2022: Statement on the attack on Ukraine

For the list of links with further information, please scroll down.

25 Feb. 2022: Joint statement by DVGeo, DPG, GDCh and VBIO on the war in Ukraine

The four major scientific societies are deeply dismayed by the violent war that, instead of seeking peaceful reconciliation and cooperation, is destroying human lives, ignoring self-determination and destroying cooperation. Our concern and solidarity go out to the Ukrainian people and all other victims of this war, and we demand an immediate end to it.

As scientific societies, we cooperate with partner organizations all over the world and promote the international community of scientists and students. We stand for cross-national dialogue and the joint development of knowledge-based solutions. The free exchange of knowledge across borders is inextricably linked to respect for human rights, freedom of expression and international law.

This war shows us unequivocally how important it is to stand up for our democratic values. Even if politics is now called upon, we as scientists also have an important responsibility and task: We will do everything in our power to maintain the bridges for a free exchange of scientific knowledge and opinions across national borders and cultures. We will not allow our belief in the unifying effect of science to be shaken!

German Association of Geosciences (DVGeo)
German Physical Society (DPG)
German Chemical Society (GDCh)
Association of Biology, Biosciences and Biomedicine in Germany (VBIO)

Here you will find a compilation of links, for example information for Ukrainian scientists and aid organizations.

Further information/offers of help

The Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland has set up a Germany4Ukraine website for Ukrainian refugees in Germany. The site provides information on registration, accommodation, medical care, social benefits, work permits and others.

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research has also set up a website with information for refugees from Ukraine, which answers questions about school, training, studies, work and the recognition of foreign professional qualifications in Germany.

The National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) eV publishes a compilation of important links, contact addresses and services on its website that can help affected scientists from Ukraine.

The European Chemical Society (EuChemS) has set up a LinkedIn group Chemists for Ukraine to provide information about job vacancies, educational opportunities or other initiatives for students and researchers of chemical sciences in Ukraine.

The Association of the Chemical Industry (VCI) has published information pages for companies, as has the Business Help Alliance of the BDA, BDI, DIHK and ZDA.

ScienceForUkraine is an initiative of students and researchers from academic institutions worldwide. She collects job advertisements and other information for Ukrainian students and scientists. https://twitter.com/Sci_for_Ukraine

The EU Commission has set up a central contact point " European Research Area for Ukraine " (ERA4Ukraine) to support researchers from Ukraine.

In April, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) launched the website of the National Academic Contact Point Ukraine with information and support for Ukrainian students and researchers.


Call for peace from more than 100 Nobel Prize winners, among them the GDCh members Gerhard Ertl, Roald Hoffmann, Rober Huber, Jean-Marie Lehn, Benjamin List and Hartmut Michel.

The European Chemical Society (EuChemS) strongly condemns the violent invasion of Ukraine, and stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine.
The EuChemS Working Party Ethics in Chemistry condemns the Russian Government's aggression against Ukraine.

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) wishes to express its repulsion and condemnation of the use of violence as a means of conflict resolution in this case and any other.

The International Science Council (ISC) expresses its deep dismay and concerns regarding the military offensives being carried out in Ukraine.

aid organizations

Doctors Without Borders: Our help in Ukraine
Action Germany Hilft: Emergency aid Ukraine
Action Alliance for Disaster Relief: Appeal for donations for the Ukraine

Further publications on the subject can be found under the GDCh top topics

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