
Chemistry at Home: the daily dose of chemistry knowledge

Here you will find articles that explain chemical phenomena or current research results in easy-to-understand language. This page was created during the first corona-related lockdown in spring 2020. The goal was to bring chemistry home to students, teachers, parents and anyone else who was interested.

A list with links to all contributions is compiled at the bottom of this page. All articles can be read free of charge without registration. The shortcut for this page is www.gdch.de/chemistryathome

Chemistry at Home from June 26th, 2020: And goodbye

Since the beginning of the corona pandemic, we have been washing our hands frequently and thoroughly. How does a side or a disinfectant actually work and what happens to the viruses or other unwanted substances on our skin? This is explained in our article on soap and our fact sheet Chemistry against viruses: hand washing or disinfection.

This marks the end of our Chemistry at Home campaign after three and a half months and more than 60 contributions. The long holidays have begun in several federal states and are giving schoolchildren, teachers and parents a breather. The number of corona infected people in Germany has fallen to a low level and hopefully after the summer holidays all pupils will be able to go to school every day again.

We are pleased that our campaign was well received and thank you for the positive feedback. If you liked our articles, then take a look at Fascination Chemistry, where we always explain exciting chemistry in a generally understandable way, especially in the sections Knowledge and Facts and Chemistry Everywhere. Stay healthy!

Foto: Alexander Raths/stock.adobe.com

Chemistry at Home from June 25th, 2020: The "gene scissors" Crispr-Cas: Savior or devil's stuff?

Chemistry at Home from June 24th, 2020: Chemistry is when the bottom stays dry

Chemistry at Home from June 23, 2020: Beta-Carotene

Chemistry at Home from June 22nd, 2020: Element puzzles

Chemistry at Home from June 19, 2020: Microplastics in the environment

Chemistry at Home from 06/18/2020: Insulin

Chemistry at Home from June 17th, 2020: "On risks and side effects ...."

Chemistry at Home from June 16, 2020: lead

Chemistry at Home from June 15, 2020: Polyester

Chemistry at Home from June 12th, 2020: Blood - a special juice

Chemistry at Home from June 10th, 2020: Element puzzles

Chemistry at Home from June 9th, 2020: Gelatine

Chemistry at Home from June 8th, 2020: functional clothing

Chemistry at Home from June 5th, 2020: hydrochloric acid and cheeseburger

Chemistry at Home from June 4th, 2020: sulfur

Chemistry at Home from June 3rd, 2020: From the raw material to the bar

Chemistry at Home from June 2nd, 2020: Chemistry is when the ball bounces

Chemistry at Home from 05/29/2020: "Fake news" of the year

Chemistry at Home from May 28th, 2020: Elementerästel

Chemistry at Home from May 27th, 2020: Low molecular weight active ingredients

Chemistry at Home from May 26th, 2020: Vanillin

Chemistry at Home from May 25th, 2020: Saving the climate with polymers?

Chemistry at Home from May 22nd, 2020: Oxygen and oxyhydrogen reaction

Chemistry at Home from May 20, 2020: Siliciumdioxid

Chemistry at Home from May 19, 2020: Lime in coffee

Chemistry at Home from May 18, 2020: Bioeconomy

Chemistry at Home from May 15, 2020: How does research work?

Chemistry at Home from May 14th, 2020: Element puzzles

Chemistry at Home from May 13th, 2020: Of viruses and animals

Chemistry at Home from May 12th, 2020: Cesium, the base gold

Chemistry at Home from May 11th, 2020: Gene therapy as a therapeutic option for rare diseases

Chemistry at Home from May 8th, 2020: Amino acids

Chemistry at Home from May 7th, 2020: Rutherfordium

Chemistry at Home from May 6th, 2020: Rare Diseases

Chemistry at Home from 05/05/2020: Chemistry is when everyone has enough to eat

Chemistry at Home from May 4th, 2020: Element puzzles

Chemistry at Home from April 30th, 2020: What hair reveals about us

Chemistry at Home from April 29th, 2020: Acetic acid and vinegar

Chemistry at Home from April 28th, 2020: Intermolecular interactions

Chemistry at Home from April 27th, 2020: Hydrogen - The element number 1

Chemistry at Home from April 24th, 2020: Lactose

Chemistry at Home from April 23rd, 2020: element puzzle

Chemistry at Home from April 22nd, 2020: Natural Products - Alkaloids

Chemistry at Home from April 21, 2020: Hormones

Chemistry at Home from April 20, 2020: Mercury

Chemistry at Home from April 17th, 2020: Urea or Urea

Chemistry at Home from April 16, 2020: Chemical tricks of animals

Chemistry at Home from April 15, 2020: Alzheimer's disease part II

Chemistry at Home from April 14th, 2020: Cyclodextrins and element puzzles

Chemistry at Home from April 9th, 2020: Alzheimer's Disease Part I

Chemistry at Home from April 8th, 2020: Hydrothermal sources

Chemistry at Home from April 7th, 2020: Elephant toothpaste

Chemistry at Home from April 6th, 2020: Water in plastic and plastic in water

Chemistry at Home from April 3rd, 2020: Variations of the periodic table and element puzzles

Chemistry at Home from April 2nd, 2020: To Tattoo or not to Tattoo

Chemistry at Home from April 1st, 2020: Adrenalin

Chemistry at Home from March 31, 2020: When is a substance elastic?

Chemistry at Home from March 30th, 2020: Candle in weightlessness

Chemistry at Home from March 27th, 2020: Tattoos - chemical cocktails under the skin

Chemistry at Home from March 26th, 2020: Element puzzles

Chemistry at Home from March 25th, 2020: Development of new drugs

Chemistry at Home from March 24th, 2020: Recycling of plastics

Chemistry at Home from March 23, 2020: Ozone

Chemistry at Home from March 20th, 2020: Preservatives and element puzzles

ATTENTION SPOILERS! Here are the solutions of the element puzzles


The most recent posts can be found above. To view older posts, click the green arrow next to the heading.


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