
Carbon C

Carbon is the basic element of organic chemistry with around 100 million known compounds. In addition, the carbon makes several fascinating modifications of the element. Uwe Ruschewitz introduces the "King of the Elements".

To the article about carbon in fascination chemistry, an offer of the GDCh.

Go to the article on carbon in the Periodic Videos series. You can see why carbon is the favorite element of Francois Diederich, chemistry professor at ETH Zurich, in the article " In My Element" by Chemistry There is also a video about carbon in the ChemistryViews video competition. The competition runs until October 2019.

You can listen to carbon in two and a half minutes on the Deutschlandfunk Kultur podcast.

Carbon group

The 14th group of the periodic table is also called the carbon group after its most important lightest element. It contains the elements carbon and silicon, which occur frequently in nature, the semi-metal germanium, the metals tin and lead and the only artificially produced element 114 Flerovium, which was named after the Russian physicist Georgi Fljorow.

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published June 2019 with articles on 43 elements (7 MB, 160 pages)

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last modified: 10.05.2021 16:29 H from N/A