Information for Mentors

CheMento - Information for mentors

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As a well-established personality in professional life, you look back at the start of your career and think: If only I had known that back then! CheMento is the ideal tool to pass on your own experience and knowledge to the next generation of chemists and to further develop your own social skills.

With CheMento, you can expand your own network with tomorrow's high potentials and recruit junior staff for your company.

    You can register as a mentor at any time. The registration period for the 2024/25 round has already ended. The next round is expected to start in early 2026 (application deadline October 15, 2025).

    Added value for mentors


    • Reflection on your own professional career and management behavior
    • Deepening of consulting, management or communication skills
    • New impulses and motivation for your own work
    • Expansion of the professional network in science and business
    • Recruitment of junior staff

    Who can participate?

    Experienced chemists can apply as mentors


    • Business
    • science or
    • Administration

    who are interested in advising, supporting and motivating young chemists in the transition to professional life. You should have at least 3 to 5 years of professional experience. Furthermore, during the ongoing program (duration: 12 months), you should have the opportunity to meet regularly with the assigned mentee. The form and intervals in which these meetings take place are agreed individually.

    In addition to regular discussions, other forms of support can also be chosen:


    • Support at work (shadowing)
    • joint visits to events
    • mediation of contacts
    • project work
    • Etc.

    Please note: The wishes and expectations of the mentee applicants are the starting point for the matching. From the registrations as a mentor, we create a pool of potential mentors. Then we try to find a suitable mentor for the respective mentee from the pool (see also Matching - who to whom ). This means that not every mentoring or every mentor can also be assigned a mentee. Non-consideration is therefore expressly not an assessment of professional or personal qualifications.

    The mentoring cooperation

    The individual needs of the mentees determine the topics of the cooperation. On this basis, the tandems conclude an agreement at the beginning of the cooperation that defines the content and goals of the joint mentoring year. The form and regularity of the respective meetings in addition to the supporting program are discussed and recorded at the beginning.

    At the end of the cooperation, the tandems hold a final meeting; Mentees also create a short report on their mentoring year.

    Register as a mentor

    Are you interested in becoming a mentor? We are happy about that!

    To register as a mentor, please complete the registration form using this link or please send us the completed registration form. We will then add you to our mentor pool.

    The application phase for the 6th CheMento round (starting in 2024) has ended. The next round is expected to start in early 2026.


    Do you have another question? You can find the FAQs here

    GDCh career service
    Varrentrappstr. 40-42
    60486 Frankfurt a. M.
    Tel. 069-7917-665

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    last modified: 08.07.2024 08:59 H from N/A