Klaus-Dieter Jany

Cultured Meat – Meat from the Retort

from the stem cell to the structured piece of meat

online lecture by Klaus-Dieter Jany on 16.01.2024, 3-4 p.m.

Moderation: Eberhard Ehlers

Agriculture, with its intensive cultivation and animal husbandry, is associated with a variety of negative effects on the climate and biodiversity. 14% of global greenhouse gas emissions are attributed to agriculture alone, with the production of animal products accounting for a large proportion of this. In addition, the extraction of animal proteins is quite inefficient. Around 6 kg of plant protein are needed to produce one kilogram of animal protein, which means that with current meat consumption, around 40% of the grain and 70% of the soybean harvest go into animal feed.
In order to reduce environmental pollution, to reduce agricultural land use and partly for health reasons, the production of alternative meat-like products began early on. As early as the mid-1980s, fermentatively produced "single cell" proteins came onto the market, which were then converted into meat substitutes with the appropriate ingredients. Today, development in this field continues, but in the fermentative production (precision fermentation) of special or customized animal proteins with genetically modified microorganisms. Two processes have currently become established for the production of "meat" from the laboratory:


  1. The cultivation of muscle stem cells and the subsequent structuring of the cell layer
  2. The use of vegetable proteins (peas, beans, soybeans)

The lecture will focus primarily on the production of "meat" from stem cells. With regard to "meat" from plant proteins, the advantages, limitations, range of applications and aspects for environmental protection and health will be discussed. Insects and legal requirements should not be left unmentioned.

Did you like the lecture ? Or are you unable to attend the lecture ? Then write to Prof. Jany by email; he will be happy to provide you with the slides from his lecture.

Genetic engineering in everyday life - not just in vaccination

online lecture by Klaus-Dieter Jany on 02.03.2021, 2-3 p.m.

Moderation: Klaus-Peter Jäckel

Genetic engineering is a general term for the use of molecular biological methods to change the genetic information of organisms. Genetic engineering has now found its way into all areas of our lives. However, the public is only aware of the areas of plant breeding and food.

Genome Editing - CRISPR/Cas and Co

The new methods for modifying genetic information – Methods – Applications – Legal regulations

online lecture by Klaus-Dieter Jany on 02.09.2021, 2-3 p.m.

Moderation: Eberhard Ehlers

Abstract: In 2020, researchers Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their research and establishment of the CRISPR/Cas system. Here is an excerpt from the justification for the award:

"Crispr-Cas9 has revolutionized molecular life sciences, opened up new possibilities for plant breeding, contributed to innovative cancer therapies and could make the dream of curing inherited diseases come true. Charpentier and Doudna harnessed one of the sharpest tools in genetic engineering."

The lecture will explain the new methods for genomic modifications, discuss areas of application and examine the effects of inadequate legal regulation on Germany and the EU as a business location.

Klaus-Dieter Jany

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last modified: 10.07.2024 18:59 H from N/A