Head of sustainable chemistry Business Unit

I AM: Head of sustainable chemistry Business Unit

Dr. Christine Rasche
Fraunhofer Society for the Promotion of Applied Research eV

Dr. Christine Rasche has always found it fascinating to understand nature's chemical resources and to exploit them for the chemical industry. After completing her doctorate in plant and wood chemistry, her biorefinery background enabled her to start working as a research associate at Fraunhofer CBP. Today she heads the sustainable chemistry business unit at Fraunhofer IGB.

Why did you choose your field? What attracted you to it?

food chemistry involves a lot of analysis. I found this detective work very exciting at first, but I couldn't see myself in the typical job description, for example in the State Investigation Office. Fortunately, the TU Dresden has a strong wood and plant chemistry department. I found and still find the deeper understanding of what nature offers us chemically and the utilization of our biogenic resources for the chemical industry very appealing.

How did you start your career?

When I had the opportunity to transfer a process to pilot scale at the end of my doctorate, I realized that I was incredibly fascinated by larger plants. I was able to combine this with my biorefinery background at the Fraunhofer CBP in Leuna and start there directly as a research assistant and project manager. This brought with it a very broad range of tasks and a correspondingly steep learning curve. These included
• Acquisition of projects: i.e. writing applications for third-party funding but also offers for industrial customers,
• Project processing: own process development or understanding of the customer process, technical processing with the technicians and engineers in the pilot plants, data evaluation, writing reports
• Network building: I was able to attend conferences, trade fairs and networking events early on and represent the entire center there.

What are you doing today? What are your responsibilities as Head of the sustainable chemistry Business Unit?

With the sustainable chemistry business unit, I lead one of three business units at Fraunhofer IGB. My main tasks here are as follows:
• act as an interface between customers and our scientific departments at all Fraunhofer IGB locations.
• Find out about the current needs of companies in the chemical industry and obtain relevant market information.
• maintain networks and represent the institute at relevant events and our networks.
• represent the business area in committees and am the link to ministries.
• I participate in the acquisition of public funding for research and development projects.
• help develop the strategic direction of the institute.

What knowledge and characteristics should one have for your professional field?

In addition to the chemical background, I need a wide range of knowledge that I have acquired in the various stages of my Career . The most important are
• Project management and coordination
• Target group-oriented presentation;
• Communication skills: listening attentively and identifying the actual needs of the other person;
• Researching market data and putting it into context with your own questions;
• Methods for solving problems (“breaking down into manageable smaller chunks”).

Describe a typical working day. Are there any unforeseen events that require your attention? How do you work with colleagues? Do you work in a team?

In fact, there is no such thing as a typical working day for me. I travel a lot to other parts of our institute, to customers or to networking events. I don't work in a fixed team, but my job is to have general knowledge of the respective expertise and projects of the specialist departments and then to network them in a targeted manner or to integrate them into projects together. I also speak to our scientists a lot on the phone. Sometimes it's about electrochemistry, sometimes it's about setting up a protein platform. The range is huge and it's a lot of fun. I enjoy a very open and friendly relationship with most of my colleagues, especially when we go on a business trip together.

How does your everyday working life differ today from that during your studies/doctoral studies? To what extent did your studies/doctoral studies prepare you for your current job?

My studies certainly gave me a very solid technical foundation and the ability to organize myself. However, many of the skills that I need now or that I needed to start my career were neglected. While some of them are certainly too specific, a deeper knowledge of project management, for example, could be helpful for all graduates. On the other hand, at least I found studying chemistry anything but boring.

What do you enjoy about your work? Are there any particular challenges?

I love the variety in my work: chemist, manager, lawyer, executive, event manager, communications expert, business developer: these aspects are part of my job; sometimes in a single day.
I have complete creative freedom: I can set thematic priorities myself, which I derive from discussions with industry and from attending conferences. I organize my day-to-day work myself, choose the relevant events and networks myself and consider which actions are necessary to position the institute well. I can always rely on great colleagues who advise and support me with the necessary in-depth specialist knowledge.

What are the career opportunities in your field?

The combination of technical knowledge with skills in Management and leadership opens up many career opportunities such as senior positions in non-university research institutions and the research and development departments of the chemical industry.

If someone wanted to follow the same career path, what advice would you give them?

Be brave: I initially found it difficult to move out of the comfort zone of my professional expertise. Ultimately, after two years of working for a consulting firm, I learned to delve into a new problem every few weeks or sometimes days, sometimes in completely new subject areas, and to clearly leave this zone. I make the most use of these experiences in my current position.

Note: For reasons of readability, gender-specific language forms are not used simultaneously. All personal names apply to all genders.

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