Symposium on Green Genetic Engineering

Symposium: Green genetic engineering, yes - but how

Applications of green genetic engineering and new genomic techniques (gene scissors) are being discussed in a highly emotional and controversial manner, particularly in Germany. Legal requirements in the European Union are hindering their scientific and economic applications. The EU Commission has recognized this and would like to present a draft for the new regulation of the Genetic Engineering Act by November 2022. Our symposium falls precisely at this time. It will certainly be an exciting and informative event.

The symposium is organized by the GDCh together with the DECHEMA and the Green Genetic Engineering Association. The event will be moderated by Klaus-Dieter Jany, board member of the Senior Expert Chemists. The event will take place at the DECHEMA in Frankfurt and starts at 1:00 p.m. Registration is required. Online registration is possible from September 1st via the official GDCh website.


03 November 2022; 13:00 - 18:00


DECHEMA: Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25, 60486 Frankfurt/Main


Prof. Dr. Gabi. Krczal, RLP AgroScience GmbH, Neustadt an der Weinstraße

Does genome editing have a future in Europe

Prof. Dr. Matin Qaim, University of Bonn

Importance of green genetic engineering for sustainable agriculture and food security

Dr. Dirk Backhaus, Bayer AG Division CropScience

New technologies in plant breeding - A contribution to a sustainable food system

Joachim Müller-Jung, FAZ-Frankfurt am Main

Too late, too quiet? On the role of risk communication in the genetic engineering controversy

Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Dederer, University of Passau

Regulation of genome-edited organisms at a dead end - ways out and wrong paths

Download the flyer “Green Genetic Engineering”.
See also Nachr. Chem. 2022, 70 (10) 87.

Photo gallery of "Green genetic engineering, yes - but how?"

Klaus-Dieter Jany
Gabi Krzal
Dirk Backhaus
Hans-Georg Dederer
Joachim Müller-Jung
Matin Qaim

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