen Castle, D-95326 Kulmbach, email
Original contributions | |
Determination of methyl mercury in fish samples from the federal environmental specimen bank | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology (Fraunhofer IME), email
Pro and Con | |
CONtra: Associations of the textile and clothing industry & IG Metall NRW | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/03 |
Contact: Textilverband Nord-West, Münster
Original contributions | |
Medicines in the environment - Part 2: Legal aspects and assessment concepts | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency Berlin
Original contributions | |
Human drug residues in sewage sludge - prioritization concept for the classification of the environmental hazard potential for the soil | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/14 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau, email
Original contributions | |
Determination of benzotriazole in water with plasmonic onsite analysis |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: Water quality control, Stadtwerke Düsseldorf AG, Wiedfeld 50, 40589 Düsseldorf, email
Original contributions | |
Emission inventories as the basis for determining the causes and recording air pollution | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/09 |
Contact: JRC Ispra, Italy, email
Briefly introduced | |
Physiological ecology of animals at the Institute for Evolution and Ecology of the Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/13 |
Contact: University of Tübingen, Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 20, D-72072 Tübingen email
Original contributions | |
New and more sustainable organic chemistry internship (NOP) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/05 |
Contact: Institute for organic chemistry, University of Regensburg, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/19 | |
Contact: Herzog-Sigmund-Straße 4a, Völs, Austria, email
Original contributions | |
On the special position of antibiotics in the case of water pollution by drugs | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/16 |
Ecotoxicological effects of mixtures of substances in wastewater treatment | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/15 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment - LfU, 86179 Augsburg, email
Editorial | |
EU-wide soil protection aspects in chemical assessment | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/04 |
Soil protection during fertilization and waste recycling - a concept to avoid individual regulations | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/02 |
Original contributions | |
Selection and use of reference matrices to determine material properties and the environmental behavior of materials | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/07 |
From the Division | |
Annual conference of the Division - October 7th - 8th, 2003 - A short report | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/03 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME-AE, email
original posts | |
Terrestrial environmental monitoring – are we measuring the right substances? |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/23 |
Biomonitoring of PCB and PCDD/F in Bavaria: results from 18 years of continuous observation | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/17 |
Determination of urban background concentrations of brominated flame retardants in outdoor air | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/1 5 |
information | |
Per- and polyfluorinated compounds and no end - data, trends and new insights (conference report) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/11 |
Persistent Perfluorinated Compounds - A Danger to Humans and the Environment? (conference report) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/08 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment, Mayor-Ulrich-Strasse 160, D-86179 Augsburg, email
Original contributions | |
"Risk Profiler" in action - a comparison of the environmental risk profiles of insecticides |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/19 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency Dessau-Rosslau, Section IV 1.3 Plant Protection Products, email
information | |
Conference report "The Mediterranean Environment" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/05 |
Original articles | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/24 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME, Schmallenberg, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Medicines in the environment - Part 2: Legal aspects and assessment concepts | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
From the Division | |
Session ?PFAS recording and assessment? on the Environment 2021 | |
information | |
Conference report. Environmental specimen bank workshop for the monitoring of priority substances and "emerging pollutants" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/10 |
Report from the workshop on national bird egg monitoring on September 22nd in Trier | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/09 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency Dessau, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology (IME), email
Briefly introduced | |
Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (IHCP) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/06 |
information | |
From cyclodiene insecticides to food analysis, Prof. Dr. Harun Parlar turns 60 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/06 |
Contact: JRC Ispra / Italy
Original contributions | |
Which processes are responsible for the environmental behavior of PFAS in the soil ? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/21 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Max-Dohrn-Str. 8-10, 10589 Berlin, email
Original contributions | |
MUTReWa - Measures for a more sustainable use of pesticides and their transformation products in regional water management | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/17 |
Contact: WWL Umweltplanung und Geoinformatik GbR, email
Original contributions | |
Emissions and optimization potential of new diesel fuels | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/05 |
Contact: FH Coburg E-Mail
Briefly presented | |
Clausthal Environmental Technology Institute (CUTEC) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/03 |
Contact: Clausthaler Umwelttechnik-Institut GmbH - CUTEC-Institut GmbH -
Briefly introduced | |
The NABU Federal Committee for environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology introduces itself | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/17 |
Viewpoints |
Approval and regulation of plant protection products from the point of view of nature conservation practice | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/16 |
Contact: FU Berlin, Institute for biology NABU Germany. Spokesman for the Federal Technical Committee
environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology NABU Brandenburg. Member of the Board, email
Original contributions | |
Non-target analysis in ecology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/10 |
Contact: Leibnitz Institute for Molecular Pharmacology Berlin-Buch, email
Editorial | |
The AK Soil Chemistry and Soil Ecology is back | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/06 |
Original contributions | |
The slurry project - elaboration of a method catalog for the investigation of the residue behavior of veterinary drugs in slurry and manure-fertilized soils | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/06 |
Investigations into the behavior of pharmaceutical residues in soils | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/02 |
From the Division | |
Activity report, AK Soil Chemistry and Soil Ecology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/06 |
Contact: Institute for Ecological Chemistry and Waste Analysis at the TU Braunschweig, email
original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 |
Contact: Biological physics, University of Bayreuth E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Online sensor system for monitoring the water quality for organic compounds | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 |
Contact: UNISENSOR Sensorsysteme AG, Karlsruhe, email
From the Division |
First Young Environmental Scientists Forum 2013 in Blomberg | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/13 |
Contact: Institute for Didactics of Chemistry University of Siegen, email
Original contributions | |
Aging of synthetic polymers in the marine environment using the example of HDPE, LDPE, PP and PLA | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Contact: Biozentrum Universität Würzburg, Am Hubland, D-97074 Würzburg, email
Briefly introduced | |
GALAB - Geesthacht | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
Contact: GALAB Technologies GmbH
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/23 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, Federal Trace Substance Center, Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau, email
winter special | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 | |
summer special | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/24 | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/22 | |
From the Division | |
The websites of the Division in the new GDCh guise | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 |
Impressions from the Annual Conference of the Specialist Groups in Trier | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/09 |
personal details | |
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Reemtsma gives inaugural lecture at the University of Leipzig | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 I |
Contact: Wilhelm Ostwald Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, University of Leipzig, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
POP cycling in India - influenced by the monsoon | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
Contact: Masaryk University, Research Center for Toxic Compounds in the Environment, Kamenice 5, 62500 Brno, Czech Republic
Briefly introduced | |
Technology Transfer Center Bremerhaven | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/05 |
Contact: ttz Bremerhaven
Original contributions | |
Mixture nanomaterials and chemicals | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/16 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ), Department of Bioanalytical Ecotoxicology
Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig, phone: 0341 235 1515, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/18 |
Contact: DVGW Water Technology Center, Karlsruher Strasse 84, 76139 Karlsruhe, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/21 | |
MUTReWa - Measures for a more sustainable use of pesticides and their transformation products in regional water management | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/17 |
Briefly introduced | |
Institute for sustainable chemistry and environmental chemistry LEUPHANA | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/12 |
Contact: Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Faculty of Sustainability, Institute for environmental chemistry Lüneburg, Scharnhorststr. 1, 21335 Lüneburg, email
Speaking of ... | |
Phenols | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/03 |
information | |
Results of the World Summit in Johannesburg in 2002 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/20 | |
Contact: Institute for Chemistry, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, 26129 Oldenburg, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/22 |
Contact: Masaryk University, Research Center for Toxic Compounds in the Environment, Brno, Czech Republic, email
Original contributions | |
Emission inventories as the basis for determining the causes and recording air pollution | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/09 |
Contact: Institute for Energy Economics and Rational Energy Use, University of Stuttgart, email
Original contributions | |
Can photocatalysis help to improve urban air quality? Results from the LIFE + project PhotoPAQ |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/15 |
The inner-city "nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) problem": What influence do direct traffic emissions have? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/08 |
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
Primary NO 2 emissions and their impact on air quality in traffic environments in Germany | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 |
Contact: Bergische Universität Wuppertal (BUW), FB C / physical chemistry, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/21 |
Contact: BGD ECOSAX GmbH, Tiergartenstraße 48, 01219 Dresden, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/21 |
Contact: Dresden University of Applied Sciences, Friedrich-List-Platz 1, 01069 Dresden, email
Original contributions | |
Antibiotic residues in manure and soil | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/10 |
Contact: Technical University of Dortmund, Institute for Environmental Research (INFU), email
Original contributions | |
Characterization of the sorption of organic bases from aqueous solutions: Current results and limitations in the prognosis of environmental behavior | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/16 |
Contact: Institute for water chemistry, Technical University Dresden, 01062 Dresden, email
Briefly introduced | |
Eurofins - Dr. Specht & Partner | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/04 |
Contact: Eurofins Analytik GmbH, Dr. Specht Laboratorien GmbH
original posts | |
Risk assessment of microplastics in Bavarian rivers and lakes |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: Chair of Animal Ecology, University of Bayreuth, email
Original contributions | |
REACH and SMEs - Responsible Care | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/04 |
information | |
Report from the German Biorefinery Congress 2007 in Berlin: Bio-based products and biorefineries | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/07 |
Contact: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, email
Original contributions | |
Which processes are responsible for the environmental behavior of PFAS in the soil ? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/21 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME, Auf dem Aberg 1, 57392 Schmallenberg, email
original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 |
Contact: Animal Ecology I, University of Bayreuth E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/18 |
Contact: BIOPLAN Landeskulturgesellschaft, Pfohlhofstrasse 20, 74889 Sinsheim, email
Editorial | |
Current overview of the status and activities of our Division | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/09 |
Welcome to the 3rd joint Conference of the GDCh Division for environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology and SETAC-GLB | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/08 |
environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology - sub-areas of inter- and transdisciplinary environmental science | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 |
environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology - sub-areas of inter- and transdisciplinary environmental science | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/03 |
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/22 | |
POP cycling in India - influenced by the monsoon | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
Where are persistent pollutants in the ocean? Indications of local recurrence of past exposure maxima |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/13 |
Accumulation of persistent organic pollutants in the polar regions - model studies | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/07 |
State of knowledge and need for research in the context of the global POP convention | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/05 |
Exposure analysis of environmental chemicals using chemistry-transport modelling | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/01 |
Introduced briefly | |
Research Center for Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Brno | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
Center for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/04 |
from the Division | |
Notes on the framework conditions under which scientific research is currently being conducted in our specialist areas and in Germany as a science location in general | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/09 |
Report from the Divisions- General Assembly meeting within the framework of the Divisions groups - annual conference in Trier | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/09 |
Report from the Divisions- General Assembly in Frankfurt | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 |
Review of the annual meeting of the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology from September 26th to 28th, 2007 in Osnabrück | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/07 |
Wöhler Prize for resource-saving processes to Prof. Metzger | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/07 |
information | |
Summary report of the 16th National Congress of the Division "environmental chemistry and Cultural Heritage" (Chimica dell' Ambiente e die Beni Culturali) of the Italian Chemical Society | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/16 |
Workshop report: interim balance of the POP Convention and declaration on the implementation of the agreements of the Stockholm Convention 2001 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/11 |
Report from the EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment 2009 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/09 |
Conference report "Persistent Organic Pollutants in Mountainous Areas", Salzburg, November 26-27, 2007 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
Poorly degradable chemicals - approaches in research and political uses (conference report) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/01 |
What does the use of persistent chemicals mean for the environment? (conference report) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/01 |
Personalia | |
Personal congratulations on the 75th birthday of Prof. Dr. Otto Hutzinger | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 |
Prof. Walter Klöpffer 70 years | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 |
Contact: Research Center for Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology Brno, email
Original contributions | |
Antibiotic residues in manure and soil | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/10 |
Contact: Technical University of Dortmund, Institute for Environmental Research (INFU) E-Mail
Original contributions | |
MUTReWa - Measures for a more sustainable use of pesticides and their transformation products in regional water management | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/17 |
Contact: University of Freiburg, soil science , email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/22 | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/22 | |
The application of the sum parameters EOF and AOF in the investigation of the deep displacement of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl compounds (PFAS) in polluted soils in Mittelbaden | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
Detection of polyfluorinated alkyl phosphate esters (PAP) and Perfluorooctanesulfonamidoethanol-based phosphate esters (SAmPAP) in soil |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/18 |
Contact: DVGW Water Technology Center (TZW), Karlsruhe, email
Original contributions | |
MUTReWa - Measures for a more sustainable use of pesticides and their transformation products in regional water management | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/17 |
Contact: University of Freiburg, email
Original articles | |
Mitt Environmental Chem Ecotox 1/24 |
Contact: Institute for Ecopreneurship, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), 4132 Muttenz, Switzerland, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Volatile polyfluorinated compounds in indoor air | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/10 |
Contact: GKSS Research Center, Institute for Coastal Research, environmental chemistry Department, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Chair of Aquatic Systems Biology, Technical University of Munich, Mühlenweg 22, 85354 Freising, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/20 |
Contact: Institute for Energy and Climate 7: Stratosphere Research Center Jülich GmbH, Wilhelm-Johnen-Strasse 52425 Jülich, email
information | |
Joint research project of the University of Gießen and the University of Applied Sciences Gießen-Friedberg for the purification of drug-contaminated wastewater | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/06 |
Contact: Press Officer, Justus Liebig University Giessen, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: Philipps University of Marburg, Department of physics, Hans-Meerwein-Straße 6, MZG 03 D24, 35032 Marburg, email
Original contributions | |
Risk assessment of pesticide mixtures - from standardized individual species tests to model ecosystems | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/16 |
Contact: Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA, email
Briefly introduced | |
German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU) "Sustainability in Chemistry" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/02 |
information | |
Green Chemistry in Education (conference report) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/01 |
Personnel | |
Laudation on the occasion of the 85th birthday of the honorary member of our Division, Prof. Dr. Dr. mult. hc Friedhelm Korte | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 |
Reviews | |
Peter W. Atkins, Loretta Jones: "Chemistry, Simply Everything", ISBN: 3-527-31579-9 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/07 |
B. Jastorff, R. Störmann, U. Wölcke: Structure-effect thinking in chemistry - an opportunity for more sustainability, ISBN: 978-3-89598-920-9 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/07 |
Albert Gossauer: Structure and reactivity of biomolecules (ISBN: 3-906390-29-2) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 |
Joseph J. Romm: The hydrogen boom - desire and reality in the race for climate protection | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/06 |
E. Breitmaier: "TERPENS - Aromas, fragrances, pharmaceuticals, pheromones" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/05 |
K. Mädefessel-Herrmann, F. Hammar, H.-J. Quadbeck-Seeger (Ed. GDCH): "Chemistry around the clock" (ISBN 3-527-30970-5) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/04 |
AS Bommaris, BR Riebel: "Biocatalysis" (ISBN 3-527-30344-8) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/04 |
HJ Bader, M. Bahadir, D. Lenoir, B. Ralle (Eds: GDCh): "Green Chemistry Sustainability in Chemistry" (ISBN 3-527-30815-6) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/03 |
Contact: Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, Dept. of Study Programs and environmental chemistry, email
Original contributions | |
Wastewater ozonation and related formation of N-oxides | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/17 |
Contact: University of Tübingen, Environmental Analysis, Hölderlinstrasse 12, 72074 Tübingen Email
Original contributions | |
Determination of benzotriazole in water with plasmonic onsite analysis |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: Photonic Sensor Technology, Institute for Nanophotonics Göttingen e. V., Hans-Adolf-Krebs-Weg 1, 37077 Göttingen E-Mail
Editorial | |
New concepts for sustainable chemistry: Resource and environmentally friendly syntheses and processes | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/01 |
From the Division | |
Working Group on Resource and Environmentally Conserving Syntheses and Processes (RUSP) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/04 |
information | |
1st International Symposium on Green Chemistry for Environment and Health, October 13-16, 2008, Munich-Neuherberg (conference report) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/09 |
Pro & Con: sustainable vs. green chemistry (letter to the editor) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/02 |
Green Chemistry in Education (conference report) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/01 |
Reviews | |
S. Böschen: Riskogenesis ..., (ISBN 3-8100-2691-3) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/01 |
Contact: Institute of Ecological Chemistry, GSF National Research Center Neuherberg, email
Introduced briefly | |
Environmental trace analysis at the Institute for Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry at the University of Ulm | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/13 |
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: University of Ulm, Institute for Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11, 89081 Ulm E-mail
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/19 | |
Contact: Hydrogeochemistry, Center for Applied Geosciences, Eberhard-Karls University Tübingen, Hölderlinstr. 12, 72074 Tübingen,email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: DVGW Water Technology Center, Karlsruher Str. 84, 76139 Karlsruhe, email
Original posts | |
BayÖkotox project network – “Ecotoxicological assessment of substances in the environment” |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/23 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment Mayor-Ulrich-Str.160, 86179 Augsburg, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/18 |
Contact: Technical University of Munich Am Coulombwall 3 85748 Garching, email
Reviews | |
U. Schlottmann (Ed.): Test methods of chemicals, (ISBN 3-7776-1151-4) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/03 |
RD Scmid: Tachenaltlas der biotechnology und Gentechnik, (ISBN 3-527-30865-2) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/02 |
R. Bock: Handbook of the analytical-chemical digestion methods, (ISBN 3-527-29791-X) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/02 |
R. Bock: Handbook of the analytical-chemical digestion methods, (ISBN 3-527-29791-X) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
W. Kölle: water analyzes judged correctly; ..., (ISBN 3-527-30169-0) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
DH Watson (Ed.): Food chemical safety - Volume 1: Contaminants, (ISBN 1-85573-462-1) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
Original contributions | |
Application of passive collectors for the monitoring of hydrophobic organic pollutants in rivers | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/15 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, Bismarckplatz 1, 14193 Berlin
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: DVGW Water Technology Center, Karlsruher Str. 84, 76139 Karlsruhe, email
original posts | |
Approaches to the characterization of ultrafine particles from road traffic |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/23 |
Behavior of nanoparticles in sewage treatment plants | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 |
Drugs and their metabolites in the water cycle | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/10 |
Drugs in water - balancing the load using the example of the painkiller diclofenac | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 |
Introduced briefly | |
Project RISK-IDENT - Assessment of previously unidentified anthropogenic trace substances and action strategies for risk management in the aquatic system | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/13 |
conference report | |
Advances in Suspected and Non-Target Analytics: Software Tools, Databases and their Application”, March 28-29, 2014, Augsburg | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/14 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment (LfU) Munich, email
Original contributions | |
Supercritical fluid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (SFC-MS): Simultaneous investigation method for polar and non-polar organic molecules in water samples | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/15 |
Medicines in water - balancing the pollution using the example of the pain reliever diclofenac | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 |
Briefly introduced | |
Analytical research group at the Chair of Urban Water Management at the Technical University of Munich | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 |
Contact: Analytical research group at the Chair of Urban Water Management at the Technical University of Munich, Am Coulombwall 8, 85748 Garching, email
Original contributions | |
Characterization of the sorption of organic bases from aqueous solutions: Current results and limitations in the prognosis of environmental behavior | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/16 |
Briefly introduced | |
Hydrochemistry working group in the Applied Geology department at the Geoscientific Center of the Georg-August University of Göttingen | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/13 |
Contact: Geoscientific Center, Applied Geology Department, Hydrochemistry Group, Georg-August University Göttingen, Goldschmidtstrasse 3, 37077 Göttingen, email
Original contributions | |
The ICCA HPV Initiative | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/04 |
Contact: BUA Ecotoxicology Office, TU Dresden
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/22 | |
Contact: NLWKN Lower Saxony State Office for Water Management, Coastal Defense and Nature Conservation (Hanover-Hildesheim office), e-mail
Briefly introduced | |
Center for microscale environmental systems | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/04 |
original posts | |
Risk assessment of microplastics in Bavarian rivers and lakes |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: Chair of Animal Ecology, University of Bayreuth, email
original posts | |
Development of the 'pollution fingerprint' in the North Sea over the last century |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/22 |
Contact: University of Hamburg, Institute of Geology, Bundesstraße 55, 20146 Hamburg, email
Briefly introduced | |
Saxon education company for environmental protection and chemical professions Dresden mbH | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/02 |
original contributions | |
Short-Term Test for Toxicogenomic Analysis of Ecotoxic Modes of Action in Lemna minor | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME, Schmallenberg, E-Mail
Briefly introduced | |
Climate Alliance / Alianza del Clima eV Climate protection in partnership | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/04 |
Editorial | |
Greetings from the board of directors | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology - sub-areas of inter- and transdisciplinary environmental science | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 |
Annual conference on environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology 2006 in Halle | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/06 |
From the Division | |
Annual meeting of the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology October 4th - 6th in Halle (Saale) - a look back | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/06 |
Briefly introduced | |
Environmental and food chemistry at the Institute for Analytics and environmental chemistry at the University of Halle | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/04 |
Contact: Institute for Analytics and environmental chemistry at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, email
Original contributions | |
Dialogue in the Smock - The Future of Risk Assessment in Stakeholder Democracy | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/05 |
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/19 | |
Contact: Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, Salzburg, Austria, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/22 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research Leipzig ? UFZ, Permoserstrasse 15, 04318 Leipzig, email
Original contributions | |
On the reform of chemistry studies | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/02 |
Job description of the geoecologist and / or environmental chemist | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/01 |
Contact: University of Regensburg, Institute for organic chemistry
Original contributions | |
Occurrence of heterocyclic PAHs in rivers in Lower Saxony | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/11 |
Contact: Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Faculty of Sustainability, Institute for environmental chemistry, email
Briefly introduced | |
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/03 |
Original posts | |
BayÖkotox project network – “Ecotoxicological assessment of substances in the environment” |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/23 |
Approaches for the characterization of ultrafine particles from road traffic | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/23 |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment (LfU) Mayor-Ulrich-Str.160, 86179 Augsburg, email
Original contributions | |
Screening of the behavior of active pharmaceutical ingredients in a water-sediment test system | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/11 |
Contact: Helmholtz Zentrum München, email
Original contributions | |
Risk assessment of PBT substances | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/06 |
Original contributions
On the special position of antibiotics in the case of water pollution by drugs | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/16 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, email
Original contributions | |
MUTReWa - Measures for a more sustainable use of pesticides and their transformation products in regional water management | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/17 |
Contact: GFN mbH - Society for Outdoor Ecology and Nature Protection Planning, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: Center for Applied Geosciences, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/22 |
Contact: Masaryk University, Research Center for Toxic Compounds in the Environment, Brno, Czech Republic, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/ 22 | |
Contact: Institute of toxicology and Pharmacology for Natural Scientists, Brunswiker Straße 10, 24105 Kiel, Tel. +49 431 500 30912, email
Editorial | |
Annual meeting of the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology 2007 in Osnabrück | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/07 |
Speaking of ... | |
APROPOS ... long-distance transport potential and overall persistence | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/05 |
Original contributions | |
Long-distance transport of organic substances in water | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/10 |
Multimedia modeling for the identification of persistent substances with long-distance transport potential | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/08 |
Modeling of the spread of pollutants during extreme floods in the Bitterfeld area | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/05 |
Geo-referenced exposure estimation | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/05 |
From the Division | |
Review of the annual meeting of the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology September 26-28 , 2007 in Osnabrück | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/07 |
Report on the general assembly as part of the Division conference in Osnabrück | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/07 |
Briefly introduced | |
Institute for Environmental Systems Research, Osnabrück | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/04 |
Contact: Institute for Environmental Systems Research, University of Osnabrück, email
Briefly introduced | |
50 years of postgraduate studies “Analytics & Spectroscopy” in Leipzig | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/24 |
Contact: Institute of Analytical Chemistry, University of Leipzig, Linnéstr. 3, D-04103 Leipzig, E-Mail
Briefly introduced |
Institute Alpha, water and environmental analysis |
Contact: Institut Alpha GmbH & Co. KG, Dornstadter Weg 15, 89081 Jungingen, email
Briefly introduced | |
Aquatic Toxicology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/05 |
Original contributions | |
Mixture toxicity in the Erft - toxicity driver and non-detect |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection North Rhine-Westphalia, Wallneyer Straße 6, 45133 Essen, email
Original contributions | |
Occurrence and distribution of organic UV stabilizers and UV filters in sediments of European estuaries | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/16 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research, Impact-Oriented Analysis Department, Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig, email
Original contributions | |
Occurrence of selected psychotropic drugs in groundwater influenced by trickle fields in Berlin | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/12 |
Briefly introduced | |
working group hydrogeology and landscape water balance at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/12 |
Contact: Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Institute for biology and Environmental Sciences, email
Original contributions | |
Arsenic species and plant transfer Arsenite exchange through plant roots: Comparison of plants grown in hydroponics and in the soil | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/09 |
Contact: UFZ - Helmholtz - Center for Environmental Research GmbH, email
Original contributions | |
Biocides in Berlin's rainwater runoff | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Contact: Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH, Cicerostr. 24, 10709 Berlin, email
Original contributions | |
pH-dependent algae toxicity of phenol derivatives | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/02 |
Contact: UFZ - Environmental Research Center Leipzig-Halle GmbH
original posts | |
Fast and easy extraction of PFAS from soil samples: Optimized EOF determination using HR-CS-GFMAS | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/ 22 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Department 1.1 - Inorganic Trace Analysis, Richard-Willstätter-Strasse 11, 12489 Berlin, email
Original contributions | |
Decrease in PFC pollution in municipal sewage sludge in Bavaria | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/16 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment Department for Substance and chemical assessment Assessment, Demollstrasse 31, 82407 Wielenbach, email
original posts | |
Release of pesticides on agricultural land - comparison of methods for the leaching potential | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/22 |
Contact: Geo and Environmental Research Center University of Tübingen, Schnarrenbergstr. 94-96, 72074 Tuebingen, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/21 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ, Department of Soil Physics, Falkenberg 55, 39615 Altmärkische Wische / Falkenberg, email
Original contributions | |
Wastewater ozonation and related formation of N-oxides | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/17 |
Contact: Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Center for Applied Geosciences (ZAG), Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Hölderlinstrasse 12, 72074 TübingenEmail
Original contributions | |
Antibiotic transfer from the soil into crops | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/10 |
Contact: Univ. Paderborn, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Inorganic and analytical chemistry, email
Original contributions | |
Online sensor system for monitoring the water quality for organic compounds | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 |
Contact: DVGW - Technologiezentrum Wasser (TZW), email
Original contributions | |
Investigation of the sorption on carbon nanomaterials by means of inverse liquid chromatography | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/18 |
Contact: Instrumental analytical chemistry, University of Duisburg-Essen, Universitätsstrasse 5, 45141 Essen, email
Editorial | |
Agenda 21 and biomass use | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/05 |
Original contributions | |
Beyond Oil and Gas: Proposals for a Future Energy Industry | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/06 |
From the Division | |
Activity report, Working Group Resource- and Environment-Friendly Syntheses and Processes (RUSP) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/06 |
information | |
Foundation of the Working Group "sustainable chemistry" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 |
Contact: Carl von Ossitzky University of Oldenburg, email
Briefly introduced | |
Chair for Hydrochemistry and Hydrobiology in Urban Water Management at the Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Waste Management (ISWA) at the University of Stuttgart | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/13 |
Contact: Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Waste Management (ISWA) University of Stuttgart, email
Original contributions | |
Medicines in water - balancing the pollution using the example of the pain reliever diclofenac | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment (LfU), email
information | |
Report from the 3rd German-Brazilian Symposium on "Sustainable Development" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 |
Contact: MEYRO Consulting E-Mail
original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/25 |
Contact: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research Group, Institute of Landscape Ecology, University of Münster E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Chair of Aquatic Systems Biology, Technical University of Munich, Mühlenweg 22, 85354 Freising, email
Original contributions | |
Non-extractable residues formed during biodegradation of 2,4-D in soil are biogenic | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/11 |
Contact: UFZ - Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research, Department of Environmental Biotechnology, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/20 | |
Contact: Institute for Chemistry and biology of the Sea (ICBM), Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, 26111 Oldenburg, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/19 | |
Contact: Umweltbundesamt GmbH Vienna, Austria, email
original contributions | |
Aquatic fungi in the risk assessment of plant protection products - unimportant or just ignored? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, Department IV 2.5 Trace Analysis, Flowing and Still Water Simulation, Schichauweg 58, 12307 Berlin, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Application of passive collectors for the monitoring of hydrophobic organic pollutants in rivers | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/15 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Hydrology (BfG), Am Mainzer Tor 1, 56068 Koblenz, email
Original contributions | |
Cloud chemistry - meaning, status and perspectives | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/03 |
Briefly introduced | |
Chair for air chemistry and air pollution control at the Brandenburg Technical University (BTU) Cottbus | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/11 |
Contact:, Brandenburg Technical University (BTU) Cottbus, Chair of Air Chemistry and Air Pollution Control, email
obituary | |
Paul J. Crutzen - brilliant scientist, admonisher and thought leader | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/21 |
Contact: Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/22 | |
Contact: Lake Constance Water Supply, Quality Assurance and Research Laboratory, Süßenmühle 1, 78354 Sipplingen, email
Original contributions | |
Non-target analysis in ecology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/10 |
Contact: AG NMR, Institute for Chemistry, Humboldt University Berlin, email
Original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 |
Contact: FG Plant Protection Products, Federal Environment Agency Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau, email
Original contributions | |
Sequential biofiltration to remove anthropogenic trace substances from municipal sewage treatment plants | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Contact: Chair of Urban Water Management, Technical University of Munich, Am Coulombwall 3
85748 Garching, email
Original contributions | |
Retrospective monitoring of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in archived herring gull eggs | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/10 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology
Original contributions | |
Influence of lipophilicity and molecular size on the bioconcentration potential of environmental chemicals | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/07 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME-AE, email
Original contributions | |
A brief insight into the chemistry of secondary organic aerosols | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/09 |
Contact: Institute for Inorganic and analytical chemistry at the University of Mainz, email
Original contributions | |
Background values and heavy metal pollution of sediments in the area of flowing waters using the example of the Oderhaffes | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
Contact: University of Braunschweig, email
Original contributions | |
Quaternary ammonium compounds in soil - implications for the development of antibiotic resistance | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/19 |
Contact: Institute for Soil Science and Soil Conservation, iFZ, Justus Liebig University Gießen, 35239 Gießen, email
Original contributions | |
POP cycling in India - influenced by the monsoon | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
Contact: Masaryk University, Research Center for Toxic Compounds in the Environment, Kamenice 5, 62500 Brno, Czech Republic,
Briefly introduced | |
GBA laboratory group | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/14 |
Contact: Society for Bioanalytics, Flensburger Strasse 15, 25421 Pinneberg, email
Original contributions | |
POP cycling in India - influenced by the monsoon | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
Contact: Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Division, Chennai 600036, India
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/ 22 |
Contact: Faculty of Life Sciences, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Ulmenliet 20, 21033 Hamburg, email
Pro and Con | |
Pro - postgraduate further education with the certified qualification of specialist ecotoxicologist GDCh / SETAC-GLB | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/06 |
From the Division | |
Postgraduate training with the certified qualification of specialist ecotoxicologist GDCh / SETAC - current status | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/06 |
Contact: Institute for Hydrobiology, TU Dresden, email
information | |
Report from the workshop on national bird egg monitoring on September 22nd in Trier | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/09 |
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: State Office for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Department 3: Geology, Water and soil, Goldberger Straße 12b
18273 Güstrow, email
Original contributions | |
Sampling of LHKW in groundwater: comparison of active and passive sampling | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/09 |
Contact: BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing
Original contributions
Does the use of modern pesticides lead to the mobilization of old DDT residues in agricultural areas? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/17 |
Contact: Institute for Instrumental Analysis, Faculty of biotechnology, HAW Mannheim, Paul-Wittsack-Strasse 10
68163 Mannheim, email
Original contributions | |
To record the long-term effects of PBT and vPvB substances in the context of the socio-economic analyzes in REACH | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/16 |
Influence of lipophilicity and molecular size on the bioconcentration potential of environmental chemicals | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/07 |
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
Suitable test substances for proof of concept regarding infochemical effects in surface waters | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/13 |
From the Division | |
News from the chemical assessment Assessment working group Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/17 |
The chemical assessment Assessment working group Group of the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology - Main Activities 2013 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/13 |
Contact: Analytical Laboratory, Bahnhofstrasse 1, Luhnstedt D-24816, Germany, email
Briefly introduced | |
Environmental analysis as "analytical fire brigade" for a chemical site | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/04 |
Contact: BASF-AG, email
Briefly introduced | |
Eurofins I GfA | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/05 |
Original contributions | |
Degradability of ionic liquids Systematic studies on the risk assessment of ionic liquids for a prospective design of intrinsically safe chemicals |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/14 |
Contact: Center for Environmental Research and Sustainable Technologies (UFT), University of Bremen, Leobener Straße, 28359 Bremen,
Tel .: 0421 / 218-63373, email
Original contributions | |
Evaluation of chemicals relevant to drinking water within the framework of the REACH regulation | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/09 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/22 |
Contact: Masaryk University, Research Center for Toxic Compounds in the Environment, Brno, Czech Republic, email
Original articles | |
30 years of moss monitoring in Germany: New developments and long-term trends | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/24 |
Contact:PlanWerk Nidda, consulting office, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/22 | |
Contact: Kykeon Analytics Ltd., C. Jaume I Conqueridor 18 bx, 08500 Vic (Barcelona), Spain, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: Philipps University of Marburg, Department of physics, Hans-Meerwein-Straße 6, MZG 03 D24, 35032 Marburg, email
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
Primary NO 2 emissions and their impact on air quality in traffic environments in Germany | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 |
Contact: FB C / physical chemistry, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/21 |
Contact: Department of Chemistry and ILOC Institute, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, Frankenring 20, 47798 Krefeld, email
Briefly introduced | |
Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment (JFAE) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/05 |
Contact: World Food Rd Oy / WFL Publisher Meri-Rastilantie 3 C Helsinki, Finland, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/22 | |
Detection of polyfluorinated alkyl phosphate esters (PAP) and Perfluorooctanesulfonamidoethanol-based phosphate esters (SAmPAP) in soil |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/18 |
Characterization of the sorption of organic bases from aqueous solutions: current results and limitations in the prediction of environmental behavior | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/16 |
Contact: TZW: DVGW Water Technology Center, Karlsruher Strasse 84, 76139 Karlsruhe, email
Briefly introduced | |
Earth remote sensing working group of the Institute for Environmental Physics at the University of Bremen | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/07 |
Contact: Institute for Environmental Physics, University of Bremen, Faculty 1, email
Original contributions | |
Non-extractable residues formed during biodegradation of 2,4-D in soil are biogenic | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/07 |
Contact: UFZ - Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research, Department of Environmental Biotechnology, email
Original contributions | |
Detection of polyfluorinated alkyl phosphate esters (PAP) and Perfluorooctanesulfonamidoethanol-based phosphate esters (SAmPAP) in soils |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/18 |
Contact: DVGW Water Technology Center (TZW), Karlsruhe, email
Original contributions | |
Toxicogenomics: The use of gene expression analysis for the risk assessment of chemicals | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/03 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Risk Assessment Berlin
Briefly introduced | |
UFT - an interdisciplinary environmental research center | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/02 |
Contact: University of Bremen
Original contributions | |
POP cycling in India - influenced by the monsoon | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
Contact: Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Multiphase Chemistry Department, Hahn-Meitner-Weg 1, 55128 Mainz, Germany
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/22 | |
from the Division | |
Conference report: Successful third joint annual conference of SETAC-GLB and GDCh Division ' environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology' under the motto 'New problematic substances in the environment - detection, effects, solutions' from 23.-26. September 2008 in Frankfurt am Main | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 |
Contact: Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Department of Aquatic Ecotoxicology, email
Original contributions | |
Planar SPE and microliter flow injection analysis TOFMS - a fast pesticide screening for fruits and vegetables | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/14 |
Contact: University of Hohenheim, Institute for food chemistry 170a, Garbenstr. 28,
70599 Stuttgart, email
Original contributions | |
Determination of frequently prescribed antibiotics in various stages and media in the urban sewage system using ultrasonic extraction (USE) and SPE as well as LC-MS / MS | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/15 |
Contact: Dresden University of Technology, Institute for Clinical Pharmacology, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/22 | |
from the Division | |
Conference report: Successful third joint annual conference of SETAC-GLB and GDCh Division ' environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology' under the motto 'New problematic substances in the environment - detection, effects, solutions' from 23.-26. September 2008 in Frankfurt am Main | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 |
Contact: Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Department of Aquatic Ecotoxicology, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/21 | |
MUTReWa - Measures for a more sustainable use of pesticides and their transformation products in regional water management | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/17 |
Contact: Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Faculty of Sustainability, Institute for environmental chemistry Lüneburg, Scharnhorststr. 1, 21335 Lüneburg, email
original posts | |
Approaches to the characterization of ultrafine particles from road traffic | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/23 |
Contact: University of Bayreuth, Chair of Ceramic Materials, Prof.-Rüdiger-Bormann-Str. 1, 95447 Bayreuth, email
original posts | |
Enz4Water - enzymatic filtration for the 4th purification stage |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: German Textile Research Center North-West gGmbH (DTNW), Adlerstr. 1, 47798 Krefeld, email
original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/25 |
Contact: Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change, Adenauerallee 127, 53113 Bonn, E-Mail
information | |
Innovation forum "Biorefineries and bio-based industrial products" supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/06 |
Contact: ZukunftsAgentur Brandenburg GmbH, email
Original contributions | |
Occurrence of heterocyclic PAHs in rivers in Lower Saxony | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/11 |
Sewage treatment plants as a source of polyfluorinated compounds in the atmosphere | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/11 |
Special aspects of medium-volatile and poorly degradable organic trace substances | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/06 |
Contact: Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Faculty of Sustainability, Institute for environmental chemistry, email
Editorial | |
Start new - continue what has been tried and tested; The "Mitteilungen" under new editorship | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
information | |
Prof. Dr. Siegmar Gäb turns 60 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/04 |
Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Korte turns 80 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/03 |
Briefly introduced | |
Weihenstephan Science Center for Nutrition and the Environment | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/03 |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/03 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
Reviews | |
U. Schlottmann (Ed.): Test methods of chemicals, (ISBN 3-7776-1151-4) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/03 |
RD Scmid: Tachenaltlas der biotechnology und Gentechnik, (ISBN 3-527-30865-2) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/02 |
R. Bock: Handbook of the analytical-chemical digestion methods, (ISBN 3-527-29791-X) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/02 |
K. Danzer, H. Hobert, C. Fischbacher, K.-U. Jagermann: chemometrics - Basics and Applications, (ISBN 3-540-41291-3) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
W. Kölle: water analyzes judged correctly; ..., (ISBN 3-527-30169-0) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
DH Watson (Ed.): Food chemical safety - Volume 1: Contaminants, (ISBN 1-85573-462-1) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
Personnel | |
Friedhelm Korte (1923 - 2013) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/13 |
Contact: Technical University of Munich, WZW- Chemical-Technical Analysis, email
Briefly introduced | |
The Hamburg Environmental Institute as a center for social and ecological technology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/04 |
Original contributions | |
Application of passive collectors for the monitoring of hydrophobic organic pollutants in rivers | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/15 |
Position paper on substance-related environmental monitoring (Part 2 of 2): Appendix 2: Use of passive collectors (SPMDs) for time-integrated water monitoring | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/07 |
Biomimetics | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/04 |
Contact: Department of Chemical Ecotoxicology, UFZ Environmental Research Center,
Leipzig, email
Original posts | |
Safe and sustainable recycling needs controls and more transparency – a case study on PVC flooring | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 |
Contact: Service de l'air, du noise et des rayonnements non ionisants (SABRA), 1205 Geneva, Switzerland, email
Briefly introduced | |
BBK - Federal Association of Biogenic and Regenerative Fuels and Fuels | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/06 |
Contact: Federal Association for Biogenic and Regenerative Fuels and Fuels
Original contributions | |
Retrospective monitoring of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in archived herring gull eggs | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/10 |
Conference reports | |
Report from the workshop on national bird egg monitoring on September 22nd in Trier | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/09 |
Contact: University of Trier, Department VI Geography / Geosciences, email
Briefly introduced | |
Acta Hydrochemica et Hydrobiologica | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/03 |
Contact: Publisher, Life and Analytical Science / DFG
Original contributions
Biomonitoring of PCB and PCDD / F in Bavaria: Results from 18 years of continuous observation | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/17 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment; Bürgermeister-Ulrich-Strasse 160, D-86179 Augsburg, email
Original contributions | |
Evaluation of the persistence of selected priority substances in the aquatic environment | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/11 |
Contact: Eurofins | Dr. Specht Laboratorien GmbH Hamburg, email
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
Does spatial auto-correlation call for a revision of the latest heavy metal and nitrogen deposition maps? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 |
Contact: Vechta University of Applied Sciences, email
Original contributions |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 |
Contact: Office for Environmental Medicine, Gandersheimer Str. 46, 28215 Bremen, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/22 | |
Contact: Lake Constance Water Supply, Quality Assurance and Research Laboratory, Süßenmühle 1, 78354 Sipplingen, email
Briefly introduced | |
IBACON GmbH | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/14 |
Contact: IBACON GmbH, Arheilger Weg17, 64380 Rossdorf , email
Original contributions | |
MUTReWa - Measures for a more sustainable use of pesticides and their transformation products in regional water management | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/17 |
Contact: Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, email
Original contributions | |
Non-target analysis in ecology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/10 |
Contact: Central Chemical Laboratory of the Institute for Ecology, Technical University Berlin, email
Original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 |
Contact: FG Plant Protection Products, Federal Environment Agency Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau, email
Original contributions | |
Synthesis and behavior of polychlorinated terphenyls (PCT) under thermal stress | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/03 |
Contact: Technical University of Braunschweig, Institute for Ecological Chemistry and Waste Analysis
Briefly introduced | |
Junior Professorship for Environmental Geochemistry, University of Bayreuth | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/10 |
Contact: Junior Professorship for Environmental Geochemistry, Faculty of biology, Chemistry and Geosciences, University of Bayreuth, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 |
Contact: State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection North Rhine-Westphalia, Postfach 101052, 45610 Recklinghausen, email
Reviews | |
W. Dekant, S. Vamvakas (with the assistance of H. Popa-Henning): toxicology - An introduction for chemists, biologists and pharmacists | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/06 |
Original contributions | |
Entry paths of hexavalent chromium in raw water from drinking water suppliers | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/19 |
Contact: bnNETZE GmbH, Tullastrasse 61, 79108 Freiburg, email
Original contributions | |
Compostability and ecotoxicological evaluation of bio-based plastics | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/20 |
Contact: Faculty of Agriculture, Environment, Chemistry, Dresden University of Technology and Economics, Friedrich-List-Platz 1, 01069 Dresden, email
From the Division
Report from the doctoral day of the GDCh Division environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology at the Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology (Fraunhofer IME) October 20, 2016 |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/16 |
Contact: RWTH Aachen
Original contributions
On the special position of antibiotics in the case of water pollution by drugs | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/16 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, email
Original contributions | |
High concentrations of Hexamethoxymethylmelamine (HMMM) in selected surface waters in southern Hesse | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/15 |
Contact: JW Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Institute for Atmosphere and Environment, AG Umweltanalytik (Prof. Wilhelm Püttmann), Altenhöferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt / Main, email
Original contributions | |
Decline in river pearl mussels - analysis of possible ecotoxicological causes | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/06 |
Original contributions | |
Non-target analysis in ecology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/10 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for toxicology and Experimental medicine
Hanover, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/22 | |
POP cycling in India - influenced by the monsoon | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
Contact: Masaryk University, Research Center for Toxic Compounds in the Environment, Kamenice 5, 62500 Brno, Czech Republic, email
Introduced briefly | |
Department of Marine Bioanalytical Chemistry of the Department of Biogeochemistry in Coastal Seas, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 |
original posts | |
Development of the 'pollution fingerprint' in the North Sea over the last century | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/22 |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/22 |
Contact: Institute for environmental chemistry of Coastal Areas, Inorganic environmental chemistry, Helmholtz Center Hereon, Max-Planck-Str. 1, 21502 Geesthacht, email
Original articles | |
Modern bioanalytical methods for the rapid quantification of micropollutants and pathogens in water | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/24 |
Contact: Reutlingen University, Faculty of Life Sciences, Alteburgstr. 150, 72762 Reutlingen, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: Philipps University of Marburg, Department of physics, Hans-Meerwein-Straße 6, MZG 03 D24, 35032 Marburg, email
Original contributions |
Hazardous substance properties: PBT assessment of drugs | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/13 |
Contact: Ines Prutz, Division IV 2.2 Medicines, Federal Environment Agency
Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau, email
Original contributions | |
High concentrations of Hexamethoxymethylmelamine (HMMM) in selected surface waters in southern Hesse | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/15 |
From the Division | |
Conference report: Successful third joint annual conference of SETAC-GLB and GDCh Division ' environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology' under the motto 'New problem substances in the environment - recording, effects, solutions' from 23.-26. September 2008 in Frankfurt am Main | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 |
Contact: JW Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Institute for Atmosphere and Environment, AG Umweltanalytik (Prof. Wilhelm Püttmann), Altenhöferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt / Main, email
information | |
Report from the workshop on national bird egg monitoring on September 22nd in Trier | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/09 |
Contact: University of Trier
Original contributions | |
POP cycling in India - influenced by the monsoon | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
Contact: Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Multiphase Chemistry Department, Hahn-Meitner-Weg 1, 55128 Mainz, Germany
Briefly introduced | |
Environmental protection at Wacker-Chemie in Burghausen | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/02 |
Contact: Wacker-Chemie GmbH, Head of Environmental Protection, D-84489 Burghausen
Original contributions | |
Screening of the behavior of active pharmaceutical ingredients in a water-sediment test system | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/11 |
Briefly introduced | |
working group pollutant hydrology at the chair for hydrology at the University of Bayreuth | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/10 |
Contact: Department for Applied Environmental Science, Stockholm University, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 |
Contact: State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection North Rhine-Westphalia, Postfach 101052, 45610 Recklinghausen, email
original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 |
Contact: Animal Ecology I & Biological physics, University of Bayreuth E-Mail
Speaking of .. | |
Ionic liquids | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/04 |
information | |
Conference report: chemistry and sustainability | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/04 |
Contact: University of Bremen, Center for Environmental Research and Environmental Technology E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Development of a label-free biosensor for the detection of diclofenac in wastewater polluted surface waters | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/14 |
Contact: Institute for Physical and theoretical chemistry, University of Tübingen, email
Original contributions | |
Bioaccumulation and metabolism studies in fish - current issues in guideline development | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/11 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, email
Original contributions | |
Photochemical degradation of benzotriazole under environmentally relevant conditions | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/15 |
Application of an LC-MS screening method to identify historical and current trace substances in groundwater and surface water of a former sewage field | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/14 |
Editorial | |
Welcome to Münster, welcome to "Environment 2018" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/18 |
Annual review of the section board | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/17 |
From dependent and independent experts | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/16 |
Invitation to Tübingen | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/16 |
European environmental research visits Germany - the ICCE 2015 in Leipzig in September | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/15 |
New Division Board - outlook on the main areas of work for the next few years | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/11 |
From the Division | |
Awarding of the Paul Crutzen Prize 2017 to Dr. Martin Brüggemann | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Annual conference Tübingen 2016 and now? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/17 |
New e-journal Environmental Sciences Europe (ESEU) - cooperation between the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology and Springer Verlag | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/11 |
Briefly introduced | |
The National Reference Laboratory for Dioxins and PCBs at the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) in Berlin | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/10 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research UFZ, Department Analytics, email
Original contributions | |
Rodenticide residues in fish - root cause research and risk reduction measures |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
From the Division | |
Conference report: Successful third joint annual conference of SETAC-GLB and GDCh Division ' environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology' under the motto 'New problem substances in the environment - recording, effects, solutions' from 23.26. September 2008 in Frankfurt am Main | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 |
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/19 | |
Contact: Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus, Zugspitze, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Chair of Aquatic Systems Biology, Technical University of Munich, Mühlenweg 22, 85354 Freising, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/20 |
Contact: Neotectonics and Natural Hazards Group, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 | |
Rodenticide residues in fish - root cause research and risk reduction measures | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
From the Division | |
Workshop report "Screening methods for recording endocrine effects in the aquatic environment" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/10 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Hydrology, Department of biochemistry, Ecotoxicology (G3), email
original posts | |
Development of the 'pollution fingerprint' in the North Sea over the last century |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/22 |
Contact: RWTH University Aachen, Institute for Environmental Research, Worringer Weg 1, 52074 Aachen, email
Original contributions | |
Provision and standards: Requirements for provision from a legal point of view | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/01 |
Original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research GmbH – UFZ, Central Water Analysis and chemometrics, Brückstraße 3a, 39114 Magdeburg, email
original posts | |
Enz4Water - enzymatic filtration for the 4th purification stage |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: German Textile Research Center North-West gGmbH (DTNW), Adlerstr. 1, 47798 Krefeld, email
Briefly introduced | |
Institute for Water Research GmbH | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/12 |
Contact: Institute for Water Research Dortmund GmbH, email
Briefly introduced | |
ZIRN and DIALOGIK: Two new institutions provide impetus for risk and sustainability research | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/05 |
information | |
Closure of the Academy for Technology Assessment in Baden-Württemberg | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/03 |
Original contributions | |
Compostable Plastics - A new technology is making its way | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/05 |
Contact: ISD INTERSEROH Dienstleistungs GmbH Central Coordination Cologne
Original contributions | |
Mixture toxicity in the Erft - toxicity drivers and non-detects | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Use of modeled data when applying substance prioritization procedures | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/17 |
Contact: State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection North Rhine-Westphalia, Leibnizstrasse 10, 45659 Recklinghausen, email
Original contributions | |
Investigations to evaluate and avoid toxic oxidation by-products in the oxidative wastewater treatment of fluoroquinolones | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/12 |
Contact: IWW Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wasserforschung GmbH, Mülheim ad Ruhr, email
information | |
Report on the 26th annual meeting of the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements, 7.-9. October 2010, Leipzig | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/11 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, email
Original contributions | |
Oxidation of the tolylfluanide metabolite N, N-dimethylsulfamide (DMS) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/11 |
Contact: DVGW - Technologiezentrum Wasser (TZW) Karlsruhe, email
Editorial | |
Start new - continue what has been tried and tested; The "Mitteilungen" under new editorship | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
Contact: Bayer AG Leverkusen
Original contributions | |
Trifluoroacetate in bodies of water and drinking water in North Rhine-Westphalia | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/18 |
Contact: Ministry for the Environment, Agriculture, Nature and Consumer Protection of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf, e-mail
Original contributions | |
Entry paths of hexavalent chromium in raw water from drinking water suppliers | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/19 |
Contact: DVGW Water Technology Center, Karlsruhe Strasse 84, 76139 Karlsruhe, email
original posts | |
Development of PFAS sum parameters using Combustion Ion Chromatography (CIC) |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM). Department 4.3 - Pollutant transfer and environmental technologies, Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 Berlin, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: Center for Applied Geosciences, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, email
Original contributions |
Effective reduction of the antibacterial activity of the fluoroquinolone danofloxacin through biotransformation with the ascomycete Xylaria longipes | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/16 |
Contact: Institute for Inorganic and analytical chemistry, Justus Liebig University Gießen, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 17, 35392 Gießen, email
Original contributions | |
Dialogue in the Smock - The Future of Risk Assessment in Stakeholder Democracy | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/05 |
Contact: MBA IFOK GmbH - Institute for Organizational Communication Bensheim
Original contributions | |
The REACH system must become more cost-efficient and practical | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/04 |
Contact: Association of the Chemical Industry, Science, Technology and Environment Frankfurt
Original contributions | |
Medicines in the environment - Part 2: Legal aspects and assessment concepts | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency Dessau
Original contributions | |
Perspectives on the industrial use of renewable raw materials, especially starch and sugar | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/01 |
Original contributions | |
Non-target analysis in ecology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/10 |
Contact: Department of environmental chemistry, Institute for Technical Environmental Protection, Technical University of Berlin, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/22 | |
Contact: Institute for Hydrobiology, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Technical University of Dresden, 01062 Dresden, email
Original contributions | |
Optical analysis system for drinking water control of microplastics in real time |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: Hanover Center for Optical Technologies, Leibniz University Hanover, email
Briefly introduced | |
Ökometric GmbH - Bayreuth Institute for Environmental Research | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/06 |
Contact: Ökometric GmbH - Bayreuth Institute for Environmental Research, email
Original contributions | |
Biocides in Berlin's rainwater runoff | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Contact: Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH, Cicerostr. 24, 10709 Berlin, email
Original contributions | |
Occurrence of heterocyclic PAHs in rivers in Lower Saxony | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/11 |
Briefly introduced | |
Institute for sustainable chemistry and environmental chemistry LEUPHANA | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/12 |
Contact: Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Faculty of Sustainability, Institute for environmental chemistry Lüneburg, email
Original contributions | |
Total dissolution and digestion methods for engineered metal nanoparticles | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/12 |
Retrospective monitoring of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in archived herring gull eggs | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/10 |
Determination of methyl mercury in fish samples from the federal environmental specimen bank | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 |
Position paper on substance-related environmental monitoring (part 2 of 2) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/07 |
Position paper on substance-related environmental monitoring (part 1 of 2) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/07 |
The federal environmental specimen bank as an instrument for investigating the relevance of "new pollutants" in water bodies | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/06 |
From the Division | |
environmental monitoring working group Group - Annual Report 2016 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/16 |
Annual report 2013/14 of the environmental monitoring working group | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/14 |
Annual report 2012/13 AK environmental monitoring | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/13 |
Annual report 2011/12 of the environmental monitoring working group | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
Overview of the environmental monitoring on investigations into 'emerging substances' | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/11 |
Minutes of the afternoon exam of the extended board of the Division | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/10 |
Report AK environmental monitoring 2008/2009; Status: October 2009 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/09 |
Annual report of the environmental monitoring working group - as of November 2008 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/06 |
Working group environmental monitoring compilation "New pollutants" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/05 |
Activity environmental monitoring | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/06 |
information | |
Environmental specimen bank workshop for the monitoring of priority substances and "emerging pollutants" (conference report) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/10 |
Workshop "Emerging Pollutants - Key Issues and Challenges" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/06 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology
Schmallenberg, email
information | |
Safety precautions for chemicals - a task for the chemical industry (letter to the editor) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/02 |
Contact: BG BAU - Trade Association of the Frankfurt Construction Industry
Original contributions | |
Input of active pesticide substances into surface waters from agricultural and urban Literature in the Querne / Weida catchment area (Central Germany) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/21 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ, Department of Soil Physics, Falkenberg 55, 39615 Altmärkische Wische / Falkenberg, email
Original contributions | |
Decrease in PFC pollution in municipal sewage sludge in Bavaria | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/16 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment Department for Substance and chemical assessment Assessment, Demollstrasse 31, 82407 Wielenbach, email
Briefly introduced | |
Professor for Chemical Ecology, Institute of Zoology, University of Regensburg | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/24 |
Contact: University of Regensburg, Faculty of Biology and Preclinical medicine, Institute of Zoology/Professorship of Chemical Ecology, Universitätsstraße 31, D-93053 Regensburg, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Effective reduction of the antibacterial activity of the fluoroquinolone danofloxacin through biotransformation with the ascomycete Xylaria longipes | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/16 |
Contact: Institute for food chemistry and Food Biotechnology, Justus Liebig University Gießen, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 17, 35392 Gießen, email
Original contributions | |
Multiple sources of pollutants in the groundwater - a challenge for risk assessment and remediation | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/06 |
Original articles | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/24 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME, Schmallenberg, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Effects of synthetic and natural microparticles on blue mussels ( Mytilus edulis ) and rock shrimp ( Palaemon varians ) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Contact: Alfred Wegener Institute, Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/22 | |
Entry paths of hexavalent chromium in raw water from drinking water suppliers |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/19 |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/18 |
Contact: TZW: DVGW Water Technology Center, Karlsruher Strasse 84, 76139 Karlsruhe, email
original contributions | |
Short-Term Test for Toxicogenomic Analysis of Ecotoxic Modes of Action in Lemna minor | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 |
Contact: Institute of Pathology, University Medical Center Göttingen, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
The eco-efficiency analysis according to BASF | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/04 |
Contact: BASF Aktiengesellschaft Ludwigshafen
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/22 |
Contact: LUBW Baden-Württemberg State Institute for the Environment, email
Original articles | |
Entry of antibiotics into the environment and new veterinary measures to minimize them | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/24 |
Contact: Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, 13347 Berlin, Gerichtsstr. 49 , E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Risk assessment of PBT substances | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/06 |
original posts | |
Expanding the scope of wastewater monitoring by SFC-HRMS analysis |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/23 |
Contact: email
Original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/23 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center Hereon, Institute for environmental chemistry of Coastal Regions, Department of Organic environmental chemistry, Max-Planck-Str. 1, 21502 Geesthacht, email
Briefly introduced | |
Quantitative landscape ecology at the Institute for Environmental Sciences at the University of Koblenz-Landau | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/15 |
Contact: Junior Professor for Quantitative Landscape Ecology
Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Koblenz-Landau, Landau campus
Fortstrasse 7, 76829 Landau, email
Original contributions | |
Detection of polyfluorinated alkyl phosphate esters (PAP) and Perfluorooctanesulfonamidoethanol-based phosphate esters (SAmPAP) in soils |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/18 |
Contact: State Institute for the Environment Baden-Württemberg (LUBW), email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/20 |
Contact: iES Landau, Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Koblenz-Landau, Fortstrasse 7, 76829 Landau, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 | |
Rodenticide residues in fish - root cause research and risk reduction measures |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
Application of passive collectors for the monitoring of hydrophobic organic pollutants in rivers | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/15 |
Bioaccumulation in organisms at a transfer point for dredged material in the German Bight (North Sea) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/12 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Hydrology (BfG) Koblenz, email
Briefly introduced | |
EnviroTex GmbH - Development of EHS systems | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/02 |
Contact: Envirotex GmbH Augsburg
original contributions | |
Short-Term Test for Toxicogenomic Analysis of Ecotoxic Modes of Action in Lemna minor |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 |
From the Division | |
Werner Klein * September 25, 1935 † August 18, 2017 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME Auf dem Aberg 1 57392 Schmallenberg, E-Mail
Editorial | |
Chemical persistence - a complex term | ![]() |
New Division Board - outlook on the main areas of work for the next few years | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/11 |
Greetings from the board of directors | ![]() |
On the debate on controversial positions | ![]() |
environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology - sub-areas of inter- and transdisciplinary environmental science | ![]() |
Original contributions | |
Floodsearch: floods on a laboratory scale | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
Non-extractable residues formed during biodegradation of 2,4-D in soil are biogenic | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/11 |
The use of (P450-transgenic) plant cell suspension cultures as model systems to investigate the metabolisability of environmental pollutants | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/09 |
Contribution to the discussion | |
Recording of conversion products in the chemical assessment | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/07 |
From the Division | |
Report from the general assembly of the GDCh FG environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology on September 8, 2014 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/14 |
Report on the 2013 annual meeting of SETAC-GLB and the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/13 |
Position paper of the section board: Aims and tasks of the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology today | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/13 |
Minutes of the DFG roundtable on July 8th, 2011 at RWTH Aachen University | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/11 |
Briefly introduced | |
The Institute for Environmental Research at RWTH Aachen | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/11 |
The Schmallenberg Fraunhofer Institute | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
information | |
Report from the workshop "Co-Evolution of soils and organic substances" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/11 |
Contact: RWTH Aachen Institute for Environmental Research, email
Briefly introduced | |
Environmental Biology Section at the Center for Biodiversity Monitoring (zbm) |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig, Leibniz Institute for Animal Biodiversity, Adenauerallee 160, 53113 Bonn, email
Original contributions | |
Dialogue in the Smock - The Future of Risk Assessment in Stakeholder Democracy | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/05 |
Contact: IFOK GmbH - Institute for Organizational Communication Brussels, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/22 | |
Contact: NLWKN Lower Saxony State Office for Water Management, Coastal Defense and Nature Conservation (Hanover-Hildesheim office), e-mail
From the Division | |
The chemical assessment Assessment working group Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology introduces itself | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/08 |
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/22 | |
Characterization of the sorption of organic bases from aqueous solutions: current results and limitations in the prediction of environmental behavior | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/16 |
Contact: NLWKN: Lower Saxony state agency for water management, coastal protection and nature conservation (Hanover-Hildesheim office)
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/20 |
Contact: iES Landau, Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Koblenz-Landau, Fortstrasse 7, 76829 Landau, email
original contributions | |
Contamination by dumped ammunition: TNT metabolites in fish from the North and Baltic Seas | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/25 |
Contact: Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology, Herwigstr. 3, 27572 Bremerhaven, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Oxidation of the tolylfluanide metabolite N, N-dimethylsulfamide (DMS) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/11 |
Contact: DVGW - Technologiezentrum Wasser (TZW) Karlsruhe, email
Briefly introduced | |
Department of organic chemistry and environmental chemistry at the Institute for Integrated Natural Sciences at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz Campus | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/06 |
Contact: AG organic chemistry and environmental chemistry, University of Koblenz-Landau, email
Original contributions | |
Development of a label-free biosensor for the detection of diclofenac in wastewater polluted surface waters | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/14 |
Contact: Department of Water chemometrics, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ, email
original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/25 | |
Briefly introduced | |
Center for Biodiversity Monitoring and Nature Conservation Research at the Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/24 |
Contact: Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change, Centre for Biodiversity Monitoring and Nature Conservation Research, Adenauerallee 127, 53113 Bonn, E-Mail
Editorials | |
Greetings from the board of directors | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
On the debate on controversial positions | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/07 |
environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology - sub-areas of inter- and transdisciplinary environmental science | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 |
chemical assessment between routine and fundamental questions | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/04 |
position | |
How can the connection between research in environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology and decision-making processes in authorities and industry be strengthened? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/10 |
Contribution to the discussion | |
Recording of conversion products in the chemical assessment | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/07 |
Original contributions | |
environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology need better perspectives | |
Long-distance transport potential of chemicals - How can this worrying property be taken into account in the PBT assessment under REACH? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/13 |
Long-distance transport of organic substances in water | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/10 |
Consumer exposure to PFOS and PFOA | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/08 |
Data problems and data needs in the environmental risk assessment of chemicals | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
Consumer Exposure to Phthalates in Europe: Identification of Major Sources | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/06 |
Open questions and current tasks of exposure analysis | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/03 |
From the Division | |
The chemical assessment Assessment working group Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology introduces itself | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/08 |
Activity report, AK chemical assessment | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/06 |
AK chemical assessment | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/04 |
Briefly introduced | |
The International Panel on Chemical Pollution (IPCP) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
Personnel | |
Prof. Walter Klöpffer 70 years | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 |
Contact: Masaryk University RECETOX, 62500 Brno, Czech Republic and ETH Zurich
Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering, Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5 / 10,
8093 Zurich, Switzerland. e-mail
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 | |
Detection of polyfluorinated alkyl phosphate esters (PAP) and Perfluorooctanesulfonamidoethanol-based phosphate esters (SAmPAP) in soils |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/18 |
Contact: DVGW Water Technology Center (TZW), Karlsruhe, Karlsruher Straße 84
76139 Karlsruhe, phone: 0721 9678-255, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/22 | |
Contact: Lake Constance Water Supply, Quality Assurance and Research Laboratory, Süßenmühle 1, 78354 Sipplingen, email
original contributions | |
Short-Term Test for Toxicogenomic Analysis of Ecotoxic Modes of Action in Lemna minor | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME, Schmallenberg, E-Mail
original posts | |
Enz4Water - enzymatic filtration for the 4th purification stage |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: Hochschule Niederrhein, Department of Chemistry and Institute for Coatings and Surface Chemistry, Adlerstr. 32, 47798 Krefeld12205 Berlin, email
Original articles | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/24 |
Contact: Aalen University, Beethovenstraße 1, 73430 Aalen, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Gen- Dar T- a chronic toxicity prediction model by analyzing altered gene expression in zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio)? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/07 |
Multiple sources of pollutants in the groundwater - a challenge for risk assessment and remediation | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/06 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ GmbH Department for Cell Toxicology, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/21 |
Contact: Dresden University of Applied Sciences, Friedrich-List-Platz 1, 01069 Dresden, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 | |
Solid phase microextraction (SPME) for the determination of hydrophobic organic chemicals in bioconcentration studies | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
In vitro biotransformation tests to predict the bioaccumulation of chemicals in fish | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/15 |
Bioaccumulation and metabolism studies in fish - current issues in guideline development | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/11 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology (IME) Schmallenberg, email
Briefly introduced | |
DECHEMA eV and "Sustainability with Chemistry" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
Contact: DECHEMA e. V.
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/19 | |
Contact: Leopold Franzens University Innsbruck, Institute for Ecology, Innsbruck, Austria, email
Editorial | |
The new term of office of the section board | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/03 |
Global Prohibition of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs); Germany signs the Stockholm Convention | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/01 |
Pro and Con | |
Pro: sustainable chemistry | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/02 |
information | |
Results of the World Summit in Johannesburg in 2002 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
Personnel | |
Emanuel Heinisch 75 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/04 |
Ernst Bayer 1927 - 2002 (obituary) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
Contact: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Bonn, email
Original contributions | |
Compostability and ecotoxicological evaluation of bio-based plastics | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/20 |
Contact: Faculty of Agriculture, Environment, Chemistry, Dresden University of Technology and Economics, Friedrich-List-Platz 1, 01069 Dresden, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/ 22 |
Contact: NLWKN: Lower Saxony state agency for water management, coastal protection and nature conservation (Hanover-Hildesheim office)
Original contributions | |
The use of (P450-transgenic) plant cell suspension cultures as model systems to investigate the metabolisability of environmental pollutants | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/09 |
Contact: RWTH Aachen, Institute for Environmental Research, E-Mai
Original contributions | |
Input of active pesticide substances into surface waters from agricultural and urban Literature in the Querne / Weida catchment area (Central Germany) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/21 |
Contact: Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Faculty of Natural Sciences III, Institute for Geosciences and Geography, Von-Seckendorff-Platz 4, 06120 Halle, email
original posts | |
Development of the 'pollution fingerprint' in the North Sea over the last century |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/22 |
Contact: University of Hamburg, Institute of Geology, Bundesstrasse 55, 20146 Hamburg, email
Original articles | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/24 |
Contact: Aalen University, Beethovenstraße 1, 73430 Aalen, E-Mail
Original articles | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/24 | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/21 | |
Amidosulfonic acid - Quantification of a small, highly polar molecule using reversed-phase LC-MS-MS |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/19 | |
Investigation of sorption on carbon nanomaterials using inverse liquid chromatography | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/18 |
Briefly introduced | |
Chair of Instrumental Analytical Chemistry at the University of Duisburg-Essen and IWW Water Center, Mülheim an der Ruhr | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/11 |
Contact: Instrumental Analytical Chemistry, University of Duisburg-Essen, Universitätsstrasse 5, 45141 Essen, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Development of monoclonal antibodies against diclofenac | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/15 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Department 1: analytical chemistry; Reference materials; Department of Environmental Analysis, Richard-Willstätterstraße 11, 12489 Berlin-Adlershof / Germany E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Compostability and ecotoxicological evaluation of bio-based plastics | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/20 |
Contact: Faculty of Agriculture, Environment, Chemistry, Dresden University of Technology and Economics, Friedrich-List-Platz 1, 01069 Dresden, email
Personnel | |
Obituary: Prof. Gäb passed away | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/13 |
Contact: University of Duisburg-Essen, Faculty of Chemistry
Universitätsstaße 5-7, 45141 Essen E-Mail
Briefly introduced | |
Professorship "Biomarkers in Occupational Medicine", Institute and Polyclinic for Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine (IPASUM) at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/14 |
Contact: Institute and Polyclinic for Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Schillerstr. 25/29, D-91054 Erlangen
Telephone: +49 (0) 9131 85 22255, Fax: +49 (0) 9131 85 22317
Original contributions | |
Detection and purification of amines in drinking water and complex aqueous matrices | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/18 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP, Holzkirchen location, Fraunhoferstr. 10, 83626 Valley, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/ 22 |
Contact: TZW: DVGW Water Technology Center (Karlsruhe), Karlsruher Strasse 84, 76139 Karlsruhe
original posts | |
Enz4Water - enzymatic filtration for the 4th purification stage |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: German Textile Research Center North-West gGmbH (DTNW), Adlerstr. 1, 47798 Krefeld, email
Briefly introduced | |
FoBiG - Research and Consulting Institute Hazardous Materials GmbH | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/07 |
Contact: Research and Consulting Institute Hazardous Materials GmbH Freiburg, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: Philipps University of Marburg, Department of physics, Hans-Meerwein-Straße 6, MZG 03 D24, 35032 Marburg, email
original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/25 | |
Modern bioanalytical methods for the rapid quantification of micropollutants and pathogens in water |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/24 |
Magnetic particle-based immunoassays as a versatile tool for environmental analysis |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/21 |
Development of monoclonal antibodies against diclofenac | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/15 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Department 1: Analytical Chemistry; Reference Materials; Department of Environmental Analysis, Richard-Willstätterstraße 11, 12489 Berlin-Adlershof/Germany E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Recent developments in waste management | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
Contact: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
Original contributions | |
Gen- Dar T- a chronic toxicity prediction model by analyzing altered gene expression in zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio)? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/07 |
Contact: UFZ - Environmental Research Center Leipzig-Halle GmbH, email
original contributions | |
Aquatic fungi in the risk assessment of plant protection products - unimportant or just ignored? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, Department IV 2.5 Trace Analysis, Flowing and Still Water Simulation, Schichauweg 58, 12307 Berlin, E-Mail
Original posts | |
Safe and sustainable recycling needs controls and more transparency – a case study on PVC flooring | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 |
Contact: Institute for Environment and Natural Resources, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), 8820 Wädenswil, Switzerland, email
Original contributions |
Hazardous substance properties: PBT assessment of drugs | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/13 |
Contact: Ines Prutz, Division IV 2.2 Medicines, Federal Environment Agency
Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau, email
Original contributions | |
Regional mass transport underground | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/04 |
Contact: Institute for Geoecology, TU Braunschweig, email
original posts | |
Risk assessment of microplastics in Bavarian rivers and lakes |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment Demollstr. 31 82407 Wielenbach, email
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
Ring testing of the AnBUSDiC test; a new screening method for the anaerobic degradability of surfactants |
Contact: Procter & Gamble, Brussels Innovation Center (BIC), Temselaan 100, Strombeek-Bever 1853, Belgium
original posts | |
Risk assessment of microplastics in Bavarian rivers and lakes |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: Chair of Animal Ecology, University of Bayreuth, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/20 |
Contact: iES Landau, Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Koblenz-Landau, Fortstrasse 7, 76829 Landau, email
From the Division | |
AK bioindication and AGENDA 21 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
Contact: GSF Research Center for Environment and Health Neuherberg
From the Division | |
AK chemical assessment Assessment: 3rd meeting of the GDCH ad-hoc working group "Exposure analysis and computer simulation models" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/01 |
AK chemical assessment: Report on the 2nd meeting of the GDCh ad-hoc working group "Exposure analysis and computer simulation models" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/01 |
Contact: Henkel KgaA Düsseldorf
Original articles | |
30 years of moss monitoring in Germany: New developments and long-term trends |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/24 |
Briefly introduced | |
Chair of Landscape Ecology at Vechta University of Applied Sciences | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/08 |
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
Does spatial auto-correlation call for a revision of latest heavy metal and nitrogen deposition maps? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 |
Contact: Chair of Landscape Ecology, University of Vechta, Driverstraße 22, D - 49377 Vechta, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/21 |
Contact: State Office for Agriculture and Horticulture Saxony-Anhalt, Strenzfelder Allee 22, 06406 Bernburg, email
Original contributions | |
Retrospective monitoring of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in archived herring gull eggs | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/10 |
information | |
Determination of methyl mercury in fish samples from the federal environmental specimen bank (conference report) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 |
The Federal Environmental Specimen Bank as an instrument for examining the relevance of "new pollutants" in water | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/06 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency Berlin, email
Original contributions | |
Biocides in Berlin's rainwater runoff | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Contact: Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH, Cicerostr. 24, 10709 Berlin, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/22 | |
Determination of commonly prescribed antibiotics in different stages and media in the urban sewage system using ultrasonic extraction (USE) and SPE as well as LC-MS/MS | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/15 |
Contact: Technical University of Dresden, Institute for Clinical Pharmacology, email
Original contributions | |
Rodenticide residues in fish - root cause research and risk reduction measures | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Hydrology, Department of biochemistry, Ecotoxicology, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 |
Contact: Zweckverband Landeswasserversorgung, Am Spitzigen Berg 1, 89129 Langenau, email
original posts | |
Imaging MALDI-MS and nanodispensing as tools for effect-related HPTLC analysis - an interim report |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/22 |
Contact: Faculty of Chemistry, Aalen University, Beethovenstraße 1 / 73430 Aalen, email
Original contributions | |
On the special position of antibiotics in the case of water pollution by drugs | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/16 |
Ecotoxicological effects of mixtures of substances in wastewater treatment | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/15 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment - LfU, 86179 Augsburg, email
Original contributions | |
Two perspectives: plastics - the everyday helpers or microplastics - the environmental problem? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/17 |
Contact: Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Koblenz-Landau, Fortstr. 7, 76829 Landau, email
Original contributions | |
What can modern mass spectrometric in-situ analysis achieve in environmental and food research? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/14 |
Contact: Justus Liebig University, Institute for Inorganic and analytical chemistry, Giessen, email
Original contributions | |
The use of (P450-transgenic) plant cell suspension cultures as model systems to investigate the metabolisability of environmental pollutants | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/09 |
Contact: RWTH Aachen, Institute for Environmental Research, email
Briefly introduced | |
Sustainability in chemistry in chemical engineering at Münster University of Applied Sciences | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/15 |
Contact: Münster University of Applied Sciences, FB01 - Chemical Engineering, Stegerwaldstr. 39, 48565 Steinfurt, email
Briefly introduced | |
Fraunhofer Institute for toxicology and Experimental medicine ITEM |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for toxicology and Experimental medicine
ITEM, Department: Bio and Environmental Analysis, E-Mail
Original contributions
On the special position of antibiotics in the case of water pollution by drugs | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/16 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, email
Original contributions | |
Medicines and their metabolites in the water cycle | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/10 |
Medicines in water - balancing the pollution using the example of the pain reliever diclofenac | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment (LfU) Müncgen, email
Original contributions | |
Floodsearch: floods on a laboratory scale | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/12 |
Contact: Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Management, RWTH Aachen University, email
Editorial | |
A new way for our specialist group journal | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/05 |
Is the year of chemistry also a year of environmental chemistry? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/03 |
Safety precautions for industrial chemicals - a task for society as a whole | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/02 |
Speaking of ... phenols |
Classification of phenol derivatives according to toxicity mechanisms - structure-activity model for harmful effects in the ciliate assay Tetrahymena pyriformis | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/03 |
Original contributions | |
pH-dependent algae toxicity of phenol derivatives | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/02 |
From the Division | |
Activity report 2005 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/06 |
Member survey | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/05 |
Greetings from the chairman of the FG at the opening of the annual conference in Aachen October 6-8, 2004 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/04 |
Annual meeting of the Division - October 7th - 8th, 2003 - A short report | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/03 |
Briefly introduced | |
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (ET&C) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/02 |
Contact: UFZ - Environmental Research Center Leipzig-Halle GmbH, email
Original contributions | |
Persistent, bioaccumulating and toxic substances in the EU - aspiration and reality | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/06 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency Dessau, Department of Environmental Testing Chemicals, e-mail
Briefly introduced | |
Eurofins I GfA | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/05 |
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Agricultural Technology Center Augustenberg (LTZ), Neßlerstrasse 25, 76227 Karlsruhe, email
Original contributions | |
Modeling of the spread of pollutants during extreme floods in the Bitterfeld area | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/07 |
Contact: Institute for Environmental Systems Research, Osnabrück University
Speaking of ... | |
Mobile measurement platforms and modeling of the chemistry of the atmosphere | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/03 |
Briefly introduced | |
Institute for Environmental Sciences at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Landau campus | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/05 |
Contact: University of Koblenz-Landau, Institute for Environmental Sciences, email
Original articles | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/24 |
Contact: EPFL Valais Wallis, ALP 1 012 (ALPOLE), Route des Ronquos 86, 1950 Sion , email
Original contributions | |
Planar SPE and microliter flow injection analysis TOFMS - a fast pesticide screening for fruits and vegetables | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/14 |
Contact: University of Hohenheim, Institute for food chemistry 170a, Garbenstr. 28,
70599 Stuttgart, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Chair of Aquatic Systems Biology, Technical University of Munich, Mühlenweg 22, 85354 Freising, email
original posts | |
Risk assessment of microplastics in Bavarian rivers and lakes |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment Demollstr. 31 82407 Wielenbach, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/20 | |
Editorial | |
Editorials for the issues 1/ 2020, 2/2020, 3/2020, 4/2020, 1/2021, 2/2021, 3/2021, 4/2021, 1/2022, 2/2022, 3/2022, 1/ 2023, |
Virtual members/internal meeting of the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology 2020 |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/20 |
Editorial: Teaching in Corona times - the sudden arrival of digital forms of teaching at universities | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/20 |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 | |
Editorial issue 1/ 2020 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/20 |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/19 | |
(Micro)plastics in the environment – a persistent topic in science? |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/19 | |
Contact: RWTH Aachen University University, geology, geochemistry+ deposits of petroleum and coal, Lochnerstr. 4-20, 52064 Aachen, email
Editorial | |
Greetings from the board of directors | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
On the debate on controversial positions | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/07 |
environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology - sub-areas of inter- and transdisciplinary environmental science | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 |
discussion | |
Recording of conversion products in the chemical assessment | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/07 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency (UBA) Dessau, email
information | |
Report from the German Biorefinery Congress 2007 in Berlin: Bio-based products and biorefineries | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/07 |
Contact: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Bonn
Briefly introduced | |
Institute for Aquatic Sciences and Water Pollution Control (IGW) - ETH / EAWAG | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/03 |
Contact: Institute for Aquatic Sciences and Water Pollution Control (IGW) ETH-Zurich
Original contributions | |
POP cycling in India - influenced by the monsoon | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
Contact: Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Multiphase Chemistry Department, Hahn-Meitner-Weg 1, 55128 Mainz, Germany
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/22 |
Contact: LUBW Baden-Württemberg State Institute for the Environment, email
Briefly introduced | |
Sustainability in the Henkel Group | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/03 |
Contact: Henkel KGaA R&D and Sustainability Communications
Original articles | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/24 |
Contact: State Water Supply Association, Am Spitzigen Berg 1, 89275 Langenau, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Accumulation of persistent organic pollutants in the polar regions - model studies | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/07 |
Contact: Masaryk University, Research Center for Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology Brno
Original contributions | |
Biocides in Berlin's rainwater runoff | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Contact : Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment, Brückenstraße 6, 10179 Berlin, email
Original contributions | |
In vitro biotransformation tests to predict the bioaccumulation of chemicals in fish | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/15 |
Contact: Center for Fish and Wildlife Health, University of Bern, Switzerland, email
Original articles | |
Modern bioanalytical methods for the rapid quantification of micropollutants and pathogens in water | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/24 |
Contact:,Chair of Analytical Chemistry and water chemistry, TUM School of Natural Sciences, Technical University of Munich, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Photochemical degradation of benzotriazole under environmentally relevant conditions | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/15 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ, Department Analytics, Permoserstrasse 15, 04318 Leipzig, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 |
Contact: Zweckverband Landeswasserversorgung, Am Spitzigen Berg 1, 89129 Langenau, email
Original contributions | |
Accumulation of persistent organic pollutants in the polar regions - model studies | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/07 |
Contact: Norwegian Meteorological Institute Oslo
Original contributions | |
Medicines and their metabolites in the water cycle | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/10 |
Briefly introduced | |
RISK-IDENT project - assessment of so far unidentified anthropogenic trace substances as well as action strategies for risk management in the aquatic system | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/13 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment (LfU), email
Original contributions | |
Quaternary ammonium compounds in soil - implications for the development of antibiotic resistance | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/19 |
Contact: Institute for Crop Science and Resource Conservation, University of Bonn, 52115 Bonn, email
Original contributions | |
Sewage treatment plants as a source of polyfluorinated compounds in the atmosphere | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/11 |
Original contributions | |
Reconstruction of the pollution of the German Bight with polyfluorinated organic substances using seal tissue samples | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/09 |
Contact: Research and Technology Center West Coast of Kiel University E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Quaternary ammonium compounds in soil - implications for the development of antibiotic resistance | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/19 |
Contact: Institute for Soil Science and Soil Conservation, iFZ, Justus Liebig University Gießen, 35239 Gießen, email
Original contributions | |
Occurrence of heterocyclic PAHs in rivers in Lower Saxony | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/11 |
Contact: Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Faculty of Sustainability, Institute for environmental chemistry, email
Original contributions | |
Biotest battery ... ... full broadside in the proof of toxicological effects |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/18 |
Contact: IWW Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wasserforschung gGmbH, Moritzstrasse 26, 45476 Mülheim an der Ruhr, email
original posts | |
Fast and easy extraction of PFAS from soil samples: Optimized EOF determination using HR-CS-GFMAS | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/ 22 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Department 1.1 - Inorganic Trace Analysis, Richard-Willstätter-Strasse 11, 12489 Berlin, email
original posts | |
Development of PFAS sum parameters using Combustion Ion Chromatography (CIC) |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Division 4.3 - Pollutant Transfer and Environmental Technologies, Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 Berlin, email
Original contributions | |
Quaternary ammonium compounds in soil - implications for the development of antibiotic resistance | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/19 |
Contact: Institute for Epidemiology and Pathogen Diagnosis, Julius Kühn Institute, 38104 Braunschweig, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/19 | |
Contact: Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), Plant Protection Products Department, Messeweg 11/12, D-38104 Braunschweig, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/21 |
Contact: Dresden University of Applied Sciences, Friedrich-List-Platz 1, 01069 Dresden, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/22 | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
Contact: Rastatt District Office, Environment Agency, Am Schlossplatz 5, 76437 Rastatt, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: Philipps University of Marburg, Department of physics, Hans-Meerwein-Straße 6, MZG 03 D24, 35032 Marburg, email
Original contributions | |
Biocides in Berlin's rainwater runoff | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Contact: Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH, Cicerostr. 24, 10709 Berlin, email hauke.sonnenberg@kompetenz-wasser.de
Original contributions | |
What can modern mass spectrometric in-situ analysis achieve in environmental and food research? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/14 |
Contact: Justus Liebig University, Institute for Inorganic and analytical chemistry, Giessen, email
Original contributions | |
Effective reduction of the antibacterial activity of the fluoroquinolone danofloxacin through biotransformation with the ascomycete Xylaria longipes | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/16 |
Contact: Institute for food chemistry and Food Biotechnology, Justus Liebig University Gießen, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 17, 35392 Gießen, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Hydrology (BfG), Koblenz, email
Original contributions | |
Antibiotic residues in manure and soil | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/10 |
From the Division | |
AK Soil Chemistry & Soil Ecology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/04 |
Briefly presented | |
Institute for Environmental Research at the University of Dortmund (INFU) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/03 |
Contact: Institute for Environmental Research, University of Dortmund, email
Original contributions | |
Which processes are responsible for the environmental behavior of PFAS in the soil ? |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/21 |
Anthropogenic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the environment - a ?never-ending story?? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Contact: Chemical and Veterinary Investigation Office Münsterland-Emscher-Lippe (CVUA-MEL), Joseph-König-Str. 40, 48147 Münster, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/23 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, Federal Trace Substance Center, Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau, email
Original contributions | |
In-depth chemical analysis and assessment of a broad range of liquid waste from in-vitro diagnostic instruments | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/16 |
Contact: F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Grenzacherstr 124, 4070 Basel, Switzerlandjan.backmann@roche.com
Original contributions |
Perfluorinated carboxylic acids - not only perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) is of concern | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/13 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, Section IV 2.3 "Chemicals"
Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau, email
Original contributions | |
Occurrence of heterocyclic PAHs in rivers in Lower Saxony | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/11 |
Contact: Lower Saxony State Agency for Water Management, Coastal and Nature Conservation North, e-mail
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/19 | |
Contact: Leopold Franzens University Innsbruck, Institute for Ecology, Innsbruck, Austria, email
Original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/21 | |
Editorial | |
POPs convention and waste | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/05 |
Pros and Cons | |
Pro: Opportunities and problems of REACH | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/03 |
Contact: Derfflingerstr. 14, 12249 Berlin, email
Original contributions | |
Influence of aging processes on the sorption behavior of micropollutants on microplastics | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/18 |
Contact: Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry (CEEC Jena), Institute for technical chemistry and environmental chemistry, Philosophenweg 7A, 07743 Jena and Fraunhofer IKTS, Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems, Michael-Faraday-Straße 1 , 07629 Hermsdorf, email
Original contributions | |
POP cycling in India - influenced by the monsoon | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
Where do long-lived pollutants remain in the ocean? Indications of local recurrence of previous exposure maxima |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/13 |
Contact: Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Ocean in the Earth System Department, Bundesstr. 53, 20146 Hamburg, email
Editorial | |
Alternative forecasting tools for environmental risk assessment | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/03 |
Exposure analysis - an important contribution to realistic risk assessment | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/01 |
Contact: VTB Corporate Research, Henkel KGaA Düsseldorf
Editorial | |
Chemical policy, not an issue for science? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/02 |
Contact: Bayer AG Leverkusen
Original contributions | |
Degradability of ionic liquids Systematic studies on the risk assessment of ionic liquids for a prospective design of intrinsically safe chemicals |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/14 |
Contact: University of Gdansk, Department: Environmental Analysis, Poland, email
Original contributions | |
To record the long-term effects of PBT and vPvB substances in the context of the socio-economic analyzes in REACH | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/16 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau, email
Speaking of ... | |
Ionic liquids | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/04 |
Nitrofen | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/02 |
Contact: University of Bremen, Center for Environmental Research and Environmental Technology
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/19 | |
Contact: FG. Biogeophysics, Institute for Soil Science and Site Studies, University of Hohenheim, Emil Wolff-Strasse 27, 70599 Stuttgart, email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/ 22 | |
Contact: Institute of toxicology and Pharmacology for Natural Scientists, Brunswiker Straße 10, 24105 Kiel, Tel. +49 431 500 30912, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
Contact: Karlsruhe Regional Council, PFC Office, Markgrafenstraße 46, 76133 Karlsruhe, email
Original contributions | |
Antibiotic residues in manure and soil | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/10 |
Contact: Technical University of Dortmund, Institute for Environmental Research (INFU), email
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/ 22 |
Contact: Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, River Ecosystem Management Section, Gelnhausen, email
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
Ring testing of the AnBUSDiC test; a new screening method for the anaerobic degradability of surfactants |
Contact: BASF SE, GUP / PA - Z470, Ludwigshafen 67056, Germany
Original contributions | |
Occurrence and distribution of perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in European and Chinese river-estuary systems | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/15 |
Contact: Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, CAS, Key Laboratory of Coastal Zone Environmental Processes and Ecological Remediation, Yantai, Shandong 264003, PR China email
information | |
Report from the workshop on national bird egg monitoring on September 22nd in Trier | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/09 |
Contact: University of Trier
Original contributions | |
Input of active pesticide ingredients into surface waters from agricultural and urban Literature in the Querne / Weida catchment area (Central Germany) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/21 |
Contact: State Office for Agriculture and Horticulture Saxony-Anhalt, Strenzfelder Allee 22, 06406 Bernburg, email
Original contributions | |
Application of an LC-MS screening method to identify historical and current trace substances in groundwater and surface water of a former sewage field | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/14 |
Contact: Free University of Berlin, Hydrogeology, Malteserstraße 74-100, 12249 Berlin, email
Contact: Bayer CropScience AG, Alfred-Nobel-Str. 50, 40789 Monheim Email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/19 | |
Investigation of the transformation of organic micropollutants in biological wastewater treatment - Analytical and experimental concepts and challenges | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Hydrology (BfG), Am Mainzer Tor 1, email
Original contributions | |
Integration of bioavailability in soil protection | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/10 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency Dessau, email
Briefly introduced | |
Chemistry & Biodiversity - Chemistry Probing Nature | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/04 |
Contact: Editor Chemistry & Biodiversity Lausanne
information | |
Report from the workshop on national bird egg monitoring on September 22nd in Trier | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/09 |
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/19 | |
Contact: Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), Plant Protection Products Department, Messeweg 11/12, D-38104 Braunschweig, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/19 | |
Contact: FG. Biogeophysics, Institute for Soil Science and Site Studies, University of Hohenheim, Emil Wolff-Strasse 27, 70599 Stuttgart, email
Original contributions | |
Emission inventories as the basis for determining the causes and recording air pollution | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/09 |
Contact: Institute for Energy Economics and Rational Energy Use, University of Stuttgart, email
Original contributions | |
Position paper on substance-related environmental monitoring (Part 1 of 2): Appendix 2: Spatial distribution of hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCH) in the surface water of the North Sea | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/07 |
Contact: Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency Hamburg, email
Contact: Institute for Geology and Paleontology - Applied Geology, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Corrensstrasse 24, 48149 Münster, email
Briefly introduced | |
Soil science in Faculty VI of the University of Trier | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 |
Contact: University of Trier, FBVI: Geography / Geosciences, email
Original contributions | |
Emission inventories as the basis for determining the causes and recording air pollution | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/09 |
Contact: Institute for Energy Economics and Rational Energy Use, University of Stuttgart, email
Original contributions | |
Center for Environmental Research and Sustainable Technologies (UFT) at the University of Bremen | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/10 |
Contact: University of Bremen, Center for Environmental Research and Sustainable
Technologies (UFT), email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/18 |
Contact: TZW: DVGW Water Technology Center, Karlsruher Straße 84, 76139 Karlsruhe, email
Original contributions | |
Aging of synthetic polymers in the marine environment using the example of HDPE, LDPE, PP and PLA | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Contact: Alfred Wegener Institute, Kurpromenade 201, D-27498 Helgoland and University of Leipzig, Johannisallee 29, D-04103 Leipzig, email
Original contributions | |
Risk assessment of PBT substances | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/06 |
information | |
Survey on the study of ecotoxicology in Germany | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/03 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency Berlin, email
Original articles | |
Organic UV filters in the aquatic environment – where are the hotspots? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/24 |
Contact: University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, School of Life Sciences, Institute for Ecopreneurship, Hofackerstrasse 30, CH-4132 Muttenz Switzerland, E-Mail
original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 | |
Expanding the scope of wastewater monitoring by SFC-HRMS analysis |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/23 |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/19 | |
Contact: Analytical Chemistry, Department of Plant and Environmental Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, email
Editorials | |
Greetings from the board of directors | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology - sub-areas of inter- and transdisciplinary environmental science | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 |
Original contributions | |
Risk assessment of PBT substances | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/06 |
Bioaccumulation of environmental organic chemicals | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/03 |
From the Division | |
Minutes of the meeting of the board of directors of the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology on 8 April 2010 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/10 |
Contact: VTF Environmental Safety Assessment Henkel KGa Düssseldorf, email
Original contributions | |
Position paper on substance-related environmental monitoring (Part 1 of 2): Appendix 1: Impact monitoring : Hormones and hormone-like substances in the groundwater of contaminated sites | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/07 |
Contact: State Institute for the Environment, Measurements and Nature Conservation Baden-Württemberg, email
Briefly introduced | |
Physiological ecology of animals at the Institute for Evolution and Ecology of the Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/13 |
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/19 |
Contact: University of Tübingen, Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 20, D-72072 Tübingen email
Original contributions | |
Mixture toxicity in the Erft - toxicity driver and non-detect |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Erftverband, Am Erftverband 6, 50126 Bergheim, email
Original contributions | |
Background values and heavy metal pollution of sediments in the area of flowing waters using the example of the Oderhaffes | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
Contact: University of Münster, email
Original contributions | |
Consumer exposure to PFOS and PFOA | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
Contact: Safety and Environmental Technology Group, Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering, ETH Zurich
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/19 | |
Contact: Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), Plant Protection Products Department, Messeweg 11/12, D-38104 Braunschweig, email
Original articles | |
30 years of moss monitoring in Germany: New developments and long-term trends |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/24 |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/21 | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/19 | |
Investigations into the evaluation and prevention of toxic oxidation by-products in the oxidative wastewater treatment of fluoroquinolones | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/12 |
Contact: Institute for Energy and Environmental Technology (IUTA), Duisburg, E-Mail
Briefly introduced | |
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/04 |
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/18 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau, email
Original contributions | |
"Risk Profiler" in action - a comparison of the environmental risk profiles of insecticides |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/19 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency Dessau-Rosslau, Section IV 1.3 Plant Protection Products, email
original contributions | |
Transport Behavior of PFAS from Paper Sludge in Large Lysimeters | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/25 |
Reduction in PFC contamination in municipal sewage sludge in Bavaria | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/16 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment, Department for Substance and chemical assessment, Demollstraße 31, 82407 Wielenbach, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
MUTReWa - Measures for a more sustainable use of pesticides and their transformation products in regional water management | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/17 |
Contact: Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, email
Original contributions | |
UFZ-LSER database - a useful tool for many physical-chemical problems in analysis | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/18 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ, Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig, email
original contributions | |
Chemical characterization of ultrafine dust in the exhaust plume of an airport | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 |
Contact: Institute for Atmosphere and Environment (IAU), Goethe University Frankfurt, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
MUTReWa - Measures for a more sustainable use of pesticides and their transformation products in regional water management | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/17 |
Contact: GFN mbH - Society for Outdoor Ecology and Nature Protection Planning, email
Original contributions | |
The transport of the antibiotic sulfadiazine in the soil: what is the effect of the liquid manure? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 |
Contact: Institute for Chemistry and Dynamics of the Geosphere ICG-4 Forschungszentrum Jülich, email
original posts | |
Enz4Water - enzymatic filtration for the 4th purification stage |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: ASA Spezialenzyme GmbH, Am Exer 19 C, 38302 Wolfenbüttel
Original contributions | |
Emission inventories as the basis for determining the causes and recording air pollution | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/09 |
Contact: Institute for Energy Economics and Rational Energy Use, University of Stuttgart, email
Original contributions | |
Application of an LC-MS screening method to identify historical and current trace substances in groundwater and surface water of a former sewage field | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/14 |
Contact: Berliner Wasserbetriebe, Labor / FE, Motardstrasse 35, 13629 Berlin, email
Original contributions | |
S tand the acquisition and renovation of PFC contamination in Dusseldorf | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/19 |
Contact: Environment Agency State Capital Düsseldorf Brinckmannstr. 7, 40225 Düsseldorf, email
Original contributions | |
Amidosulfonic acid - quantification of a small, highly polar molecule using reversed-phase LC-MS-MS | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 |
Contact: IWW Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wasser Beratungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH Mühlheim ad Ruhr, email
Original contributions | |
The transport of the antibiotic sulfadiazine in the soil: what is the effect of the liquid manure? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 |
Contact: Institute for Chemistry and Dynamics of the Geosphere ICG-4
Forschungszentrum Jülich, email
Original contributions | |
Arsenic species and plant transfer Arsenite exchange through plant roots: Comparison of plants grown in hydroponics and in the soil | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/09 |
Contact: UFZ - Helmholtz - Center for Environmental Research GmbH, email
Original contributions | |
Gen- Dar T- a chronic toxicity prediction model by analyzing altered gene expression in zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio)? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/07 |
Contact: UFZ - Environmental Research Center Leipzig-Halle GmbH, email
Original contributions | |
Perfluorinated carboxylic acids - not only perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) is of concern | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/13 |
Long-distance transport potential of chemicals - How can this worrying property be taken into account in the PBT assessment under REACH? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/13 |
Sewage treatment plants as a source of polyfluorinated compounds in the atmosphere | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/11 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency Dessau, Chemicals Department, email
Original contributions | |
Trifluoroacetate in bodies of water and drinking water in North Rhine-Westphalia | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/18 |
Contact: Ministry for the Environment, Agriculture, Nature and Consumer Protection of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf, e-mail
Original contributions | |
Influence of aging processes on the sorption behavior of micropollutants on microplastics | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/18 |
Contact: Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry (CEEC Jena)
Institute for technical chemistry and environmental chemistry, Philosophenweg 7a, 07743 Jena, email
original contributions | |
Chemical characterization of ultrafine dust in the exhaust plume of an airport | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 |
Contact: Institute for Atmosphere and Environment (IAU), Goethe University Frankfurt, E-Mail
Original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research GmbH – UFZ, Central Water Analysis and chemometrics, Brückstraße 3a, 39114 Magdeburg, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/21 |
Contact: Department of Chemistry and ILOC Institute, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, Frankenring 20, 47798 Krefeld, email
Original contributions | |
In vitro toxicity and chemical composition of plastic products |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/19 |
Contact: Department of Aquatic Ecotoxicology, Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, email
Original contributions | |
Gen- Dar T- a chronic toxicity prediction model by analyzing altered gene expression in zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio)? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/07 |
Contact: UFZ - Environmental Research Center Leipzig-Halle GmbH, email
Original articles | |
30 years of moss monitoring in Germany: New developments and long-term trends | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/24 |
Contact:PlanWerk Nidda, consulting office, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/20 |
Contact: Department of Air Pollutants and Environmental Technology, Empa, Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt, Überlandstrasse 129, Dübendorf, Switzerland, email
original posts | |
Development of PFAS sum parameters using Combustion Ion Chromatography (CIC) |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/23 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Division 4.3 - Pollutant Transfer and Environmental Technologies, Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 Berlin, email
Original contributions | |
Human drug residues in sewage sludge - prioritization concept for the classification of the environmental hazard potential for the soil | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/14 |
Integration of bioavailability in soil protection | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/10 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency Dessau, FG II 4.1, email
Original contributions | |
Synthesis and behavior of polychlorinated terphenyls (PCT) under thermal stress | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/03 |
Reviews | |
Horst Fribolin: One and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy - an introduction | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/06 |
Contact: Institute for Ecological Chemistry and Waste Analysis at the TU Braunschweig, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Chair of Aquatic Systems Biology, Technical University of Munich, Mühlenweg 22, 85354 Freising, email
Original contributions | |
Investigations to evaluate and avoid toxic oxidation by-products in the oxidative wastewater treatment of fluoroquinolones | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/12 |
Contact: Institute for Energy and Environmental Technology e. V. (IUTA), Duisburg, email
Original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 | |
Modeling the spread of pollutants during extreme floods in the Bitterfeld area | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/07 |
Development of a label-free biosensor for the detection of diclofenac in surface water contaminated with wastewater | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/14 |
Contact: Department of Water Analysis and chemometrics, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ, email
Original contributions | |
Position paper on substance-related environmental monitoring (Part 1 of 2): Appendix 1: Impact monitoring : Hormones and hormone-like substances in the groundwater of contaminated sites | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/07 |
Contact: State Institute for the Environment, Measurements and Nature Conservation Baden-Württemberg, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: State Office for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Department 3: Geology, Water and soil, Goldberger Straße 12b
18273 Güstrow, email
Original contributions | |
Determination of benzotriazole in water with plasmonic onsite analysis |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: Photonic Sensor Technology, Institute for Nanophotonics Göttingen e. V., Hans-Adolf-Krebs-Weg 1, 37077 Göttingen E-Mail
Briefly introduced | |
Sustainability in chemistry in chemical engineering at Münster University of Applied Sciences | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/15 |
Contact: Münster University of Applied Sciences, FB01 - Chemical Engineering, Stegerwaldstr. 39, 48565 Steinfurt, email
Original contributions | |
Position paper on substance-related environmental monitoring (part 2 of 2): Appendix 1: Sampling of triangular mussels for the environmental specimen bank | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/07 |
information | |
Report from the workshop on national bird egg monitoring on September 22nd in Trier | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/09 |
Contact: University of Trier, Department VI Geography / Geosciences, email
Original contributions | |
In vitro toxicity and chemical composition of plastic products |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/19 |
Contact: Department of Biology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, email
Original contributions | |
Integration of bioavailability in soil protection | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/10 |
Contact: FU-Berlin, AG Org. environmental chemistry, email
Original contributions | |
Emission inventories as the basis for determining the causes and recording air pollution | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/09 |
Contact: Institute for Energy Economics and Rational Energy Use, University of Stuttgart, email
Original contributions | |
Bioaccumulation in organisms at a transfer point for dredged material in the German Bight (North Sea) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/12 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Hydrology (BfG) Koblenz, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Management at RWTH, Aachen University, Mies-van-der-Rohe-Str. 17, 52074 Aachen, email
Original contributions | |
Online sensor system for monitoring the water quality for organic compounds | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 |
Contact: UNISENSOR Sensorsysteme AG, Karlsruhe, email
Briefly introduced | |
International Review of Hydrobiology - A Journal covering all Aspects of Limnology and Marine Biology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/03 |
Contact: Leibniz Institute for Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries Berlin, Limnology Department of River Lakes, email
Original posts | |
Safe and sustainable recycling needs controls and more transparency – a case study on PVC flooring | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 |
Contact: Technology and Society Laboratory, Empa, 9014 St. Gallen, Switzerland, email
Original posts | |
BayÖkotox project network – “Ecotoxicological assessment of substances in the environment” |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/23 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment Mayor-Ulrich-Str.160, 86179 Augsburg, email
Original contributions | |
On the history of air chemistry in Germany | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/03 |
Contact: MPI for Chemistry Mainz, Biogeochemistry Department
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/23 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, Federal Trace Substance Center, Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau, email
Original contributions | |
Rain drainage of a plastics processing industrial company as a source for microplastics |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/20 |
Contact: Institute for Environmental and Process Engineering, RheinMain University, Am Brückweg 26, 65428 Rüsselsheim, email
Original contributions
Biomonitoring of PCB and PCDD / F in Bavaria: Results from 18 years of continuous observation | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/17 |
Contact: POPs Environmental Consulting; Lindenfirststr. 23, D-73527 Schwäbisch Gmünd, email
Original contributions | |
MUTReWa - Measures for a more sustainable use of pesticides and their transformation products in regional water management | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/17 |
Contact: City of Freiburg, email
Original contributions | |
Behavior of nanoparticles in sewage treatment plants | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment (LfU) Munich, email
Original contributions | |
Photochemical degradation of benzotriazole under environmentally relevant conditions | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/15 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ, Department Analytics, Permoserstrasse 15, 04318 Leipzig, email
Original contributions | |
Which processes are responsible for the environmental behavior of PFAS in the soil ? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/21 |
Contact: University of Kassel, Department of Hydrology and Material Balance, Kurt-Wolters-Str. 3, 34125 Kassel, Germany, email
Original contributions | |
Effects of synthetic and natural microparticles on blue mussels ( Mytilus edulis ) and rock shrimp ( Palaemon varians ) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Contact: University of Duisburg-Essen, Universitätsstr. 2, 45141 Essen and Alfred Wegener Institute, Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven, email
Speaking of ... | |
Speaking of ... cadmium | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/04 |
Contact: Federal Research Center for Agriculture, Institute for Agroecology, Braunschweig
Original contributions | |
Selection and use of reference matrices to determine the properties of substances and the environmental behavior of substances | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/07 |
information | |
Conference report: Environmental specimen bank workshop for monitoring priority substances and "emerging pollutants" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/07 |
Contact: Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME-AE Schmallenberg, email
Original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 |
Contact: FG Plant Protection Products, Federal Environment Agency Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/20 |
Contact: Chair of Aquatic Systems Biology, Technical University of Munich, Mühlenweg 22, 85354 Freising, email
Original contributions | |
Non-target analysis in ecology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/10 |
Contact: AG NMR, Institute for Chemistry, Humboldt University Berlin, email
Original contributions | |
Behavior of selected pesticides in the water- soil plants system in the lysimeters of the Wagna research station | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/14 |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency, Organic Analyzes, Vienna, email
Original contributions | |
On the special position of antibiotics in the case of water pollution by drugs | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/16 |
Ecotoxicological effects of mixtures of substances in wastewater treatment | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/15 |
Medicines and their metabolites in the water cycle | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/10 |
Contact: Bavarian State Office for the Environment, Mayor Ulrichstr. 160, 86179 Augsburg, Tel .: 0821 / 9071-5937, email
Original contributions | |
Does the use of modern pesticides lead to the mobilization of old DDT residues in agricultural areas? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/17 |
Briefly introduced | |
Professorship for Instrumental Analysis, Faculty of biotechnology, University of Mannheim | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/17 |
Contact: Institute for Instrumental Analysis and Bioanalytics, Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of biotechnology, Paul-Wittsack-Strasse 10, 68163 Mannheim, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 |
Contact: Water Innovation and Research Center (WIRC), University of Bath, BA2 7AY, UK, email
Original contributions | |
Environmental analysis of biological matrices | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/04 |
Original articles | |
30 years of moss monitoring in Germany: New developments and long-term trends | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/24 |
Contact: Institute for Environment & Energy, Technology & Analytics, E-Mail
Original articles | |
30 years of moss monitoring in Germany: New developments and long-term trends | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/24 |
Contact: Institute for Environment & Energy, Technology & Analytics, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Persistent chlorinated hydrocarbons | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/04 |
Briefly introduced | |
IBACON GmbH | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/14 |
Contact: IBACON GmbH, Arheilger Weg17, 64380 Rossdorf , email
Briefly introduced | |
Specialist colloquium - QSAR in BMU, Bonn | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/04 |
Original contributions | |
Influence of aging processes on the sorption behavior of micropollutants on microplastics | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/18 |
Contact: Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena Center for Microbial Communication (JCMC), Institute for Inorganic and analytical chemistry, Lessingstr. 8, 07743 Jena., Email
Original contributions | |
Synthesis and behavior of polychlorinated terphenyls (PCT) under thermal stress | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/03 |
Reviews | |
H. Lohninger, J. Fröhlich, B. Mizaikoff, E. Rosenberg: "Teach / Me - Instrumental Analytics (ISBN 3-540-14957-0) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/04 |
J. Nölte: "ICP emission spectrometry for practitioners" (ISBN 3-527-30351-0) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/03 |
Original contributions | |
Investigation of the transformation of organic micropollutants in biological wastewater treatment - Analytical and experimental concepts and challenges | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 |
Contact: Federal Institute for Hydrology (BfG), Am Mainzer Tor 1, email
Original contributions | |
Biocides in Berlin's rainwater runoff | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/17 |
Contact: Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH, Cicerostr. 24, 10709 Berlin, email
Editorial | |
Editorials for the issues 1/ 2020, 2/2020, 3/2020, 4/2020, 1/2021, 2/2021, 3/2021, 4/2021, 1/2022, 2/2022, 3/2022, 1/ 2023, |
Virtual members/internal meeting of the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology 2020 |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/20 |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/19 | |
(Micro)plastics in the environment – a persistent topic in science? |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/19 | |
Contact: Federal Environment Agency Division IV 1.2 Biocides, Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau, email
Original contributions | |
Prevention - what does society want | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/01 |
Original articles | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/24 |
Contact: Federal Institute of Hydrology, Qualitative Hydrology, Koblenz, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Determination of benzotriazole in water with plasmonic onsite analysis |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/21 |
Contact: Institute for Nanophotonics Göttingen e. V., Hans-Adolf-Krebs-Weg 1, 37077 Göttingen E-Mail
original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/24 |
Contact: Animal Ecology I & Biological physics, University of Bayreuth E-Mail
Original contributions |
Hazardous substance properties: PBT assessment of drugs | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/13 |
Contact: Ines Prutz, Division IV 2.2 Medicines, Federal Environment Agency
Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau, email
Original contributions | |
Assessment of the availability of non-extractable PAH residues in the soil | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/10 |
Contact: pA BWS GmbH Hamburg
Original posts | |
Safe and sustainable recycling needs controls and more transparency – a case study on PVC flooring | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 |
Contact: Chair of Ecological System Design, ETH Zurich, HIF D 16.2, Laura-Hezner-Weg 7, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland, email
information | |
The GDCh provides information on the sports report | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/05 |
Briefly introduced | |
NABU - take sides for people and nature so that the world remains livable | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/04 |
original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/22 |
Contact: Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Multiphase Chemistry Dept., Mainz, Germany, email
Original contributions | |
The inner-city "nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) problem": What influence do direct traffic emissions have? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/08 |
The photolysis of nitrous acid (HONO) - an important source of OH radicals in the atmosphere | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 |
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
Primary NO 2 emissions and their impact on air quality in traffic environments in Germany | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/12 |
From the Division | |
Report from the Working Group on atmospheric chemistry | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/13 |
information | |
DBU large association "Atmospheric Diagnostics" - five years after - | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/06 |
Contact: Department C - physical chemistry, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, email
Editorial | |
Welcome to Münster, welcome to "Environment 2018" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/18 |
Annual review of the section board | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/17 |
From dependent and independent experts | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/16 |
New Division Board - outlook on the main areas of work for the next few years | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/11 |
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
A new method to determine the anaerobic degradability of surfactants: the AnBUSDiC test | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/11 |
From the Division | |
Review of 11 years of REACH | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/18 |
Annual conference Tübingen 2016 and now? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/17 |
Position paper of the section board: Aims and tasks of the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology today | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/13 |
FG contributions in the ESEU | |
Ring testing of the AnBUSDiC test; a new screening method for the anaerobic degradability of surfactants | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/13 |
Contact: BASF Personal Care and Nutrition GmbH,
Henkelstr 67, Dusseldorf 40589, Germany
From the Division | |
AK chemical assessment: Report on the 2nd meeting of the GDCh ad-hoc working group "Exposure analysis and computer simulation models" | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/01 |
Original articles | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/24 | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 |
Contact: State Water Supply Association, Am Spitzigen Berg 1, 89129 Langenau, E-Mail
Briefly introduced | |
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/05 |
Contact: Agricultural Investigation and Research Institute Speyer, email
From the Division |
4th doctoral day of the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology at Eurofins Agroscience Services GmbH on October 10, 2017 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/17 |
Contact: Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Hahn-Meitner-Weg 1, B.2.41, 55128 Mainz, email
Briefly introduced | |
Dr. U. Noack laboratories | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/05 |
Contact: Dr. U. Noack laboratories
Briefly introduced | |
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/03 |
Contact: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
Briefly introduced | |
Chemical laboratory Dr. Host & Partner | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/02 |
Contact: Chemical Laboratory Dr. Host & Partner
Briefly introduced | |
Research focus on environmental analysis and ecotoxicology at the Faculty of Life Sciences at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/10 |
Contact: HAW Hamburg, Faculty: Life Sciences, email
Original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/23 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center Hereon, Institute for environmental chemistry of Coastal Regions, Department of Organic environmental chemistry, Max-Planck-Str. 1, 21502 Geesthacht, email
information | |
Comprehensive Report from the Biorefinica 2006 - An International Symposium on Biobased Products and Biorefineries | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/07 |
Original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 |
Contact: Justus Liebig University Gießen, iFZ, Institute for Soil Science and Soil Conservation, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26, 35392 Gießen, email
Original contributions | |
Application of an LC-MS screening method to identify historical and current trace substances in groundwater and surface water of a former sewage field | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/14 |
Contact: Berliner Wasserbetriebe, Labor / FE, Motardstrasse 35, 13629 Berlin, email
Original articles | |
30 years of moss monitoring in Germany: New developments and long-term trends | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/24 |
Contact:Institute for Environment & Energy, Technology & Analytics E-Mail
Original articles | |
30 years of moss monitoring in Germany: New developments and long-term trends | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/24 |
Contact: Institute for Environment & Energy, Technology & Analytics, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Rain drainage of a plastics processing industrial company as a source for microplastics |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/20 |
Contact: Institute for Environmental and Process Engineering, RheinMain University, Am Brückweg 26, 65428 Rüsselsheim, email
Original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 |
Contact: SARChI Chair of Mine Water Management, University of Tshwane (TUT), Private Bag X680, Pretoria 0001 South Africa, email
original posts | |
Development of the 'pollution fingerprint' in the North Sea over the last century |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/ 22 |
Occurrence and distribution of organic UV stabilizers and UV filters in sediments of European estuaries | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/ 16 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center Geesthacht, Institute for Coastal Research, Department of environmental chemistry, Max-Planck-Strasse 1, 21502 Geesthacht and Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Institute for sustainable chemistry and environmental chemistry, Scharnhorststrasse 1, 21335 Lüneburg, email
Original contributions | |
Consumer exposure to PFOS and PFOA | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
Consumer Exposure to Phthalates in Europe: Identification of Major Sources | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/06 |
Contact: Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering ETH Zurich, email
Original contributions | |
Characterization of the sorption of organic bases from aqueous solutions: Current results and limitations in the prognosis of environmental behavior | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/16 |
Contact: Institute for water chemistry, Technical University Dresden, 01062 Dresden, email
Original contributions | |
Occurrence and distribution of perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in European and Chinese river-estuary systems | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/15 |
Contact: Helmholtz Center Geesthacht, Institute for Coastal Research, Department of environmental chemistry, Max-Planck-Straße 1, 21502 Geesthacht E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Wastewater ozonation and related formation of N-oxides | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/17 |
Contact: University of Tübingen, Environmental Analysis, Hölderlinstr. 12, 72074 Tübingen, email
information | |
Conference report: 8th International Conference on Solar Energy and Applied Photochemsitry - SOLAR'05 and Enpho'05 | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/05 |
Contact: Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry Göttingen
Original contributions | |
Background values and heavy metal pollution of sediments in the area of flowing waters using the example of the Oderhaffes | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/08 |
Contact: Institute for Ecological and sustainable chemistry at the TU Braunschweig, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/20 |
Contact: Institute for Zoology, Department for Integrative biology and Biodiversity Research, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, email
Editorial | |
Editorials for the issues 1/ 2020, 2/2020, 3/2020, 4/2020, 1/2021, 2/2021, 3/2021, 4/2021, 1/2022, 2/2022, 3/2022, 1/ 2023, |
Virtual members/internal meeting of the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology 2020 |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/20 |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/19 | |
original posts | |
Long-distance transport of organic substances in water | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/10 |
Contact: Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Center for Applied Geosciences, environmental chemistry and Analysis, Hölderlinstr. 12, 72074 Tuebingen, email
Original contributions | |
Non-target analysis in ecology | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/10 |
Contact: Institute for Forest Genetics (vTI), Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forests and Fisheries Waldsieversdorf, email
Original contributions | |
Metabolite screening in environmental samples with LC-Q-TOF and electrochemistry mass spectrometry | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/13 |
Contact: University of Tübingen, Department of Geosciences, Environmental Analysis, email
Original articles | |
Organic UV filters in the aquatic environment – where are the hotspots? | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/24 |
Contact: University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, School of Life Sciences, Institute for Ecopreneurship, Hofackerstrasse 30, CH-4132 Muttenz Switzerland, E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Concentration and distribution of anthropogenic platinum metal emissions (Pt, Pd and Rh) in the soil and air dust | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/08 |
Contact: Institute for Atmosphere and Environment, JW Goethe University Frankfurt, email
Original contributions | |
Compostability and ecotoxicological evaluation of bio-based plastics | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/20 |
Contact: Faculty of Agriculture, Environment, Chemistry, Dresden University of Technology and Economics, Friedrich-List-Platz 1, 01069 Dresden, email
original posts | |
Imaging MALDI-MS and nanodispensing as tools for effect-related HPTLC analysis - an interim report |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/22 |
Contact: Faculty of Chemistry, Aalen University, Beethovenstraße 1 / 73430 Aalen
Original contributions | |
In vitro toxicity and chemical composition of plastic products |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/19 |
Contact: Department of Aquatic Ecotoxicology, Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, email
original posts | |
Development of the 'pollution fingerprint' in the North Sea over the last century | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/ 22 |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/ 22 |
Contact: Institute for environmental chemistry of Coastal Areas, Inorganic environmental chemistry, Helmholtz Center Hereon, Max-Planck-Str. 1, 21502 Geesthacht, email
Original contributions | |
Do cemeteries emit drugs? |
Contact: State Office for Geology and Mining, Rhineland Palatinate
Emy-Roeder-Str. 5, 55133 Mainz
Original contributions |
Effective reduction of the antibacterial activity of the fluoroquinolone danofloxacin through biotransformation with the ascomycete Xylaria longipes | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/16 |
Contact: Institute for food chemistry and Food Biotechnology, Justus Liebig University Gießen, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 17, 35392 Gießen E-Mail
Original contributions | |
Antibiotic residues in manure and soil | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/10 |
The behavior of organic trace substances during wastewater treatment | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/07 |
Contact: Institute for Environmental Research (INFU) University of Dortmund, email
Briefly introduced | |
Institute for Water Research GmbH | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/12 |
Contact: Institute for Water Research Dortmund GmbH, email
Original contributions | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/19 |
Contact: Water Innovation and Research Center (WIRC), University of Bath, BA2 7AY, UK, email
Original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 |
Contact: Department of Geosciences, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Schnarrenbergstraße 94-96, 72076 Tübingen, email
Original posts | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/24 | |
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/19 | |
Wastewater ozonation and related formation of N-oxides | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/17 |
Metabolite screening in environmental samples using LC-Q-TOF and electrochemistry mass spectrometry | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/13 |
Briefly introduced | |
Professorship for Environmental Analysis, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen | Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/14 |
Contact: University of Tübingen, Environmental Analytics at the Center for Applied Geosciences, Hölderlinstr. 12, D-72074 Tübingen, email
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