
What is the periodic table?

The text on the structure of the periodic table has been moved and is now available at FaszinationChemie.de.

Here are two explanatory videos on the YouTube channel musswissen Chemie that clearly show the periodic table of the elements

Periodic Table of the Elements, Part 1 Periodic Table of the Elements, Part 2

This video shows the history of the discovery of the periodic table, from antiquity to the artificial elements discovered at the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt.

When was which element discovered in which country?

This is shown in a nice graph from Compound Interest.

Here is a video that shows the discovery in 99 seconds.

Have the scientists already discovered all the elements or how many elements are there still to be discovered? Darcy Gentlemen tries to clarify this in this video

Periodic table for advanced users

This periodic table was published by the European Chemical Society. The different colors show the availability of the items. Elements that are installed in a standard smartphone are marked with the smartphone symbol. Elements that are obtained under questionable conditions, i.e. in countries where war is raging and/or child labor is common, are marked with gray color.

back to the periodic table

back to the start page for the year of the periodic table

to our brochure Chemistry of the Elements

published June 2019 with articles on 43 elements (7 MB, 160 pages)

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