
Abstract by Dr. Nathalie Weickgenannt, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim

Publish like the pros

How do I write an academic article? What do reviewers and editors pay attention to? What happens to a manuscript from submission to publication? Using the example of Angewandte Chemie as a journal of the German Chemical Society , we offer an insight into the editorial work of a chemical journal and give tips for creating and submitting scientific publications.

Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Nathalie Weick called

  • 2005?2009 - Studies in chemistry at the University of Oxford (Great Britain), master's thesis with Prof. Véronique Gouverneur
  • 2009?2013 - PhD at the University of Münster in the field of Organic Chemistry with Prof. Frank Glorius
  • 2013?2014 - Assistant Editor, Angewandte Chemie
  • since 2014 - Associate Editor, Angewandte Chemie

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