Details on the program

CheMento - The program

©Visty /

CheMento, the mentoring program of the GDCh, started as a pilot project in January 2014 and has been carried out every two years since then with 30 tandems.

CheMento is designed as one-to-one mentoring. This means that a mentor looks after a mentee.

CheMento pursues the goal


  • To sustainably promote junior staff in chemistry
  • To increase career opportunities in science, business and society
  • Preparing junior staff for the demands of professional life in a practical way
  • Facilitate transitions and career entry
  • to make successful career paths in chemistry visible
  • to promote the compatibility of family and Career and
  • build sustainable career networks

Supporting program and timing

The mentoring cooperation is designed to last 12 months and is accompanied by a supporting program. In this context, mentee and mentor are prepared for their respective roles and supported in the mentoring process. In addition, there will be opportunities for networking and intensive exchange with the other participants.

The supporting program encloses

  • a kick-off event at the beginning of the mentoring year in January/February (location varies).
  • a mid-term reflection in the summer to draw a first summary and to plan the second half of the year (takes place in the GDCh Office in Frankfurt am Main).
  • a final event in which the year together is recapitulated in a festive setting (location varies).

General requirement for successful mentoring

A partnership based on mutual respect and a positive attitude is fundamental to a successful mentoring relationship – despite differences in age and experience.

Further requirements are:


  • Mentee and mentor take part in the program voluntarily
  • There is no direct relationship of dependency between mentee and mentor
  • The mentoring relationship lasts for a defined period of time (here 12 months), but can be continued after individual consultation
  • A binding, reliable handling of appointments and agreements is essential
  • The discussions take place in a protected environment and are strictly confidential
  • At the beginning of the cooperation, the mentee and mentor should clarify specific expectations, desired goals, establishing contact, forms of communication, feedback, etc
  • At least 3-5 personal meetings should take place per year; these can be supplemented by emails, (Skype) telephone calls, etc

The matching or who to whom?

The tandems are selected and put together by an advisory board appointed by the GDCh and made up of representatives from various GDCh structures. The composition of the tandems (matching) is based on the registration profiles.

Important criteria for this are


  • professional and professional orientation
  • personal development as well
  • the spatial distance

The personal interests and experiences of the participants also play an important role. Because when "the chemistry is right", the benefit of the mentoring relationship is particularly great.

After the matching phase has been completed, all tandem partners will receive their respective contact details. The mentees make initial contact with their mentors. The official merger will take place during the kick-off event. After getting to know each other, the mentee and mentor decide whether they would like to enter into a cooperation and inform the GDCh accordingly.

Bewerbung als Mentee

Weitere Infos hier

Registration as a mentor

More information here


Do you have another question? You can find the FAQs here

GDCh career service
Varrentrappstr. 40-42
60486 Frankfurt a. M.
Tel. 069-7917-665

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last modified: 25.08.2023 07:25 H from Y.Yasin