Career column

Career column from the "Nachrichten aus der Chemie"

Philipp Gramlich and Karin Bodewits are founders of Natural Science Careers - a company for career counseling and soft skills seminars for natural scientists. For the Nachrichten aus der Chemie, both write about observations from their consulting work.

NCh 07-08/24 Everything is a sample of work

Clara is overjoyed: A top law firm has offered her a position as a patent attorney candidate. However, the salary in the draft contract is below the market rate - Clara is astonished. Nevertheless, two days later she writes to the HR manager saying that she would be happy to accept the position. Who knows whether such an opportunity will arise again? The HR manager's answer blows Clara away: "We do not want to offer you a position. The document sent was only a draft contract for viewing, without our signature." When Clara asks why she is suddenly no longer wanted, she is told: "If you work for us, you have to charge clients at least 350 euros an hour. That requires a certain business mindset. If you don't even demand a market-based salary for yourself, then you probably won't do so on behalf of the law firm either."

When it comes to something as important as an employment contract, you should always make sure that it is in the correct written form. That was Clara's mistake. She also disregarded a principle that applies to the entire application process - every step is a sample of work. Advocating for a salary in line with the market is not greed, but shows your future employer that you will confidently represent their interests.

We know the classic hidden work sample from films: the quirky doorman is the first test of whether your manners are polite. I was put to the test myself when I was invited to an interview after an open application. When I wanted to know what kind of position we were actually talking about, I was told that it would only be discussed towards the end of the interview - a test of how I would deal with this uncertainty. Such tests occur at many different moments. Because of all types of interview questions, work samples provide the employer with the most information.

Does the employer call you without prior notice to clarify a few key points in your application? Simply ask yourself how you would react in a similar situation in your new job. This reduces stress and makes it clear which tactic would be the right one. A good strategy: apologize for your indisposition and arrange a time when you can talk without being disturbed.

Philipp Gramlich,

NCh 06/24 Chemists get their doctorate

“Chemists get a doctorate! If you don’t like it, drop out!” First-year students are still greeted with such words. Is this still up-to-date? 25 years after the Bologna reform was signed, are bachelor’s and master’s degrees still not established as professional qualifications in chemistry?

The doctorate rate in chemistry in Germany was 85 percent in 2023. Anyone looking to start a career with a bachelor's or master's degree is still swimming against the tide. Employers usually equate bachelor's graduates with chemical technical assistants - despite their stronger theoretical foundation.

The only jobs in the private sector where a doctorate is almost essential are responsible positions in research. Nevertheless, a doctorate in chemistry - in contrast to almost all other disciplines - is often accepted as a God-given constant. Yet with a master's degree and four years of experience in industry, you are at least as well qualified for most jobs as a doctoral graduate entering the workforce.

How do you get your foot in the door without a doctorate? A classic chicken-and-egg situation, you might think. However, the job market is currently shifting: the shortage of skilled workers that has long been a concern across the country is only now having an impact on chemistry due to the high number of students. Companies that are prepared to break with the traditions surrounding doctorates will probably compete more strongly with doctoral mothers for master's graduates. First-year students will then increasingly hear: "We hope that you will stay with us after your studies to do a doctorate."

If you want to start your career straight after your bachelor's degree, let your supervisor know that you would like to take on tasks outside of everyday laboratory life and that you are willing to undertake further training to do so.

If you are starting a career straight after your master's degree, you should be aware that employers in Germany traditionally like to portray themselves as elitist in job advertisements. So don't take everything literally. If you explain why you already have the necessary qualifications, you show that you understand which attributes and characteristics are important in everyday professional life. This is a good example of your ability to research information.

Philipp Gramlich,

NCh 05/24 They smell strong

When I was still working in the lab, one morning I found a note above a colleague’s lab bench: “If you touch my glassware, I will break your fingers. Sincerely, Czeslaw.”

I like to use this example to introduce the topic of direct and indirect communication. Direct communication is understandable, but can be perceived as harsh. Indirect communication, on the other hand, hides the actual message behind politeness and is therefore difficult to understand.

In a workshop we discussed a particularly difficult case: How do you tell a colleague that he has a strong body odor? Sascha approaches the challenge with a few tips. "Perhaps you haven't noticed it yet, but your office smells a bit. Maybe it's coming from the ventilation system?" Renata starts laughing: "You mean, you smell like the dead rat that was found in the ventilation shaft recently?"

Sascha's back door was intended to help the recipient save face. However, he unintentionally made the problem bigger than it is - a good example of the complexity of indirect communication.

Daniel speaks up. "My professor recently just wanted to give a tip, but it went really wrong: 'Perhaps the use of deodorant is unusual in your culture.' Not surprisingly, many people found that racist."

"Do you know how I came across the topic of body odor?" I ask the group. "The smelly person was me. I had to take strong medication for two weeks, but I was still able to work." I tell how a colleague took me aside and asked me sympathetically if I was OK, as he had never noticed my body odor before. "I was aware of the problem, but not of its extent. I was infinitely grateful to my colleague for taking on the unpleasant task of giving me this well-intentioned tip."

There is no right or wrong when it comes to choosing between direct and indirect communication. The idea that direct communication is necessarily rude is not true. My colleague was direct. He chose the right context, a confidential one-on-one conversation. He made me feel that his goal was to prevent harm from coming to me, not to put me down.

The intention counts more than the packaging of our words.

Philipp Gramlich,

NCh 04/24 The ideals of employers

In a consultation, Laura reveals to me her problem with her current employer: "My company is currently receiving a lot of negative press. And there is at least a grain of truth in the allegations." She talks about adventurous constructs in tax havens, raw materials from sensitive natural areas, and Marketing full of greenwashing.

Your working conditions are good: your colleagues form a functioning, friendly team; your tasks are pleasantly challenging. Your manager is actively committed to her employees and their needs and development. At the same time, the company works with controversial means and partners, as long as the legal and regulatory provisions are complied with. This creates an internal conflict among employees: the company's development is contrary to their own beliefs. And Laura asks herself: "Can I still stay with this company, or will it break me?" There is no general answer to this. It should be considered: are there any practical consequences if the employer behaves contrary to your own morals? If the work is perceived as empty or even destructive, this can, in the worst case, lead to burnout - without any overwork.

Even if your ideals are the same as those of your employer, but the rest of society thinks differently, you are constantly being subjected to nagging questions. Standing up for your beliefs can be nice, but it is often perceived as tiring.

Moral conflicts can make it difficult for employers to find suitable employees. This could either lead to wages increasing out of necessity, or the employer could be destabilized by such a long-term problem. In the academic environment, you can make similar considerations. Almost a fifth of third-party funding comes from industry, which as a funder can set conditions. Scientific independence is central for researchers. In addition, it is easier to recruit doctoral students and postdocs if your own research is perceived as useful.

Moral considerations are always deeply personal. Don't push them aside, but ask yourself: Do not only the development prospects but also the moral values ​​of this employer fit?

Philipp Gramlich,

Issue 03/24 Demographics

In a career workshop, Malaika talks about her move to Germany. "I was really scared to move to a small town like Neuburg. But I was pleasantly surprised: the town is very young, actually like a big university campus. The population is very international, I was able to settle in quickly."

Sometimes the demographics of a place are helpful in getting a sense of whether you might fit in: age structure, average level of education, origin of the population and even voting behavior can provide information.

"Can we make similar considerations for future employers?" I ask the group. "Well, I wouldn't go to Betzler's working group ," says Tim. "He's never had any international doctoral students, most of them even come from our city. I find that a bit provincial." "Can it be a warning sign if the group is very international?" I want to know. Stefan replies: "Hardly anyone who has studied here applies to Professor Schulke. She has a reputation as an extreme grinder, which only the locals know."

In industry, how long employees stay also plays a role. If the throughput is high, this indicates an unpleasant working environment. Due to the lack of continuity, little knowledge is built up. In such a company, you learn less than at employers where employees stay longer. If employees stay with an employer for a long time, three cases can be distinguished:

Employee loyalty, which the employer earns through good leadership and work culture. Does this make it a rigid environment? - Only if employees rarely change jobs within the organization.

Dead end. A few jobs have no logical connection to other areas if you want or need to change direction. This is not the case in industry, but there are jobs in government offices or as a teacher that are difficult to move away from.

Golden cage. Some jobs are so well paid that changing jobs almost always means significantly less pay. Once your life is adjusted to higher running costs, the transition can be painful. Jobs in patents and company Management fall into this category.

Neither internationality nor length of service with the company allow for a judgement on their own. However, if you notice a swing to extremes, consider this a warning signal. You can get this information quite easily by looking at profiles on professional social media such as Linkedin.

Philipp Gramlich,

Issue 02/24 Overqualified

Karl is at the end of his doctorate - and has applied for a position that is advertised for master's graduates without professional experience. “Why do you think this is a suitable position for you?” I want to know. “With such a top employer, I thought I would have more chances with a position for lower qualified applicants.”

About half of the participants in our workshop think that Karl could be successful with his tactics. However, there are objections: “Don’t they still have to pay you the PhD salary?” asks Maurice. “And would you even be an attractive candidate?” asks Julia.

Being overqualified reduces Karl's attractiveness to employers instead of increasing it. The question will arise: Will Karl get bored after a few months and leave the company? Then the entire recruitment and training process would possibly be invalid. The employer will certainly also think about whether the candidate has a timid personality.

The shortage of skilled workers has now reached the chemical industry. For most applicants, there is no reason to sell yourself short. Only in a few exceptions can an application at a lower level make sense: if you have a career break, are moving from abroad or if - apart from the level of qualifications - the position suits you exceptionally well.

Applications as overqualified people are very difficult to write. How do you allay the employer's fear that you will quickly leave, but at the same time be perceived as appropriately ambitious? Show what appeals to you about the position and what you can learn despite being overqualified. How does this fit with your previous career decisions? Can you paint a picture of an employee for whom it's okay to do simpler tasks instead of making decisions and taking initiative and still - or perhaps because of it - provide valuable service to the team? Outline a growth perspective for your professional future that fits with your past and shows the employer that you will enjoy the position, at least for some time.

By the way: Whether the employer has to pay you according to your qualifications depends on whether the employer is subject to the collective agreement. This is usually only the case with larger companies; for smaller companies it is a matter of negotiation.

Philipp Gramlich,

Issue 01/24 From small to large

In a consultation with a doctoral student in the application phase, we discuss questions that could come up in the interview: “Looking at your profile, I can well imagine that you will be asked whether you can imagine working in another area.” As usual, she answers simply: “I would like to work on the simulation of catalysts, ideally in the area between a university and a small company.” I pause and we both laugh. “Ok, so I guess I get extra points for 'not flexible',” she sums up with a smile.

With questions like this, employers want to see that your idea of ​​your own professional future is not too fixed - but at the same time that you know what you want. If you say you're willing to do anything just to get your foot in the door with this employer, they'll perceive you as desperate.

My conversation partner concentrates and makes a second attempt. “At the beginning of my doctoral thesis I worked in the laboratory, which I enjoyed. I think it is very important to keep in touch with colleagues who work experimentally. After all, we simulate your experiments.” She recently stopped by the laboratory to talk to a colleague, she says. “He showed me a transition metal alloy that shone gold. I was expecting a silvery color and learned during the conversation that the color can be explained by relativistic effects." Crucial information for her: "That was important for my simulations - if these effects are left out, then my models will no longer be correct. I could certainly imagine moving closer to the laboratory again in the future.”

I'm speechless. This answer is in many ways better than the first: the doctoral student explains her interest in simulation and in the same breath indicates in which directions her interest could plausibly develop in the future. She does this using a real and understandable example, which portrays her as an interested and self-critical scientist.

If you want to explain something, it will be more understandable for those listening if you start with a concrete example. Based on this, you can then derive general conclusions.

Philipp Gramlich,

Issue 12/23 Where should it go?

“How long can I postpone the decision between industry and a university career?” asks doctoral student Iryna in a career workshop. In a refreshingly direct way, she expresses what quite a few others in the room are also thinking. “I think academic research is great, but I’m also very curious about how things work in industry.”

There are some positions that give you a foot in both worlds at the same time. For example, you can do a doctorate or postdoc in industry. You should clarify in advance whether you are allowed to publish, which is not always the case. At higher career levels there are the real stars who wear several hats at the same time. Think of the professor who sits on supervisory boards and raises money through industrial partnerships. Their counterparts are the industrial science stars, for whom an endowed professorship is being established.

A few decades ago, universities and colleges were even further apart than they are today. This was and is less pronounced in chemistry than in other disciplines. Today, both sides are making more and more efforts to work together. Both sides maintain staff offices whose main task is to serve as a mouthpiece to the outside world and to build connections.

The industry strives to find new products and techniques (technology scouting) and supports academic projects, for example by financing them.

At universities, it's not just the professors who are involved in these collaborations. Many tasks in science management have now been professionalized to support such interactions: think of patent exploitation offices or start-up advice, for example.

Technology parks are significant catalysts for collaboration between universities and industry. University spin-offs often find their first home here. “Where would you locate the Fraunhofer Institutes?” I close the topic. Not an easy question: Fraunhofer Institutes are public institutions, but they are largely financed by industry funds for their contract research.

It will be easier for you if you know early on where your professional home is. But you may not have to say goodbye to a site at all. There are exciting tasks for chemists at the border between university and industry.

Philipp Gramlich,

Issue 11/23 Chemistry for laypeople

In a workshop we analyze how we can take a lay audience along on the journey through our research. “I understand that we shouldn't throw around technical terms,” begins Max. “But I don't feel comfortable replacing technical terms with metaphors. We’re not at Bild-Zeitung.” Sam adds: “The God Particle instead of the Higgs boson – that’s just sensational, with no added value.”

Terms like God Particle help grab attention. But that's all the positive things have been said. With bad metaphors you get a lot of bycatch on board: exaggeration, confusion or fraying of the discussion into philosophical debates. If the Higgs boson is the god particle, does the proton come from the holy spirit?

“What about Blueprint of Life for deoxyribonucleic acid?” Shixin interjects. That fits better. This allows us to understand how the proteins are coded on the DNA blueprint. Newer findings such as epigenetic information levels are not captured by Blueprint of Life, but this is beyond the reach of a simple image.

Don't be afraid to use figurative language. Some linguistic images are so powerful that they become common language usage. Robert Hooke introduced the term cell as a metaphor at the end of the 17th century when he recognized structures under the microscope that reminded him of small rooms, Latin for “cella”. The optical wave has followed a similar path. Or consider the ecological footprint, invasive species, food chains, or the greenhouse effect—all terms that have, over time, moved from metaphor to common usage.

If you want to develop your own images or comparisons and assess whether it is a good or bad metaphor, you should ask yourself: Does a term just roll off the tongue? Then it's a bad metaphor. On the other hand, if a linguistic image helps to make a subject more accessible to your audience, then it is a good metaphor.

Philipp Gramlich,

Issue 10/23 Small or large

In a workshop on the topic “Your path into industry” we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of future employers. “More money, more jobs, more opportunities,” is how Bertrand summarizes the arguments for large-scale industry. “This is a great starting point for our discussion,” I thank you. He looks at me as if he had already sealed all discussions with his statement. More money is usually the right thing. Large industry pays according to the chemical tariff, which is generous after decades of negotiations and a constructive relationship between unions and employers: young professionals with a doctorate receive around 80,000 euros, and those with a master's degree receive around 69,000 euros. Smaller companies pay at least 15 to 20 percent less.

“More jobs?” I ask the group. “Per company, certainly, but looking at the economy as a whole I doubt it,” Inge interjects. In fact, start-ups and, in Germany, medium-sized businesses in particular are a driving force for the labor market. The possibilities depend on the industry. Bertrand reports of a summer school run by a pharmaceutical giant that there are “trainee programs, our own training academy, internal career mentors: I don’t know if you can top that.” He's right about that.

However, there is something to be said for smaller employers: they are less visible and therefore have to make an effort to find and retain workers. Many of them make up for their lag behind large industry with flexibility, ingenuity and external educational opportunities.

However, due to the large number of medium-sized companies, it is not that easy to find the right employer. Trade and lobby associations or technology parks help with the search. Companies that have just acquired public funding or venture capital will soon be interested in new employees - this is the time for an unsolicited application. You can use the information about small companies from patents, publications or newspaper articles to make your application there more personal.

In big industry you get a higher salary and a well-known name on your CV. Apart from that, it is a matter of taste whether you prefer a large or a smaller company.

Philipp Gramlich,

Issue 09/23 Phrases or invitation to a conversation?

“Let’s talk small talk.” The participants in the workshop on self-presentation grimace. “Could you convert your facial expressions into words?” I ask the group. “Well, I'm not thrilled that I even have to deal with shallow chatter at scientific conferences, which also seems to be crucial for my professional success,” complains Jens. “Sorry, it’s up to you whether you stick with empty phrases or develop the conversation further,” replies Jenny, “I love free interaction with strangers.” Irina, on the other hand, fears that she will always talk nonsense.

We can clear up some prejudices here. First: Not everything a scientist says has to be super smart. A “What brings you to this conference?” means nothing other than: “We’re welcome to talk, but we don’t have to.” Consider your efforts to start a conversation as a service to those who don't dare. Second: The disproportionate weight of networking in our professional lives neither undermines meritocracy nor devalues ​​the long years of study. Your core academic qualifications are the foundation for your Career. To score points, however, you need a broader range of skills.

The basic rules of small talk are very simple. Don't start negatively. Nobody cares that you don't like the weather, conference coffee or the delayed regional train. Also, don't go into the conversation with pre-formed assumptions. “It's probably your first time at this series of conferences, I've never seen you before,” is particularly embarrassing when it turns out that the person you're talking to is one of the organizers of the conference.

Take a playful approach and set yourself a randomly selected goal. For example, try to find out whether the person you are talking to is a biochemist, analyst or synthetic chemist. It doesn't matter whether you succeed. The game forces them to make the first move. If you go into the conversation with open questions, you let the other side talk and give them the chance to help shape the conversation.

Philipp Gramlich,

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