Literature for the trend report "Chemiedidaktik 2006" [ Nachr. Chem. 2007, 55, 320] 1) H.-J. Becker, Nachr. Chem. 2004, 52, 344.
2) Memorandum on teacher training for Chemical Education at secondary level II. (Ed. GDCh) Verlag Chemie, Weinheim 1976; Memorandum on teacher training for Chemical Education in the ages of ten to fifteen. (Ed. GDCh) Without publisher information, 1983; Recommendations for training chemistry teachers in chemistry didactics at universities and seminars. Training standards and project ideas. Conference report (Ed. MNU, GDCH), Eigen-Verlag, 2004.
3) H. Hildebrandt, chemistry didactics and teaching science - for the analysis of chemistry didactic teaching at German universities. Lang, Frankfurt a. M., 1998.
4) H.-J. Becker, H. Hildebrandt, Z. Didaktik Naturwiss. 1998, 4, 43.
5) Standards and competencies - new quality in teacher training? New approaches and experiences from a national and international perspective. (Edited by AH Hilligus, H.-D. Rinkens), Lit-Verlag, Münster, 2006.
6) H. Lindemann, Naturwiss. Under. (PC) 1984, 9, 318; H.-J. Becker, Praxis Naturwiss. Chem. 1989, 38, 39; G. Klemmer, Chim. Didact. 1977, 3, 17 and 305; H.-J. Becker, Chim. Didact. 1995, 21, 58. H.-J. Becker, Chemie in der Schule 1991, 38, 254; H.-J. Becker, JT Karst, Naturwiss. Under. (C) 1993, 4, 44; MA Anton, conference report of the Society for Didactics of Chemistry and Physics (GDCP) 27 1999, 81; "Freshman Science Student Teachers' Beliefs on Science Teaching and Learning - A Mixed Methods Study." S. Markic, N. Valändes, I. Eilks in: Towards Research-based Science Teacher Education. Proceedings of the 18th Symposion on Chemical and Science Education held at the University of Bremen 2006. (Eds. I. Eilks, B. Ralle), Shaker, Aachen, 2006.
7) D. Vössing, D. di Fuccia, Math. Naturwiss. Under. 2006, 59, 377.
8) H.-J. Becker, I. Eilks, E. Sumfleth, Nachr. Chem. 2005, 53, 317.
9) Towards Research-based Science Teacher Education. Proceedings of the 18th Symposion on Chemical and Science Education held at the University of Bremen 2006. (Eds. I. Eilks, B. Ralle), Shaker, Aachen, 2006.
10) B. Labahn, H.-J. Becker, Praxis Naturwiss. Chem. 2004, 53, 32; C. Karus, Praxis Naturwiss. Chem. 2006, 55, 19.
11) V. Woest, Nachr. Chem. 2001, 49, 1335. V. Woest, Chem. Kon. 2002, 9, 110; V. Woest, GDCP 2000, 28, 403; G. Merzyn, Math. Naturwiss. Under. 2006, 59, 4.
12) D. Pennig, development, testing and evaluation of a concept for teacher training and teacher training. (Dissertation), Jena, 2006.
13) S. Markic, I. Eilks, GDCP 2004, 32, 190;
14) H.-J. Becker, GDCP 1997, 25, 298; H.-J. Becker, S. Spaniol-Adams, Praxis Naturwiss. Chem. 2003, 52, 25.
15) J. Wildt, Researched-oriented Teacher Education. In: Towards Research-based Science Teacher Education. Proceedings of the 18th Symposion on Chemical and Science Education held at the University of Bremen 2006. (Ed .: I. Eilks, B. Ralle), Shaker, Aachen, 2006.
16) H.-J. Becker, Paderborner Universitätszeitung 2002, 38.
17) MA Anton, Chemistry in School 1998, 45, 207; MA Anton, Chemistry in School 1997, 44, 310.
18) S. Maaß, Chim. Didact. 1995, 21, 61.
19) H.-J. Becker, Chim. Didact. 1995, 21, 58.
20) F. Kösece, Chim. Didact. 1997, 23, 97.
21) H.-J. Becker, Chim. Didact. 1997, 23, 94.
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23) H. Lindemann, Naturwiss. Under. (PC) 1984, 9, 318.
24) H. Hildebrandt, lecture manuscript at the MNU / GDCh conference chemistry teacher training, Bad Honnef, March 2004.
25) MA Anton, Chemistry and School 2003, 18, 3.
26) R. Hüttner, Chemie in der Schule 1995, 42, 310.
27) B. Labahn, What do students learn in chemistry didactics? Or: Chemistry didactic knowledge of students at the beginning of the legal clerkship: Basis for professional skills? In: Standards and Competencies - New Quality in Teacher Training? New approaches and experiences from a national and international perspective. (Edited by AH Hilligus, H.-D. Rinkens), Lit-Verlag, Münster, 2006.
28) C. Neu, I. Melle, GDCP 1997, 25, 447.
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30) U. Daus et al. Chem. Kon 2004, 11, 79.
31) H.-J. Becker, Nachr. Chem. 2002, 50, 761.
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34) H. Lindemann, R. Scheuer, Naturwiss. Under. (C) 1999, 10, 46; R. Scheuer, H. Lindemann, GDCP 2000, 28, 400; R. Scheuer, Natural Science Practice. Chem. 2004, 53, 37.
35) E. Just, G. Kamp-Hartog, I. Weller, V. Woest, GDCP 1988, 17, 189.
36) H. Hildebrandt, H.-J. Becker, GDCP 1998, 26, 196.
37) W. Dierks, Chim. Didact. 1994, 20, 99.
38) H.-J. Becker, Praxis Naturwiss. Chem. 1989, 38, 39; G. Merzyn, Natural Science Practice. Chem. 2005, 54, 33.
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40) H.-J. Becker, Focus on Teacher Education 1995, 15, 30.
41) MA Anton, Chemistry in School 1995, 42, 134.
42) MA Anton, Chemistry in School 1995, 42, 222.
43) H.-J. Becker, Chemie in der Schule 1991, 38, 254.
44) G. Meier, Chemistry in School 1973, 20, 204.
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46) H.-J. Becker, JT Karst, Naturwiss. Under. (C) 1993, 4, 44.
47) W. Sternberg, Chemie in der Schule 1998, 45, 3.
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49) H.-J. Becker, Chemie in der Schule 1991, 38, 254.
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51) AJ Phelps, C. Lee, J. Chem. Educ. 2003, 80, 829.
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59) V. Fabricius, Naturwiss. Under. (C) 1996, 7, 24.
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71) M. Soostmeyer, Deutsche Schule 1983, 85, 288.
72) M. Schürer, G. Sieg, H. Hildebrandt, H.-J. Becker, natural scientist Under. (C) 1993, 4, 31.
73) P. Goedicke, Chemie in der Schule 1993, 40, 448.
74) D. Frensing, Chemistry in School 1993, 40, 116.
75) B. Labahn, Chemistry in School 1994, 41, 183.
76) B. Risch, H.-J. Becker, The database ?FADOK? in University teaching teaching - a student thesis on ?Didactic principles and Chemical Education?. In: Science teaching on the threshold of the 3rd millennium. Festschrift for Prof. Dr. H. Lindemann. (Ed. Institute for Didactics of Chemistry, Universität-GH Essen), Staccato, Düsseldorf, 2000.
77) G. Klemmer, Chemie in der Schule 1992, 39, 266; H.-J. Becker, Chemie in der Schule 1992, 39, 266.
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78) E. Schulte, H.-J. Becker, Praxis Naturwiss. Chem. 2007, 38, 2.
79) G. Merzyn, Naturwiss. Rundsch. 2005, 58, 643.
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80) B. Labahn, H.-J. Becker, GDCP 2003, 31, 185.
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91) V. Woest, GDCP 2000, 28, 403.
92) MA Anton, natural science practice. Chem. 2003, 52, 34.
93) H.-J. Becker, Chim. didact. 2003, 29, 34
94) G. Merzyn, teacher training - balance sheet and need for reform. Scheider, Baltmannsweiler, 2004.
95) H.-J. Becker, ?A look back: sine ira et studio.? In: Didactics of Natural Science - Quo vadis? (Eds A. Wellensiek, M. Welzel, T. Nohl), Logos, Berlin, 2005, 40.
96) E. Sumfleth, H.-D. Körner, chemistry didactic research in the second phase of teacher training. Investigation of the effects of the second training phase using the example of mapping training. Center for teacher training. University of Duisburg-Essen, 2006; H.-D. Koerner, GDCP 2005, 33, 141; H. Görlich, educator. Rundsch. 2004, 58, 653.
C. Jordan, T. Schwenk, ?Group Teacher Training - Importance of Standards in Seminar Work.? In: Conference report of the 14th specialist conference for chemistry 2004 (Ed. MNU).
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98) M. Prenzel, report on an event on the BLK model test program ?Increasing the efficiency of math and science teaching. Institute for Science Education 1999, 16, 2.
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105) A. Seidel, H.-J. Becker, V. Schubert, natural science practice. Chem. 2001, 50, 12.
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107) W. Quitzow, Phys. Didact. 1978, 5, 183.
108) J. Bruhn, GDCP 1996, 24, 137.
109) M. Tausch, Praxis Naturwiss. Chem. 2003, 52, II.
110) V. Scharf, Chemkon 2002, 9, 65.
111) L. Wagner, J. Richter, GDCP 2005, 33, 362.
112) E. Mazur, Praxis Naturwiss. Phys. 2006, 55, 11.
113) MA Anton, HE Fischer, E. Sumfleth, GDCP 2001, 29, 357.
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