2021 "Munich"

SEC at the GDCh Science Forum Chemistry in Munich

Der Arbeitstisch von Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner und Fritz
Straßmann im Deutschen Museum in München (© Deutsches Museum, München)

The GDCh Science Forum Chemistry was planned to take place in Munich from 29 August to 1 September 2021. The Corona virus put a stop to our plans and the entire science forum was held online. Regardless of this, the Senior Expert Chemists there organized an Online lecture afternoon on Tuesday, 31 August, the motto of which was related to Munich:

Munich 21– No fun without chemistry

Four topics, four lectures:


  • Beer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Becker (TU Munich): The keyboard of enzymes in the brewing process
  • Sport: Dr. Josef Wünsch, (BASF SE, Ludwigshafen): When polymers become part of the ongoing business
  • Art: Prof. Dr. Heinz Langhals (LRZ-Leibnitz Computing Center of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Munich): Chemistry or art: tension between rationality and aesthetics … or simply a complement?
  • Science: Dr. Susanne Rehn-Taube (Deutsches Museum, Munich): Chemistry in the Deutsches Museum – yesterday, today, tomorrow

The lectures were well attended, with an average of about 60 participants.

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last modified: 11.07.2024 11:59 H from N/A