
closing price

The GDCh Graduation Award is an award from the German Chemical Society (GDCh) for graduates of chemistry-related training courses such as chemical-technical assistants (CTA), chemical laboratory assistants or chemical technicians. Graduates from neighboring disciplines such as PTA and BTA can also receive the prize.


graduation prize

The GDCh Abitur Prize is an award from the German Chemical Society (GDCh) for the best students in chemistry at high schools or comprehensive schools. The GDCh Abitur Prize is intended to strengthen interest in chemistry among the best students.




You can find information about studying chemistry here:

Internships for students

Internships for students are rarely advertised. In general, internships are possible either in industry or at universities/directly in the working groups. If you are interested, you should contact the respective institution/company directly.

Contacts from companies can be found, for example, via
• the employers' associations of the individual federal states. An overview of the 10 regional chemical employers' associations of the Federal Chemical Employers' Association (BAVC) can be found here: https://www.bavc.de/ueber-uns/paniesverbaende-partnerverbaende
• the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) in your city www.ihk.de
• the business directory at www.meinestadt.de

When it comes to companies, you should always make sure that they are also training companies, then there is a higher chance that internships will be offered.

Contacts of the universities can be found at www.chemie-studieren.de

The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft explicitly advertises internships for students on its website: https://www.fraunhofer.de/de/jobs-und-karriere/schueler/schuelerpraktikum.html

There is also the possibility to find out more about the offers of student laboratories at www.lernortlabor.de and, if necessary, to use their offers.

Studieninfotag auf der analytica 2024

Bevor die Entscheidung für ein Studienfach fällt, sind zahlreiche Fragen zu klären: Was erwartet die Abiturienten und Abiturientinnen im Studium? Welche Voraussetzungen müssen sie mitbringen? Welche Spezialgebiete und welche Arbeitsmöglichkeiten gibt es?

Informationen rund um Studium und Beruf gibt es deswegen am 12. April auf der analytica 2024 für Schüler und Schülerinnen und Lehrkräfte von Biologie- und Chemie-Kursen der Oberstufe.

Programm Studieninfotag analytica 2024 (pdf-file, 684 KB)

International Chemistry Olympiad

The International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO) is a competition in which students from around 70 countries measure their performance in solving theoretical and experimental tasks in the field of chemistry. First, four rounds will take place in Germany. The four best participants can then take part in the international final round as the German IChO team.


DECHEMAX, the Dechema student club for chemical engineering and biotechnology, has compiled a list of competitions from other institutions on its website.


Get started with an apprenticeship in chemistry

More than 27,000 young people are already opting for an apprenticeship in chemistry. In the GDCh, this group and the profession of laboratory technicians, chemical-technical assistants (CTA) etc. are represented by the Working Group Vocational Education, which also offers contacts for interested students.
The Elementary Diversity platform provides comprehensive information about the wide range of apprenticeships in the chemical industry, tips for applications and contact addresses for companies in the chemical industry that provide training. The Association of German Chemical Engineers and Chemical-Technical Assistants eV provides information specifically on the CTA training courses at chemical schools.
Further information on training occupations can be found, for example, at the employment agency and beroobi.


Education, Career and Science Department Tel: +49 69 7917-326
Email: ab@gdch.de


Questions and answers about training and studying more

School laboratories

Find out more here

"Something to do with chemistry?"

Flyer for pupils more

Statistics of chemistry courses

Scholarships and Study Funding

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