Here are some links on the International Year of the Periodic Table. We have also put together links to periodic tables. (Unfortunately the events are already over)
ChemistryView is an online journal in English for chemists and other scientists. ChemistryViews is provided by ChemPubSoc Europe, an organization of 16 European chemical societies including the GDCh.
IUPAC (in English)
The official website of the International Year of the Periodic Table (IYPT), provided by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).
Chemie in unserer Zeit: special issue at the end of the year table
The journal "Chemie in unserer Zeit" has compiled a large selection of publications on the subject in an Online special - and made all of them freely accessible by the end of 2019. At the beginning there is discovery and development, followed by portraits of individual elements, classified according to main groups, subgroups, lanthanides, actinides and heavy elements. Experiments on individual elements are summarized in a separate subchapter.
Declaration of Love to the Periodic Table
Here, Sir Martyn Poliakoff and his team deliver a love letter to the periodic table of elements and show how the periodic table connects people around the world.
In the beginning there was hydrogen, plus a bit of helium and a trace of lithium. In this video by the Max Planck Society, you can find out how all the elements that we know today were formed from this
back to the periodic table
back to the start page for the year of the periodic table
to our brochure Chemistry of the Elements
published June 2019 with articles on 43 elements (7 MB, 160 pages)
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