dr Claudia Bohnenstengel
Institute for Hygiene and Environment
Department HU 21
marckmannstrasse 129 A
20539 Hamburg
Phone: 040 42845-7324
Email: claudia.benestengel@hu.hamburg.de
dr Wolfgang Waizenegger
Chemical and veterinary investigation office in Stuttgart
Email: wolfgang.waizenegger@cvuas.bwl.de
LM Chem. Annet Teige
city hall
Department of Health
veterinary and food monitoring
Email: annett.teige@halle.de
Term of office 2023 - 2025
Responsibility for food law was previously part of the Federal Ministry of Health. In 2001 it was transferred to the Federal Ministry for Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture, now the Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture. One of the main focuses is the cooperation with the European Union as well as with the federal states in the performance of legislative, control, monitoring and information tasks. As part of consumer information and to improve the general flow of information, the federal government, in particular the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety BVL and the federal states, have created various Internet portals with different objectives such as www.Lebensmittelklarheit.de or www.lebensmittelwarnung.de. Due to the federal structure in Germany, the federal states are responsible for carrying out official food monitoring monitoring and testing. The advantages of these structures, such as the consideration of the country-specific conditions, must continue to be used. The disadvantages that can arise from longer information channels must, however, be reduced and, in the interests of everyone, result in even more effective food monitoring monitoring. The federal government and the federal states are therefore still called upon to optimize the organization and to ensure the appropriate financial and personnel resources required for this in the future as well. The " food monitoring " working group of the Food Chemical Society, Division in the GDCh, last updated the compilation of the legal bases and organizational forms of food monitoring in the Federal Republic of Germany in 2009 and 2013. Since then, the development of the bundling of tasks by merging examination facilities, which had already begun, has continued. The states of Berlin and Brandenburg merged their research facilities to form the Berlin-Brandenburg State Laboratory - the LLBB, Institute for Food, Drugs and Animal Diseases as an institution under public law. This was the first transnational research facility in the Federal Republic of Germany. In North Rhine-Westphalia five public-law institutions have now been founded, mainly from state veterinary inspection offices and local or district chemical and food inspection offices. In addition, there is still cooperation between the municipal investigation offices in Düsseldorf and Mettmann. According to Table 1, the official food monitoring monitoring and testing in all federal states with the exception of Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony-Anhalt is subordinate to a single ministry, usually the Ministry of Agriculture or the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, in Berlin the Senate Department for Justice and Consumer Protection. They each include a wide variety of specialist areas in different combinations. In Saxony-Anhalt the tasks were assigned to two ministries and in Rhineland-Palatinate to four different ministries. The responsibilities of the individual ministries are based on the departmental layouts, which can also change during the current election periods due to political decisions. food monitoring in the armed forces on site is carried out by medical officers pharmacist with approbation as food chemists and veterinarians from four monitoring sites for public-sector tasks. The laboratory tests are carried out in the two central institutes of the medical services of the Bundeswehr in Kiel and Munich. The coordination of food monitoring monitoring and inspection is the task of the responsible specialist department in the medical service command of the Bundeswehr in Koblenz. The highest supervisory authority and thus at the same time the contact point for the highest federal and state health authorities is located in the Armed Forces Department of the Federal Ministry of Defense. The reorganization of the Bundeswehr, which is associated with a reduction in the number of troops, also affects the number and locations of the investigation facilities. The organizational changes required for this have already been initiated or implemented. From Table 2 it can be seen that the creation of state offices, state laboratories and state companies has meanwhile been pushed ahead even further. The objective is the even more comprehensive integration of examination and work tasks, which in many cases go well beyond the tasks of food inspection and monitoring, against the background of increasing legal requirements and the avoidance of further cost increases for the federal states. The amalgamation of research facilities and the further bundling of tasks will make it necessary for cross-border cooperation on certain research areas, such as the North German cooperation NoKo, to be expanded or newly established. The Food and Feed Code (LFGB) dated September 1, 2005 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 2618), which replaced the previous law on the movement of food, tobacco products, cosmetic products and other consumer goods (LMBG), regulates the movement of food , Consumer goods, cosmetics and animal feed. The tobacco products were outsourced, for them the Provisional Tobacco Act resulting from the previous LMBG was initially applied, and since May 2016 a new Tobacco Products Act, which serves in particular to implement new legislation at EU level. The legal provisions in the federal states must be further adapted to the changed legal situation and also to organizational changes, so that Table 3 must also be updated in the future. Table 4 summarizes all regulations that concern the professional title of "food chemist" or the training and examination of state-certified food chemists. With the exception of Bremen, all federal states have training and examination regulations for food chemists. In the Bundeswehr, food chemists are trained in cooperation with the federal states on the basis of the respective training and examination regulations and guidelines of the Bundeswehr. literature
1. Brockmann, A. food chemistry 63, 90 - 97 (2009)
2. Brockmann, A., Lohs, P. food chemistry 60, 105 - 136 (2006)
3. Lohs, P., Brockmann, A. food chemistry 56, 68 - 74 (2002) Status: January 01, 2016 Address of the authors
Anneliese Brockmann
Eggeweg 5
33813 Oerlinghausen, Germany
Annette Neuhaus
Arminiusweg 23
32760 Detmold, Germany
Position paper of the working groups food industry, food monitoring, Quality Management & Hygiene, food laboratories, elements and element species and pesticides of the Food Chemistry Society (LChG) on the specification and application of the expanded measurement uncertainty - version dated 25 April (2018) ( pdf )
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