
You can find information about studying chemistry here:

GDCh-NESACS study trip

The GDCh-NESACS study trip is an exchange program between the GDCh and the Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society (NESACS), which was launched in 2000 to promote exchange among young people from the two chemical societies. The program is largely co-designed by the JungChemikerForum (JCF) and the Northeastern Section Younger Chemist Committee (NSYCC).

Chemistry students and doctoral candidates from all over Germany have the opportunity to present their scientific work as a poster or lecture at a Conference in the USA, to take part in excursions and to make contacts. The visit of the American guests is linked to the young chemists' spring symposium.

You can find more information about the study trip here


RISE stands for Research Internship in Science and Engineering and is offered by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). In the RISE and RISE professional programs, internships from universities and industry in Germany are arranged for students and graduates from North America. Doctoral students can apply to these programs to employ a foreign research assistant.

Ambitious German students from the natural sciences, geosciences and engineering can take advantage of the opportunity to work with researchers all over the world via RISE worldwide.

More information is available here

The GDCh career service

Whether you want to finance your studies, stay abroad or start your career - questions will certainly come up during or at the end of your studies. The offers and information of the GDCh career service can give you useful answers here. more information is available here

Bachelor, Master and PhD in chemistry

The GDCh supports the study reform and the introduction of graded courses in chemistry. With the help of representatives from universities and other scientific organizations, she has published statements accompanying the Bologna Process. The GDCh would like to continue to constructively support the goal of the Bologna process, to create a common European higher education area, and will work to keep the quality of the degrees at all universities at the highest level. Furthermore, the GDCh focuses on the doctoral phase as part of the training of natural scientists.

The development of the bachelor's and master's degree in chemistry (pdf.file, 12.4 KB)

Further position papers can be found here

Postgraduate studies in ecotoxicology

In response to the called for by students, authorities and industry deficit in the education of ecotoxicology the two societies GDCh have division for Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology and the SETAC-GLB (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Europe, German-language Branch eV) together the PostGradualStudium (PGS) Specialized Ecotoxicology with degree "Specialized Ecotoxicologist (GDCh / SETAC-GLB)" realized. more information is available here


Education, Career and Science Department Tel: +49 69 7917-326

Advanced training for young chemists

Scholarship for Bachelor students

Scholarships and Study Funding

Statistics of chemistry courses

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