Current offers

Jobs for chemists

We publish job vacancies for chemists and graduates in related professions in our daily internet job lists.
So that you don't have to search long, we divide our positions into different categories. At the bottom of this page you will find the job list ?Industry and Public Service?, the big hit on our website. The other job lists, the information for job providers and our cooperation partners can be found here.

Please refer to the announcement at the GDCh in your application.

Industry and public service



Chemisches- und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt Ostwestfalen-Lippe (CVUA-OWL)

Naturwissenschaftler*in (m/w/d) im Bereich der instrumentellen Analytik


Rudolf GmbH

Chemiker in der Produktentwicklung (m/w/d)


Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und ‑prüfung (BAM)

Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (m/w/d) auf dem Gebiet der Pulverprozess­technik und Sinter­werkstoffe


Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde (BfG)

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter (Uni‑Diplom/​Master) (m/w/d) – Fachrichtung Chemie, Umweltwissenschaften, Geoökologie


Pulcra Chemicals GmbH

Chemielaborant (m/w/d)


ifp – Executive Search. Management Diagnostik.

Geschäftsführer:in Sales, Business Development & Marketing und F&E/Anwendungstechnik (m/w/d)



Global Regulatory Compliance Expert (m/w/d)

The responsibility for all published job advertisements lies with the respective company or university!

Contact: German Chemical Society eV
Career service and job market
P.O. Box 90 04 40
60444 Frankfurt am Main
Tel .: +49 69 7917-665 or -668

Information for employers: inside

Prices & everything you need to know about switching
of job advertisements

The WG JLC salary survey 2023/2024 has started!

For the survey here

Further GDCh job lists

1. Universities and research institutes
PhD student: internal and postdoc positions in Germany and elsewhere

2. Professorships and young academics
Positions for university professors: inside and up-and-coming
scholars at home and abroad

3. Internships and theses
Internships, master's and diploma theses in industry

Current calls for proposals from the GDCh

Click here for the internal job market

Cooperation partners: inside

Here you will find the jobs at Jobware that are important for chemists and related professional groups!

Cooperation partners: inside

More about the Association Bernard Gregory the doctoral students in France: inside and prom. Graduates supported.

Cooperation partners: inside

This way to academics, the job market for science, research, public and society in Germany, Austria and Switzerland!

Information for job seekers

You can find our brochures, events, statistics, tips, links ... more under Career and Jobs

The career service is tweeting!

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last modified: 28.03.2024 06:29 H from Translator