9th Chemical Sciences and Society Symposium (CS3) in Tokyo, Japan

CS3 group photo at the CSJ in Tokyo (Photo: Emiko Sakurada).

"Chemistry for Sustainable Food" was the theme of the ninth Chemical Sciences and Society Symposium (CS3) held at the Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ) in Tokyo from September 19 to 21. About 30 scientists from China, Germany, the UK and Japan discussed future issues from the perspective of chemistry, including "Food Engineering," "Revolutionary Food Production" and "Circular and Sustainable Chemistry for Food Sustainability. The American Chemical Society (ACS) participated with two technical papers via videocall. The results will be summarized in a white paper as recommendations for politics, science and society.

The German delegation included Monika Pischetsrieder (Erlangen-Nuremberg, Co-Chair), Ute Weisz (Bonn), Markus Fischer (Hamburg) and Holger Zorn (Giessen) from the Food Chemical Society (LChG), as well as Elisabeth Kapatsina from the GDCh office.

Eighth Chemical Sciences and Society Symposium (CS3) in London, UK

Science to Enable Sustainable Plastics

CS3 2019, German Delegation (Foto: RCS)

?Science to Enable Sustainable Plastics? was the topic of the 8th Chemical Sciences and Society Symposiums, held from November 10-13, 2019, in London. 30 scientists from China, Germany, Japan and UK and representatives from the chemical societies and research funders from these countries discussed how chemistry can help to enable sustainable plastics. Keynote and position talks triggered the discussion in four thematic sessions: new plastics, recyclability of plastics, degradation of plastics, and measuring the impact of plastics. In a summarizing session recommendations for scientists, research funders, policy makers and society were developed which will be published together with the results from the thematic sessions in a white paper later in 2020.

Andreas Greiner (Bayreuth) led the German CS3 delegation to London, additional delegates were Markus Biesalski (Darmstadt), Christian Laforsch (Bayreuth), Stefan Mecking (Konstanz), Brigitte Voit (Dresden), Markus Behnke (DFG), and Hans-Georg Weinig (GDCh).
The Chinese Chemical Society (CCS), the Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ), the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), GDCh and research funders from all participating countries, amongst them the German Research Foundation, support the CS3 series financially and as co -organizers.

At the end of the meeting delegates from all four countries discussed in a live streamed online panel discussion, facilitated by BBC environment reporter Laura Foster, important outcomes of the CS3 and answered questions coming from online followers worldwide. The webcast is online under: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4f_HR57AcM

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Seventh Chemical Sciences and Society Symposium (CS3), 2017

Foto: CCS

At the invitation of the Chinese Chemical Society (CCS), the 7th Chemical Sciences and Society Symposium (CS3) took place from September 5th to 8th, 2017 in Dalian/China. Around 40 scientists and representatives of chemical societies and funding organizations from the participating countries China, Germany, Great Britain, Japan and the USA discussed what contributions chemistry can make to this year's conference topic “Solar Energy for a Sustainable Future”. The German CS3 delegation was led by Professor Ferdi Schüth (MPI Mülheim).

The results of the symposium were summarized in a white paper and presented at a press conference on March 19, 2018 as part of the ACS National Meeting in New Orleans/USA.

ACS press conference

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Sixth Chemical Sciences and Society Symposium (CS3), 2015

The GDCh organized the 6th Chemical Sciences and Society Symposium (CS3) on ?Chemistry and Water? from September 14th to 18th, 2015. 42 experts from five countries came to Leipzig.

Water chemists and chemical engineers from China, Germany, Great Britain, Japan and the USA discussed chemical contributions to a safe global drinking water supply. The scientific committee with its chairman Torsten Schmidt (Uni Duisburg-Essen and chairman of the water chemistry society) had set the following priorities for the thematic sessions: drinking water, health and the environment, detection, wastewater treatment and processing as well as the recovery of valuable substances from water.

The results of the symposium were summarized in a white paper and presented at a press conference on March 14, 2016 as part of the 251st ACS National Meeting in San Diego / USA.

ACS press conference


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Weissbuch German (pdf.file, 936 KB)

Fifth Chemical Sciences and Society Symposium (CS3), 2013

From 16.-19. September 2013 the fifth Chemical Sciences and Society Symposium (CS3) on ?Efficient Utilization of Elements? took place in Tokyo, Japan.

In this subject area, chemistry was and will be of particular importance in the substitution of critical elements / materials, in recycling and in the development of new materials. In addition, the results of the discussions of the participating scientists were also supported by science policy with a view to future resource strategies and geopolitical issues. As in previous years, high-ranking scientists from the USA, UK, China, Japan and Germany took part in the CS3 in Tokyo this year.

The results of the symposium will be summarized in a white paper and made available to all relevant interest groups.

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Fourth Chemical Sciences and Society Symposium (CS3), 2012

From 17th to 20th September 2012 the fourth Chemical Sciences and Society Symposium (CS3) took place in San Francisco, USA. The central theme of the CS3 was: "Chemistry for Next-Generation Sustainable Electronics".

30 high-ranking scientists from the participating countries USA, UK, China, Japan and Germany discussed important topics in four content-related and one summarizing session and made recommendations to politics, science and society as to what contributions chemistry can make to the above-mentioned topic. The results of the symposium were summarized in the whitepaper "Organic Electronics for a Better Tomorrow: Innovation, Accessibility, Sustainability".

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Third Chemical Sciences and Society Symposium (CS3), 2011

The third Chemical Sciences and Society Symposium (CS3) took place in Beijing from September 13 to 15, 2011. The central theme was ?Chemistry for Better Health?. The chemical societies from China, Germany, Great Britain, Japan and the USA, with the support of the respective research funding organizations, send high-ranking chemists to the CS3 meetings every year to discuss topics that are important to society in chemistry. Professor Horst Kessler (Munich) led the German delegation of six scientists to Beijing for the GDCh. The results and the resulting recommendations of the experts are included in the white paper ?Chemistry for Better Health? - for the exchange with science and society and especially as policy advice.

You can find more about the white paper and download it on the RSC homepage http://rsc.li/health-report-2012

So far, the white papers "Sunlight as an energy source for the earth" based on the first CS3 in Kloster Seeon and "Chemistry for a sustainable global society" as the result of the second CS3 in London have been published.

Second Chemical Sciences and Society Symposium (CS3), 2010

The aim of the second Chemical Sciences and Society Symposium from 7.-10. September 2010 in London was to promote international cooperation in materials chemistry and to discuss possible contributions of materials chemistry for a sustainable global society. After the GDCh had organized the first symposium of the CS3 series in Germany in 2009, the RSC was in charge this time. The symposium was designed together with the chemical societies from China, Great Britain, Japan and the USA. The funding was provided by the research funding organizations of the five participating countries.
30 internationally renowned scientists accepted the invitation to London and discussed the most important research goals for sustainable materials chemistry for two and a half days.

As a result of the symposium, the scientists were unanimous: material chemistry will play a central role in solving many future questions, from energy conversion and storage to the preservation of rare raw materials. The scientists summarized the results of the London meeting in the white paper "Chemistry for a sustainable global society" in the following points:


  • New materials for energy conversion and storage
  • CO2 activation, storage and use
  • Substitutes for fossil fuels and chemical raw materials
  • Preservation of rare natural raw materials
  • Sustainable materials and processes
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White paper english (pdf.file, 3.1 MB)

First Chemical Sciences and Society Symposium (CS3), 2009

From July 23rd to 25th, 2009 the first CS3 Chemical Sciences and Society Symposium on the topic "Using the sunlight to address the energy issues - sunlight to power the world" took place at Seeon Abbey (Bavaria).

The German Chemical Society (GDCh) was in charge of the organization. The symposium was prepared jointly with the American Chemical Society (ACS), the Chinese Chemical Society (CCS), the Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ) and the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).

The funding was taken over by the research funding organizations of the five participating nations: German Research Foundation (DFG), US National Science Foundation (NSF), National Science Foundation of China, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), British Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

30 leading scientists identified the most important research goals related to the use of solar energy. Chemistry will definitely play an important role in converting and storing solar energy. The results of the discussions at the Seeon conference were summarized in the final plenary and adopted by consensus among all scientists present.
The message from the first Chemical Sciences and Society Symposium is given in the paper "Powering the World with Sunlight".

Download White paper German (pdf.file, 305 KB)
White paper english (pdf.file, 624 KB)


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Email: ab@gdch.de

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