Training committees

Training commissions

Commission for Further Training

According to the statutes, one of the goals of the GDCh is to promote chemistry-oriented scientific training. To this end, a large number of scientific courses and information events for professional vocational training are organized and offered every year.
The purpose of the commission's work is to promote the quality and acceptance of the GDCh training offerings.
The Commission for Further Training has an advisory function in relation to the further training area of ​​the GDCh office and actively supports the office with regard to the development of strategic objectives in the area of ​​further training, with regard to the specific content of the further training program (topic acquisition and program selection) and in ensuring course quality.
The appointment of the commission for further training is made by the GDCh Board.

Members of the Commission for Further Training

Dr. Gesa Behnken, Essen (Chair)

Prof. Dr. Jens Brockmeyer, Stuttgart
Thorsten Junk, Essen
Dr. Britta Pfeffer, Landau in the Palatinate
Prof. Dr. Stefan Schwarzer, Tübingen
Dr. Matthias Urmann, Frankfurt
Dr. Ursula Westphal, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Jörn Wochnowski, Lübeck

Dr. Elisabeth Kapatsina, Frankfurt/Main (GDCh Office)
Maike Bundschuh, Frankfurt/Main (GDCh Office)
Lea Miskovsky, Frankfurt/Main (GDCh Office)

Commission for Teacher Training

To control, monitor and further develop the teacher training activities, a commission for teacher training is set up by the GDCh Board as part of the commission work of the GDCh. The members are elected at the suggestion of the Division for chemical education education and appointed for a period of four years; reappointment is possible. The members should work in the Division for chemical education or be members of the GDCh further education commission or of partner organizations involved in the further education program.
The members of the commission for teacher training elect a chairperson, who is automatically also a member of the GDCh further training commission. The Commission meets at least once a year.

The Commission for Teacher Training carries out the following tasks:

- Selection of training centers and proposal for their establishment to the GDCh Board
- Regular definition and publication of framework topics that are to be dealt with as focal points in regional and national teacher training courses
- Annual selection of suitable events and speakers for the national training events
- Active commitment to the goals of the GDCh teacher training, acquisition of additional partners (e.g. state ministries, regional and national educational institutions)
- Representation of the interests of teacher training to the GDCh Board
- Quality control of individual events in consultation with the GDCh Office
- Periodic evaluation of the training centers
- Audit of the financial budget of the training centers

Members of the Commission for Teacher Training

Prof. Dr. Stefan Schwarzer, Tübingen (Chairman)

Prof. Claudia Bohrmann-Linde, Wuppertal
dr Michael Dreyer, Spardorf
dr Thomas Eberle, Darmstadt
Prof. Dr. Richard Göttlich, Gießen
dr Christa Jansen, Friesenheim
dr Marco Rossow, Lueneburg
dr Verena Weidmann, Frankfurt am Main

dr Elisabeth Kapatsina, Frankfurt/Main (GDCh Office office)

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