GDCh Career Calendar

GDCh career calendar

During career orientation, a look behind the scenes can be worth 79 Au. The large network of the GDCh helps here. In the GDCh career calendar we offer you an overview of individual events that can support you in your career orientation. You can read more about this here.

July - December 2024


8 Aug

YouWeCam- Online-Stammtisch
Exchange of currently relevant topics such as internship or job search, application, job entry
18:30 - 20:00 | Online



12 Sept

Seminar: Networking – How to make it fun
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Frankfurt am Main. Registration required!

GDCh Career Service

16 Sept 

Career Day – The job fair at the German Food Chemistry Days

12:00 - 14:00 | TU Munich, Lise-Meitner-Str. 34, Freising

20 Sept 

JuWiChem Day 2024

09:00 - 17:00 | Geomar Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel


Your JCF event in the career calendar

You guys are a JCF and


  • Are you currently planning a workshop, a series of lectures, an industrial tour?
  • the event is designed for at least 30 people?
  • External persons (who are not enrolled at your university) can also take part in the event?

Then send us a short message to subject event GDCh career calendar with the following information:

Which JCF?
Title of the event?
Date / time?
Contact person (contact email)
Link to the event/ registration or link to the JCF homepage/ Facebook page.

We are happy to accept appointments that are at least four weeks and a maximum of six months before the event date. Online events can also be published at short notice.

NEW: You can also use the Google form to send your planned events to the JCF Editorial staff and specify the "GDCh career calendar" as your preferred publication channel.

GDCh career calendar

The regional events of the JungChemikerForum ( JCF ) at German universities offer a wide range of opportunities to exchange ideas about the different job descriptions, career paths, potential employers and of course about chemistry itself.

But sometimes a professional is needed! The seminars of the GDCh career service and the GDCh further training are suitable for this. With these seminars, you will prepare yourself for starting your career and receive helpful tips from practice as well as initial insights into interdisciplinary work areas.

The GDCh career service on site: Questions about salaries, the current job market or the situation among students and doctoral candidates? Or have you always wanted to know who the people behind the job descriptions or the statistics are? Then come to the events and talk to us. We look forward to exchanging ideas with you!

The career service, as part of the Education, Career and Science department, takes part in the events of the GDCh and the regional JCFs with presentations and information stands.

back to the career events

JCF @publish your events

The JCF spreads your events via social media and the JCF newsletter. Use the Google form and send your data to the JCF Editorial staff!

Leaflet "Registration for career-specific training courses" - here

The career service is tweeting!

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