
Yttrium Y

Yttrium is an element that only a few know, but almost everyone uses in everyday life. Its compounds serve as host material for phosphors and are therefore essential for LEDs, energy-saving lamps, lasers and much more. Yttrium compounds also play an important role in Medicine . To the article about yttrium on the Fascination Chemistry website.

Why yttrium is the favorite element of Prof. Dr. Jean ? François Carpentier, you can read about it in the ChemistryViews series In My Element: Yttrium.

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published June 2019 with articles on 43 elements (7 MB, 160 pages)

Photo: Alchemist-hp ( Yttrium, sublimated-dendritic, highly pure 99.99% Y / TREM.
As well as an arc-melted 1 cm 3 cube of yttrium made of 99.9% material. FAL]

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last modified: 10.05.2021 16:29 H from N/A